Extreme Yama System

Chapter 817: I don't like Longshan Company

"you are back?"

The woman who just woke up saw a familiar face when she opened her eyes, rubbed her eyes, and was instantly in a good mood. It didn't take long for the man to come back. Although they can't see each other every day like other couples, Zhou Huiru is still very satisfied, her man is not an ordinary person.

"Well, the matter at hand has come to an end, come back to rest for two days." These words are insincere, the affairs in the unreasonable underworld are still on hold, and the plan of the Westward Journey to conquer the demons and subdue the demons has not really carried out the plan to the second half. Even the agreement on the main **** plane has not yet been delivered. Xue Wusuan was very busy, but he didn't want to let this woman know.

Home, outside and inside. Xue Wusuan didn't want his busyness to involve his woman's worries. Even if he became Wudao Yama, he was always a very traditional, stubborn and persistent man in front of Zhou Huiru.

"Come out for a walk with me."


Just like there has never been a brief separation, an ordinary morning, in an ordinary apartment, a group of seemingly ordinary couples, eating ordinary mornings, talking about ordinary topics , and then, like everyone next door, they held hands and started a weekend of leisure with a smile.

Going to the orphanage first, this is the first thing that the couple always think of when they are together, and then go shopping and eat.

People are forgetful. No matter how famous you are in a place, as long as you are not a niche student, you can always be familiar with people over time. For example, in this small county, there is such a high-level executive of a world-class super company, and it is still a beautiful woman. Therefore, when the couple walks on the street, there are not as many people as they used to follow.

"Nothing, let me tell you, the sweet and sour fish here is very delicious. I've come to eat it four or five times." Zhou Huiru likes it very much, and has a good mouth. Before she met Xue Wusuan, there was a threat of "getting fat" that prompted her to be cautious, but now she has no estimate. As soon as she heard that there was delicious food there, she immediately came over to try it, and her appetite actually increased.

"Well, if it's delicious, eat more."

"You learn, I'll eat what you make when you learn it." Zhou Huiru sat across from Xue Wusuan with a smile on her chin, her big eyes full of longing. The food outside is delicious, but how can a man of his own make it so delicious for himself?

"Well, I'll make it once I eat it, and I'll make it for you tomorrow." Xue Wusuan replied, while he found a pot of wine and poured it for himself, eating fish and drinking. Not to mention, the fish is really good and fresh.

After three bites, Xue Wusuan basically knew where the secret to the deliciousness of this sweet and sour fish was. This is what his special physique and powerful life-soul thinking ability possess. He is not a God of Cooking, but he can do the same as God of Cooking.

"Tomorrow? That's good. I'll just compare what you cook with the one from this restaurant."

The couple ate and chatted. As before, Zhou Huiru was talking about Xue Wusuan on one side of the chat, most of the time it was trivial matters, happy and unhappy at work, daily knowledge and even jokes and jokes on the Internet, Zhou Huiru always found it funny and funny. What was interesting and willing to say, she took it out and told Xue Wusuan to listen.

"You mean that Longshan Company's business has begun to expand into the computer field? So fast?" Xue Wusuan was a little surprised. My departure this time is only about half a month in terms of the time concept of the original world, and this development is also somewhat unexpectedly fast.

"It's not fast. When I was working on mobile artificial intelligence, computer research had already started, and the progress was faster than that of mobile phones. After all, basic research is already available. It's just that the fire came to avoid robbing artificial intelligence mobile phones. The topic has been postponed.

Well, I guess Guo Tianjian should come to you tomorrow. I heard that many countries seem to be sniping at our computer industry this time, which is a little troublesome. Guo Tianjian wants to find a solution from you. "

"Sniping? Excessive." Xue Wusuan didn't take it seriously at all. This is the general trend, the mantis arm is just a car, it doesn't matter.

Zhou Huiru likes the arrogance of her own man, and everything seems to him to be light and light, and it seems that it is not worth basking in. And Zhou Huiru doesn't think her man is talking big again, the facts have proven countless times that her man is omnipotent.

"How is your brother now?" Xue Wusuan asked.

"What else? Of course it's getting better and better. You don't know that he's already the top player in the league less than half a year ago. His contract will expire next year, and which one will he be? Top new contract."

"He hasn't come to see me again?"

"there is none left."

Xue Wusuan smiled, this brother-in-law who had been abandoned by him seemed to have finally made the wisest decision. There really isn't a good trade-off between **** and the past. Just a little curious, if Zhou Tao continues to practice like this, will he finally embark on the path of a monk?

In fact, it didn't wait until the next day, that night, when Xue Wusuan accompanied Zhou Huiru to watch TV on the sofa, the door was knocked on, and it was Guo Chengkai who didn't know where to get the news.

"Mr. Xue, I disturbed you to rest." Guo Chengkai bowed slightly and apologized directly at the first sentence of the meeting. He also had no choice, knowing that Xue Wusuan came back because a colleague in the company saw Xue Wusuan and Zhou Huiru having dinner in a restaurant and hurried over. It was really urgent, so he could only take the liberty.

Zhou Huiru poured tea for Guo Chengkai with a smile, and then went straight into the back room, leaving space for them to talk about things.

"Mr. Xue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ things are not very good. We are now the target of public criticism, all foreign institutions are boycotting our products, and even many foreign people are like this, not only public opinion spreads conspiracy theories everywhere to destroy our company image, and successively introduced a number of measures to obstruct our branches and products abroad.

This time, because our new product is about to be launched, the pressure has reached its peak. There is even more pressure on the domestic upper-level institutions, and it is even said that many aspects have received threats, threatening us to share all biotechnology technologies such as artificial intelligence and tr virus with the world, otherwise we will be sanctioned by all countries. look at this"

This time is true, Guo Tianjian died of worry. The pressure on the commercial level and the national level is simply too great. Especially recently, when the pressure has reached its peak, let alone the CEO of his company, even the domestic institutional level can't handle it. Just yesterday, Guo Chengkai came back from the capital, and what he brought back was the ventilation given to him by the domestic upper-level organization, saying that if the pressure exceeds the limit, he needs to consider making some compromises, telling him to prepare, and inform him at the same time. Xue did not count.

"Threat? Come on, write down the list of companies that you have threatened." Xue Wusuan smiled and found a pen and paper and handed it to Guo Chengkai.

"What are you?" Guo Chengkai didn't quite understand, but he vaguely guessed some signs in his heart, and his eyes were hot.

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