Extreme Yama System

Chapter 812: Laojun and Tathagata

then? Sun Wukong naturally remembers. Duan Xiaoxiao's body was indeed destroyed by him, but his soul remained. This is what the mysterious man surnamed Xue asked him to do. Otherwise, how could he kill people with his habit and leave his soul behind? ?

However, Sun Wukong didn't quite understand the reason at the time, but now, seeing Tang Xuanzang's expression, he understands a little. However, Sun Wukong is also curious, how the mysterious man surnamed Xue used Duan Xiaoxiao's soul to make Tang Xuanzang, who has always been hypocritical and undisclosed, become like this.

"Back then? I can't remember exactly. Are you sure you saw Miss Duan in the dungeon?" Sun Wukong asked, pushing Tang Xuanzang, who was grabbing his collar, away and fell to the ground.

"I'm sure that's Miss Duan, and she even talked to me, she admitted it! I will never read it wrong!" Tang Xuanzang became more and more excited, got up and tried to pull Sun Wukong's clothes, and was kicked open.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sun Wukong turned around and left. It's not that he is too careful, but this Tang Xuanzang is not an ordinary person, and there is a Tathagata covering his head. If the Tathagata gets some information through this Tang Xuanzang, wouldn't it be bad? Besides, he didn't know what the mysterious man surnamed Xue did to Tang Xuanzang and Duan Xiaoxiao, and what he was thinking about. Although he guessed a little, he didn't dare to disturb.

But Tang Xuanzang was not a fool either. Sun Wukong's dodging made his heart arouse and he asked, "You must know! Tell me!"

"Isn't it annoying? It's not clear if you can't explain it clearly. You have seen how the woman died. The ghost knows who you met in the dungeon."

Tang Xuanzang said again: "She is Miss Duan, and she told me a lot of things. I don't understand it very well. She said that if she doesn't understand, she will come and ask you!"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Wukong stopped again. His eyes flashed, and he asked, "What did she tell you?"

Only then did Tang Xuanzang utter the words Duan Xiaoxiao told him in the dungeon, and Sun Wukong's brows jumped when he heard it.

What is this doing? Duan Xiaoxiao's soul must be in the hands of the mysterious person surnamed Xue, and I don't know what means he used to prevent him from entering the underworld and becoming a monster, and still maintain his original memory and personality. And it's still a chess piece in the hand of the surnamed Xue, and its usefulness is estimated to be inseparable from this Tang Xuanzang.

But where are these words being said to Tang Xuanzang? This is clearly said to him, Sun Wukong, and this is to tell Tang Xuanzang through the mouth of his Sun Wukong, and all the possible unstable factors are pushed out between the twists and turns. On to him, Sun Wukong!

Dangerous! It's so insidious!

But Sun Wukong knew that the risk was on his head, but he had to take it. Tang Xuanzang's doubts must be solved, and all the information that the mysterious man surnamed Xue wanted to pass to Tang Xuanzang through his mouth was sent to him. This is the sadness of being a chess piece, there is no room for you to choose at all.

But how should you speak?

Just when Sun Wukong looked at Tang Xuanzang with a grim expression, his thoughts turned sharply, thinking about how to organize his words, just above their heads, in a space isolated from this direction, two figures were sitting opposite each other, cushioning A straw mat on one side, a small table in the middle, two cups and a pot of tea, seems to be discussing Taoism.

The surrounding area of ​​the two of them was full of misty clouds, and strands of heaven and earth vitality that were so thick and visible to the naked eye kept flowing around the two of them.

Here are these two people, their bodies are heavy and imposing like heaven and earth, they seem to be out of sight in their eyes, and they seem to be in a trance that seems to be unprovoked and magical.

The one on the left has white hair in a crown, a gorgeous robe like white jade, long beard hanging down, kneeling on a straw mat, his eyes are actually full of wonders of heaven and earth, and what he is holding is extraordinary.

The one on the right has a bright yellow cassock, a bun full of flesh on his head, a generous face, two big ears drooping down, a red lotus print on the center of his eyebrows, his eyes are like an ancient well without waves, deep and like endless darkness. But there is an extreme sense of peace that keeps exuding.

"Lao Jun, you're not very good at this move."

"Tathagata, why did you start discussing the pros and cons before you finished playing this game?"

"The two boys under your sect went down to the lower realm, presumably they didn't go down empty-handed, right?"

"What about this? It's just a few magic tools. You have set up a demon king in a real fairyland below. Tsk tsk, when it comes to the pros and cons of this aspect, your Tathagata has indeed taken advantage of it."

These two are the powerful ones in this aspect: the Buddha Tathagata and the Taoist Taishang Laojun.

The two are in the same aspect, but their relationship is not very good. Cultivator, no matter what state you reach, you can't escape one word: fight.

In the past, they were fighting for resources, and they were fighting with monks, but now they are also fighting for resources, and they are also fighting with Heavenly Dao.

Taoism, which seems to be a formal thing, has an unusually important role, especially for the monks who founded the Taoism.

The Dao Lineage carries Qi Luck, which is controlled by the spread of the Dao Lineage and the strength of its foundation. Of course, the stronger the Dao Lineage's top power, the better the Qi Luck will be.

Not only that, the Qi Luck brought by the Dao Lineage can also be used to erode the Heavenly Dao, because the mystery of Qi Luck seems to be the most insane power that the Heavenly Dao does not reject, and it is easier to use it to achieve its goals. This is also the conclusion that Tathagata and Taishang Laojun came to after careful study after they joined Tao.

So the struggle for Taoism has become the most prominent contradiction between the two Daoist powers, and this is an unresolved contradiction.

In order not to cause reckless confrontation, Tathagata and Taishang Laojun once made an agreement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that the means of spreading Taoism must be gentle and without external interference, that is to say, let the underworld creatures choose. It has been fine for many years.

However, Taoism has few generals and precepts, and its spread among ordinary beings is much higher than that of Buddhism. This caused the Taoism of the Taishang Laojun to become stronger and stronger, while the Taoism of the Tathagata began to deteriorate day by day.

Therefore, if the Tathagata is left alone like this, he will be completely swallowed up by Taoism and all the basic Dao lineages of the lower world will be completely swallowed up. At that time, he will not be able to sing, and he will even fall behind in the matter of combining Dao. There are more and more Taishang Laojun. In the end, once the Heavenly Dao is divided up, the Taishang Laojun’s share will be more than his Tathagata’s share. Then his Tathagata’s fate is estimated to be worrying. around?

Therefore, the Tathagata tore up the agreement between him and the Taishang Laojun without authorization, and personally intervened in the affairs of the lower realm. Not only did he attract the three demons, but he also brought out a Tang Xuanzang, and went all the way westward to publicize, slaying demons and doing good deeds. Make it hot.

Not to mention, the effect of propaganda and no propaganda is different. The basic number of Taoism has really increased a lot. Even some monsters are arranged by the Tathagata at all. There is also a gimmick called: Nine Nine Eighty One Difficulties. The meaning is to describe how difficult Tang Xuanzang's journey is, but also to support the rarity of this Buddhist teaching and Tang Xuanzang's determination to save all sentient beings.

Of course, there are more than these eighty-one difficulties, because when Tang Xuanzang was only halfway down the road, Taishang Laojun discovered this shameless little act of the Tathagata.

That's why Taishang Laojun intervened, and he personally came to Tianwaitian to guard the true body of the Tathagata.

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