Extreme Yama System

Chapter 263: business card? Do you want the post?

"Sir, I'm sorry, your name is Xue Wusuan, right? I'm Huiru's monitor, Liu Wei."

Keeping his eyes closed, the wandering Xue Wusuan suddenly heard someone call his name and opened his eyes to look over. It's another face to the people who came to chat with the idea before. A smile means a good-looking smile, but the eyes are full of hostility and even anger. I don't know where these people get so much thought. One by one is it finished?

"Hello, I don't like talking to unfamiliar people, I'm sorry." Xue Wusuan said, and was about to continue to close his eyes and wander. I thought that the monitor named Liu Wei would walk away with interest.

"Yo, brother Xue Wusuan looks a little cold? As Huiru's friend, do you despise our old classmates so much? Don't you save face for a few words?"

As soon as these words came out, no matter the tone or the words, they all smelled of gunpowder. And when Liu Wei said these words, there were many followers behind him, and they booed, saying that Zhou Huiru's boyfriend was a little cold. I haven't seen him smile with anyone since he came here, and his face is cold, as if someone owes him money. There are even worse ones.

Zhou Huiru frowned and was about to speak, but before she could say anything, Zhao Min, who was drinking a drink next to her, first helped her out.

"Yo, what Squad Leader Liu said, it seems that you have a lot of face. Does anyone have to give you face when they see you? Xue Wusuan said that they don't know you well and don't want to pay attention to you. What are you doing? Such a thick skin?"

Liu Wei dared to stand up and speak, it must be a little emboldened. My family is engaged in resource mining, and there are several mines in the northwest that produce good output. The property is very thick. And he himself graduated from a prestigious school, and he has already started to take over the family's business. He is considered to be the best among the classmates. Even this class reunion was initiated by him. First, he really misses his old classmates, and secondly, he wants those who ignored him before, such as Zhou Huiru, to see his achievements now.

Everything was going well, and he also inquired about it. Zhou Huiru is now running a small flower shop and is not married yet. Even Liu Wei thought about taking this opportunity to see if he could chase his dream lover again.

But the cruel facts made Liu Wei unable to hold back his face. A guy who doesn't look like a serious person actually took the lead and took his goddess away. That's fine, but this guy doesn't know where to go, even Chen Xueting seems to be sticking to him on purpose.

I have a thick family! I am the big boss! Lao Tzu is a top student who graduated from a prestigious school! Are you all blind? Can not you see?

The gap in Liu Wei's heart became bigger and bigger after Xue Wusuan was forced to become the focus. I couldn't help it anymore, so I stood up and said something. He doesn't believe that a guy who doesn't look like a serious person can have a terrible background.

"Zhao Min. I don't have much face, but shouldn't our class reunion be lively? This Mr. Xue Wusuan doesn't seem to be very comfortable with the atmosphere here." Without waiting for Zhao Min to reply, he continued to move towards Xue Wusuan. He asked, "Brother Xue, can we talk now?"

Xue Wusuan patted the angry face of Zhou Huiru, and gestured to him.

"What are you going to talk about?"

Liu Wei smiled and said, "Actually, just like you, I have no interest in talking to people I don't know well, but I saw so many classmates handing you business cards just now, but why didn't you just put them away? Wouldn't it be rude to even take a business card? Wouldn't it be illegal to do so? And, tsk tsk, it's too rude. Or maybe I misunderstood, you just don't understand, and you don't have a business card to return?"

This is interesting. This is to say that Xue Wusuan is either uneducated or not polite, or he is so mixed up that he doesn't even have a business card. The whole sentence is a set, as long as you get into it, you will be ashamed.

Xue Wusuan smiled and seemed very happy, but this smile made the people around him shudder, and for no reason, they became worried for Liu Wei. Even a few people who were close to Liu Wei had already gathered around.

"Business card? I really don't have one." Xue Wusuan laughed.

"Oh? Then I don't know what Xue Wusuan is doing? Even if you are running a business now, you will have a business card for food delivery, right? Don't worry, you are Huiru's friend. Take out your business card and send it to everyone. Circle, maybe everyone will help you out for the sake of your classmates?" Then he pretended to look at Xue Wusuan seriously, and smiled: "I said you don't want to be the master of the night show, right? You seem to be a little older, but your clothes seem to look alike?"

Xue Wusuan hadn't answered yet, but Chen Xueting, who had been watching the excitement, burst out laughing. Seeing that her classmates were looking at her in surprise, Chen Xueting shrugged and said, "Mr. Liu, you have misunderstood this. This suit of clothes on Mr. Xue's body is more than enough to replace the Mercedes-Benz you drive. This kind of clothes is rarely seen, and if you have money, you can't buy this kind of clothes. It's normal that you don't recognize it."

A set of clothes for a Mercedes Benz? Isn't Chen Xueting stupid?

Seeing her classmates look at her like a fool, Chen Xueting smiled and stopped explaining. These people can't imagine that a seemingly ordinary set of clothes that don't even have a brand will be worth millions in the world. It's not stupid, it's a matter of knowledge. She wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for her work that knew it.

Most people don't believe it, but some people do. For example, Zhou Huiru, she has always blindly trusted her own man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Another example is Liu Wei, who is already ashen, and some people who are better than Chen Xueting who know that she has research in this area.

This time, the cold "Mr. Xue" from the beginning to the end made it hard to understand. A guy who can run around in clothes worth millions is a food delivery guy? Will it be the young master of the night show? This is no joke!

For a moment, Liu Wei felt that his face was a little hot. It's not that he was shocked by the millions of clothes, but that he felt like a clown by what he said just now.

"Wusan, let's go." Zhou Huiru, who was already very angry, stood up suddenly, pulling Xue Wusuan to leave. She now regrets coming to this class reunion. She knew Xue Wusuan's temper, but he was a ruthless man who dared to take scissors and cut off people's palms in public. It must be on her face that she can still maintain a smile now. Afraid that she would be embarrassed, he forcibly endured it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Huiru felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry. This time, the man in his family was greatly wronged.

Wronged? Xue Wusuan couldn't stand this. In order to take care of Zhou Huiru's face, he didn't get angry, but that didn't mean he had to swallow this breath.

"Wait a minute, silly girl. I just remembered that I don't have a business card, but I have this. Post. Come on, Mr. Liu. Is this a return gift?" He took out a black card slightly larger than his business card and handed it to Liu Rui. Then he put his hands in his pockets, and Zhou Huiru walked out of the box with three steps.

And Liu Rui looked strangely at the black card in his hand. There is nothing on it except a blood-red word for Yan.

"What is this?" He was about to throw it away, but when he raised his hand, the card that was in his hand just now disappeared...

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