Extreme Yama System

Chapter 811: what happened

Senior Brother, how on earth did you clean up those two monsters? I was blinded at the time and didn't notice the details, can you give me some insight? Also, did you destroy the Pingdingshan? how did you do it? This, this is really incredible!

Tang Xuanzang didn't count on it anymore. Now that he was out of trouble, his mind would no longer fall on other places. It could only be Duan Xiaoxiao's shadow and the words Duan Xiaoxiao said to him in the Pingdingshan cell before. As for the Monkey King who rescued him, the great monk didn't have much thought.

Well, Sha Wujing, this river demon has a dull mind, but what he is thinking about now is Sun Wukong's life-saving grace, and this is not the first time. He didn't say or express his gratitude, just keep it in his heart. So I just sat on the right hand of Sun Wukong, lowered his head, and nibbled a huge peach he got from Sun Wukong. very sweet.

The rest of the pig is just a guy with a slick mouth and an indecisive mind. And very smart, and very clear about his place in this group.

To the left of Zhu Gangjiao is Tang Xuanzang. This is the character Zhu Gangjiao can't offend or even please, because he doesn't know where he will go in the end. What if he reaches the West Heaven? Tang Xuanzang could kill him with a single act of disobedience. And on his right is Sun Wukong, a ferocious and powerful monster, and is his greatest life guarantee on this road westward. For example, just like this time, Tang Xuanzang is unreliable, and it depends on the ability of this senior brother.

In this way, Zhu Gangxian on both sides did not want to offend, and could only try their best to maintain the very fragile common relationship in the team.

Zhu Gangjiao often thinks that he does have some strength, but so what? Now the difficulties on this new road should not be too many and dangerous. He and Sha Wujing in this team are actually not much better than Tang Xuanzang, and they are all fuel bottles anyway.

Now Zhu Ganghye understands a little bit and wants to understand. Golden Horn and Silver Horn, these two big demons are first-class demons. Although his piggong mane's existence is not long or short, he has never heard of anyone in this lower realm other than Sun Wukong who has crossed the extreme realm for so many years. This is not done by hiding or hiding.

Naturally and smoothly, I thought of it, and I thought that these golden horns and silver horns came from the upper realm? Why come down? This is not like going to the toilet and wanting to come down. Without special circumstances, the immortals and Buddhas in the upper realm will not interfere with the affairs of the lower realm.

The Tathagata chose Tang Xuanzang in front of him, which is regarded as a dignified and powerful person who directly intervened in the lower realm. Now there are two more demons from the upper realm and the lower realm to kill Tang Xuanzang. And not only that, Zhu Ganghya even thought of the powerful monsters that appeared on the way that he had not heard of for hundreds of years before, would they be like the golden horns and silver horns? It came down from the upper realm or was assigned by someone?

Who would have the guts to go against the Tathagata?

The answer was obvious, but it made Zhu Gangxian tremble with fear. He didn't dare to say it, God knows if that scum will notice him because of a feeling in his heart?

So Zhu Ganghya can only continue to be a lustful fat pig now, and work harder to maintain this small team. After all, the two top bosses are fighting, and his position has been set early. What can he do if he doesn't go all the way to the black? At this time, daring to turn against the water will definitely end in a miserable manner.

Pig Gangheng incomparably hopes that Sun Wukong can hold back, and don't leave Tang Xuanzang alone. Otherwise, he will definitely not be able to please. Must follow the dilemma of life and death.

These are what Zhu Ganghye wanted to understand in the cell.

How did you get it sorted? Are you curious to know? Forget it, I'm not in the mood to say it, let's take a good rest, eat something, and then let's continue on the road. Xitian is not far from here.

Senior brother, just a few words, we slept in the dungeon, we are in good spirits, just let the master rest for a while, let's stay away from him and not disturb his rest. Ok? Tsk tsk, this is a rare battle! Just say a few words, senior brother, you see, junior brother Sha can't wait for Yaao to hear about your glorious deeds. Right, Brother Sha?

Sha Wujing nodded, but he was just having fun. The senior brother was really amazing this time, and he was also a little curious.

Sun Wukong was about to refuse, but unexpectedly Tang Xuanzang suddenly stood up beside him. His face was pale and sickly, but his eyes were surprisingly sharp. He looked at Sun Wukong and said: Come with me, I have something to ask you. After saying that, he walked to the side.

Hey, Master, can we follow along? Pig just shouted, but in exchange for Tang Xuanzang's cold eyes. This frightened him. How could this kind of eyes appear on Master's body? It actually made him feel a hint of tyranny.

What the **** is going on here? Master won't be stupid after being sewn into his mouth, right?

Suddenly Zhu Ganghya remembered the woman who tried to rescue Master in the cell and made Master mistakenly think it was Duan Xiaoxiao. Could it have something to do with this?

Sun Wukong is also at a loss, Tang Xuanzang and he have been somewhat like water and fire on the way. Not saying a word to each other for months is not uncommon. When something happened, Tang Xuanzang used the curse to clean up Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong always used the hands of the monsters who wanted to kill Tang Xuanzang to clean him up. There is no relationship between the two masters and apprentices at all, but there is a lot of hatred. So suddenly looking for him seems to want to chat alone? What are you talking about?

After walking quite a distance, Tang Xuanzang stopped and looked at Sun Wukong but said nothing.

You called me over and didn't speak? hey-hey. Sun Wukong muttered and turned to leave. The monk was afraid that he was frightened and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Didn't you kill Miss Duan in the first place?

A cold sentence suddenly came out of Tang Xuanzang's mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and landed in Sun Wukong's ears like a thunderbolt. Tang Xuanzang's tone was firm, not as hesitant as before. This made Sun Wukong very surprised, and at the same time vaguely understood something, inexplicably a little cold.

Dead, you saw it with your own eyes. Sun Wukong paused and replied in a stern voice.

you're lying! Miss Duan is not dead! I saw her in the dungeon in Pingdingshan! Say, what did you do to her back then?

Sun Wukong was blinded. For the first time in six years, he saw that Tang Xuanzang would have such a manic moment. His face was full of hideousness and anger. It is a hysterical ordinary person, not Master Xuanzang.

Did you see Miss Duan? Sun Wukong asked back. Tang Xuanzang's appearance made him a little uncertain.

yes! It's Miss Duan! Right in the dungeon of Pingdingshan! She is alive and well, not dead, and she helped me remove the iron piece on my mouth! Tell me now what happened back then!

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