Extreme Yama System

Chapter 816: wait a minute

Tang Xuanzang's mind is now like a tomato that has been smashed into a pulp, and even his soul is in a blurred state, but it is strange that he can control his soul fluctuations and not have too many ups and downs, this is completely Talent is not a means of mana. He is still an ordinary monk, and maybe there is a little bit of difference. capstone novel

In Zhu Ganghye's eyes, his master just stood stunned like a log for about a cup of tea, and then recovered as before, but his face was always pale, he thought it was due to illness, and hurriedly ran away with Tang Xuanzang on his back Arrived at the hospital not far from the inn. Worrying that this monk would die from such a disease, then he was really wronged.

Not to mention, Tang Xuanzang's body was frightened by Zhu Ganghye. According to the doctor's words, this monk has almost reached the critical point of collapse. Not to mention the dark wounds all over the body, there are still many dark diseases, and some diseases that have not been cured. With all these added together, an ordinary monk actually stood firm and did not fall down. Really a miracle.

"Master, your body is too bad, why don't we just spend a little more time in this town to recuperate?"

I thought I would be rejected, because Tang Xuanzang always walked in a hurry along the way. No matter what the situation, as long as he could go, he would never stop at the same place. But this time, he got Tang Xuanzang's nod and permission. This made Zhu Ganghya's heart greatly relieved, and at the same time he sighed that he could finally rest for a while. The master who didn't know that he was definitely more than just looking pale now.

The game is the chess game; the person is the chess player who plays chess; and he "in the game" is naturally the chess piece on the chessboard. There are people outside people, which means that there are actually other existences besides the chess player who can control the chess game, and this person outside the chess player comes from "there is heaven outside the sky", that is, a place more mysterious than the upper bound.

This news was realized by Tang Xuanzang, and he pondered it repeatedly in his mind. Finally, when Sun Wukong found the inn, Tang Xuanzang deeply hid these thoughts in his heart.

It's already evening, Zhu Gangye now has money in his hand, and it is a large table of vegetarian feasts. He ate happily. It seems that these demons have really forgotten the taste of blood food?

Tang Xuanzang ate slowly and elegantly. He didn't know where the beggar was born. On the other hand, the three brothers Sun Wukong ate the wind and the clouds, but their minds were different.

Sha Wujing was not good at words, but he felt that the atmosphere at the dinner table today was not quite right.

Zhu Gangjiao was naturally more sensitive, even knowing that Tang Xuanzang had had a long talk with Sun Wukong since he was rescued in Pingdingshan, and his whole person was not quite right. Now that he was eating, Tang Xuanzang's eyes also stayed on Sun Wukong from time to time, and his eyes were full of obvious suspicion.

"Come to my room, I want to ask you something." Tang Xuanzang said to the Monkey King just after dinner.

"I'm tired, don't go. I'll talk about it tomorrow." Sun Wukong said perfunctorily, but he didn't look at Tang Xuanzang, but looked behind Tang Xuanzang, where there was a familiar face, and the fiery eyes were not given for nothing. Sun Wukong can't see him, but he can see clearly.

Tang Xuanzang didn't say anything, he nodded, got up and went back to the room. He could guess why Sun Wukong always kept a distance from his own questions, he didn't say it easily, and even now he was still deliberately avoiding him. It seems that the rest seems to be up to him to figure out.

After closing the door, Tang Xuanzang couldn't help but murmured: If only Miss Duan was here.

These words were in a low voice, but Tang Xuanzang was suddenly moved, and he suddenly turned his head to look behind him, but there was nothing.

Tang Xuanzang also has yin and yang eyes. In the past, when he ran the exorcist, he relied heavily on this yin and yang eyes. But now he is paralyzed by his ability. After all, yin and yang eyes are not fiery eyes, and there is still no possibility of discovering things hidden with a special figure. He didn't know that Miss Duan, whom he was thinking about, was actually by his side now.

Duan Xiaoxiao was allowed by Xue Wusuan to go to see Tang Xuanzang alone, and she immediately chased after him. She even arrived on the night when Sun Wukong and Tang Xuanzang were talking, hovering above Tang Xuanzang and Sun Wukong, watching and listening.

Xue Wusuan said that she can go to see the present, but she still has limitations in showing her "entity". She only has one mana bead. After crushing it, it can stimulate Xue Wusuan's mana power, so that she can maintain her own power. Five hours of "entity". This needs to wait for the right moment, so as not to waste it.

In fact, Duan Xiaoxiao doesn't quite understand why Yan Jun let her follow Tang Xuanzang at this time. Don't you worry that she will be discovered by two powerful people who will definitely pay attention to Tang Xuanzang and Sun Wukong now? However, these are not what Duan Xiaoxiao needs to worry about now.

And Sun Wukong kept his mouth shut, and a large part of the reason was that he discovered Duan Xiaoxiao's arrival. He didn't want to ask why he was here, but he knew how to minimize his risk by following Duan Xiaoxiao's appearance.

Sunset and moonrise.

Tang Xuanzang fell asleep slowly in his thoughts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the dream, Duan Xiaoxiao's appearance appeared again, standing in front of him, telling him about the "chess game" piece by piece.

This is the fierceness of Tang Xuanzang, and it can be said that it is not a simple dream. Because of his thoughts and doubts, his soul chose self-imagination between confusion, so he had this dream and the strange "giant chessboard" in the dream, the wooden sculpture of him as a chess piece, and Duan Xiaoxiao.

Speaking of dreams, it's actually quite miraculous. This state is very empty, it does not belong to the body or the soul, it is a magical state that is rational between the body and the soul, and it is also the only state that a cultivator can't simulate by himself, and neither does the almighty. Even many dreamers may not remember what they experienced in the dream after waking up.

It cannot be simulated, but it is still possible to intervene in dreams. For example, he is a soul body, and Duan Xiaoxiao, who has also learned a lot of soul body techniques, is like this. Then Tang Xuanzang's own dream was shaped by adding a little means to put the message she needed to convey into Tang Xuanzang's dream. This is what the saying goes: dreaming.

Dreaming requires opportunities, and it is also a very hidden means. At this time, most of the words that Tang Xuanzang "heard" in the dream were actually what Duan Xiaoxiao needed to pass on to him, and it needed to be passed on covertly.

"Xuanzang, you must remember that the words I told you must not be declared in your mouth, otherwise you may not escape disaster." This is a small warning, but Tang Xuanzang's brows are deep in his dream. wrinkle.

"Miss Duan, when can we meet again?"

"The time has not come. And do you really think we have a future now? Hey, just wait..."

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