Extreme Yama System

Chapter 512: Cognitive breakthrough

At the moment when the avatar's heart changed strangely, Xue Wusuan found that his long-stagnant awareness of the sea of ​​consciousness had been raised again.

This is not the kind of thing that comes from cultivation or Dharma door comprehension. It is a self-knowledge of this world, of living beings, of dead souls, and of the meaning of existence.

Cultivation of Taoism and magic. It looks so far away. A voyage of exploration that follows the avenues of all things in the world. One is in the dark, touching the road under his feet, following his own heart, and wanting to step into his own origin bit by bit.

At present, it seems that the two paths of cultivation are indistinguishable from high and low.

But there is one thing that Xue Wu has admitted, that is, whether it is to cultivate the Tao or cultivate the devil, the ultimate goal is to figure out, "Who am I? Where am I? Where should I go?"

It seems ridiculous, but it is the ultimate problem that any cultivator will have after reaching a certain stage. This question is also the most difficult to answer.

Therefore, when cultivators reach the realm of great power, they begin to want to "join the Tao" or "kill the Tao of Heaven" or even "kill the Tao". This is not simply their pursuit of the improvement of their cultivation, but the deeper reason is the heaven and the earth. , the Way of Heaven, and the Great Way hinder their pursuit of these three final questions.

Xue Wusuan didn't reach the realm of cultivation that is a powerful person. However, the road he walked was "no way", and he built his own path of width and distance according to his original heart.

Because of the emergence of the system, when Xue Wusuan was still a poor soul, he was exposed to the magic that ordinary people could never imagine. Got the opportunity, but also brought deep questions. It was also because of the immoral practice system that he had the idea of ​​self-exploration very early.

Why did the system find him? What is so strange about him?

These two questions were naturally hidden in Xue Wusuan's heart. Finally, after a long period of contact and a series of events, Xue Wusuan inevitably began to study the question of "Who am I?".

This question appeared in Xue Wusuan's mind, and the significance was extraordinary. Because only monks who have reached the realm of power will seriously regard this question as their own "confusion" and go through all obstacles to find the answer. And what about Xue Wushen? When he had this idea, he was just a "half-handed Yama" who had not reached the level of connection with Dan.

And this question, when the great masters seemed to be still struggling, Xue Wusuan seemed to see a possibility that was always under the eyes of the monks, but was ignored by all the monks at that moment.

"Who am I? I am this world!"

yes! This is an answer that Xue Wusuan saw at that moment, or a small part of the complete answer!

The side effects of the original g virus, coupled with the small piece of heart fragment that was used as an inducing factor, turned out to be the ultimate mystery of a "life-and-death transition".

Acquiring a bit of the "indestructible" ability of the physical body in the true sense is a kind of "extreme life" that is not far from reaching the limit. It is also the fur of the supreme realm of "the heaven and the earth will be destroyed, and when I am still there" pursued by the monks.


This "extreme life" also brings "extreme death"!

The ultimate death, to put it bluntly, is actually "silence" or disintegration.

And at the moment when Xue Wusuan's stand-in produced that "extreme life" and possessed the "indestructible" nature, the soul he gave to the stand-in was also instantly annihilated!

The reason why Xue Wusuan can continue to control this avatar is because the body, soul and even the cultivation of this avatar are all provided by him and strictly controlled by him. He even poured a touch of will into the body of the avatar for observation. But now, the soul is gone, and the will that he poured into is also pulled into the brain of the flesh by an irresistible force in an instant.

This realizes that after destroying one's own soul, one can continue to exist and become "indestructible".

Is this a coincidence?

Xue Wusuan thought it was, but not entirely.

I have "watched" the whole process before and after "killing myself" and then gaining the ability "indestructible". Xue Wusuan's understanding is very different now.

For the first scientist in the Resident Evil world who frantically injected the original G virus into his body, this mutation was a coincidence. But for Xue Wusuan, who has seen through the essence, it is not all.

Going back to one of the three ultimate questions just now: Who am I?

And Xue Wusuan's current part of the answer is: I am heaven and earth.

Why did Xue Wusuan get such a ridiculous answer? It's because of what happened at the moment he felt it from his own body.

The tyranny and powerful erosive effect of the g-virus, coupled with the heart fragment that itself has the function of an inducing factor, and the powerful regeneration effect of the g-virus. It was a coincidence that he touched an energy that has always existed everywhere in the world. Or rather: the rules.

"Except my existence, everything below is not worthy of immortality." This is the rule, the rule of heaven or the "Tao". Even if you can live for countless years and have magical powers, the word immortality cannot be used casually. Whoever dares to be immortal except the "Tao", then wait for the "five declines of heaven and man".

And the crazy action of the mad scientist before is obviously touching the corner of this "immortality". Although "immortal" does not mean "immortal". But immortal existence must be indestructible. At least that's what Xue Wusuan looks like right now.

But this kind of powerful regeneration ability brought by the original g virus, coupled with some reason that Xue Wusuan could no longer guess at that time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ made this mad scientist reach the world, really. A natural formation with some characteristics of "immortality" finally created a powerful super zombie. It also made a magical heart.

Xue Wusuan didn't know how to reproduce the original scene at that time, but he used the resources in his hand very cleverly, using the already formed heart with some "indestructible" properties as an incentive, reluctantly. to a certain degree of simulation. But this did not prevent him from spy on the final result and the most important changes.

This most important change is "the ultimate life". This is a kind of mystery brought about by that formation, and it is also a kind of mystery that is naturally formed between heaven and earth and has always existed. Fortunately, he has reached the fairyland of people, and experienced it once more "personally".

"I am me, I am life, and I am also dead, in a cycle. Even now I can neither live nor die, but depend on each other. If you want to exist alone, "life" or "death", this is the field of "Tao" , or the most fundamental field, is not recognized. Therefore, under the "Tao", the "extreme life" will be forcibly pressed on the "extreme death", which will never let you touch the traces of "immortality" .

And isn't this the fundamental rule of the original cycle and footsteps of life's existence?

In other words, the birth and demise of living beings are arranged by heaven, and they are also conceived by heaven and earth. In this case, am I not a part of heaven and earth? Isn't that place and I the same in essence?

If that's the case, then I am heaven and earth, what's wrong with that? "

ps: Yes, I started to explode again! Go to the seventh watch first, and write as many as you want when you wake up! So, ask if he is handsome or not? ...

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