Extreme Yama System

Chapter 513: land of fairyland

Xue Wusuan did not dare to assert how accurate his answer to this question was, but he firmly believed that the enlightenment he obtained at that moment might be incomplete or a little one-sided, but it was definitely not wrong!

Next, what he needs is to combine the enlightenment he has gained with his own cultivation system. And once again point to the front of the road with a lighthouse that can illuminate the road ahead.

No way. If you don't fully understand it yourself, you won't understand the danger at all. There is a catastrophe in the cultivation of the Tao, is it really a smooth road to cultivate the devil?

For others, or to be more precise, for those who are on the road of cultivating demons, those who walk behind Xue Wusuan or the dead, this road is indeed a smooth one. But the reason for this was because Xue Wusuan, who was at the forefront, lit a beacon of guidance for them.

And Xue Wusuan didn't have this convenience. He can only rely on himself. Once he goes astray, it is very likely that he will become a closed existence lost in himself. Become a monster that only knows how to kill, only knows how to destroy, and only wants to be alone in the world.

Therefore, the correct cognitive orientation is extremely important for Xue Wusuan. This is also the reason why he has not dared to practice with all his strength since he stepped into the human fairyland.

Because of worry! Worry about going the wrong way, worrying that the improvement of the cultivation base will bring about mental confusion. Even when he was attacking the plane, there were obviously unexpected huge variables, and he also hoped that he could improve his cultivation by obtaining an immortal method. Because this can be used for reference, what is more important to him is the experience. practice experience.

Now he doesn't need to worry so much. A sudden opportunity gave him a glimpse of the answer that should only be seen by the powerful. Even if it is only a quick glance, it is a huge and precious asset to him now.

This is like not being able to see the road ahead, even if you are driving a formula car, you will not dare to step on the accelerator a little more.

Now it's different. A lighthouse is lit up ahead, illuminating a large section of the road ahead. Where there are pits and where are the cliffs can be seen at a glance.

What are you waiting for? Hit the throttle.

Xue Wusuan calculated in his heart. I don't know how long has passed. With a sudden thought, hundreds of stand-ins appeared in the Yama Hall, standing in a daze, neat and tidy.

Holding the magical heart that has been restored to its integrity in one hand, a primitive G virus appears in the other, and then continues to repeat the previous transformation. He wants to create his own army of avatars with an "indestructible" nature.

Of course, since Xue Wusuan's definition is a legion, there will be more than one hundred. His mental goal is 36,500. This is the number of days of the week, which is very appropriate.

However, this goal cannot be achieved overnight. Because of the original G virus, he didn't have so many in his hands. This thing can only wait slowly, not in a hurry.

In addition, the heart can't really be divided into more than 30,000 parts directly, which will destroy this "indestructible" incentive. Even now Xue Wusuan understands that this "immortality" is actually just a fur.

The breath of life, there is no such thing in the monstrous underworld. Go to the sun room to collect? Xue Wusuan is not so shameless yet. Of course, this is not necessary. Because he has a better way in hand.

Tinder cube. This divine object that carries a life form is inseparable from the way of heaven, and the energy of life and death it possesses is as endless. It's perfect for feeding that heart. In this way, the heart can keep repairing itself, and it will not consume the life breath that it reserves because it is regarded as a seed by Xue Wusuan.

One hundred substitutes used up all the original G virus in Xue Wusuan's hands. The rest he needs to wait for production in the Resident Evil world.

But just the stand-ins in front of him made Xue Wusuan feel terrified after he tried it himself.

As long as they are not wiped into ashes with a single blow, and as long as a little heart is left, these stand-ins can be restored. And the speed of recovery is incredible, it only takes the blink of an eye. Moreover, the physical strength of these substitutes has been strengthened.

Even though the suction and pulling power of each of these substitutes is not big, it makes a big difference when added together. Xue Wusuan will copy tens of thousands in the future? How scary is this sucking?

And with the improvement of Xue Wusuan's cultivation, the cultivation of these stand-ins will also rise with the tide. Xue Wusuan thought it was interesting when he thought about it.

After doing this, Xue Wusuan's mind moved, and these transformed stand-ins entered the system's storage space, instead of being directly scattered by him as before.

A substitute is a power outside the body, but it can be used as a help but not as a foundation.

The strength of one's own cultivation is the most solid foundation.

With a thought, Xue Wusuan began to practice with all his strength for the first time after breaking through the fairyland. And the power of faith that he has stored up and has not been absorbed from time to time is slowly integrated into his body.

The gap between the human and the immortals to the next realm, the earthly immortals, is extremely wide. It is not so easy to jump over even a pathless system. The only reliable way is to slowly fill this bottomless gap. That's how it goes.

Outside the Hall of Hell, the Yin Soldier Sequence had already played three times with the vampires. The 100th ghost couple of Guiya had registered their legal husband and wife relationship in Guiya. Bao Zheng came with a document to apply for another expansion of the Ghost Country's capacity. I visited Yama Temple ten times. The entire underworld suddenly appeared the violent vision that the dead souls had expected.

The news of Yan Jun's retreat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has long been spread all over the abyss. And once Yan Jun can't retreat, and he doesn't even see any subordinates and doesn't let any dead souls disturb, it means he is hitting the realm. This situation is no stranger to the earlier souls.

Netherworld sinks down again, so low that it seems that you can reach out and touch it. The dignified sense of oppression made all the dead souls in the unscrupulous underworld tremble on their knees. They are not afraid, but instinct.

Then, the huge six-way roulette started to stop and turned, as did the reincarnation channel.

There seems to be an invisible giant breathing, and every inhalation seems to drain all kinds of energy in the entire underworld. Heaven and earth vitality, yin qi, **** suffocating energy, and six-color energy, all in one sweep.

After draining all the energy here, it will immediately be replenished by the underworld itself.

Repeatedly, even this season's Yin Shi died directly because of this terrifying vision.

I don't know how long it lasted. Above the six-path roulette, the great Wudao Yama finally showed his body. Stand with hands behind. A scroll of pictures was manifested on top of his head. Crazy absorption begins again, even more violently. So that some souls with low cultivation bases have begun to be unable to support them.

Suddenly, the absorption stopped abruptly. Then, the various energies in the space are refilled. It seemed that everything was just a dream.

"Fortunately, I made a breakthrough in the Wudao Underworld. Otherwise, light has such a huge energy demand, and I'm afraid that even if I hit the Xitian in the plane, it will not be able to provide me with so much energy in a short period of time." Xue Wusuan felt the energy in his body. The tumult finally subsided, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, the human fairyland has been broken, and the ground under your feet is the fairyland of the earth! ...

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