Extreme Yama System

Chapter 819: Transaction is the theme

[Book Title: The Ultimate Yama System Chapter 819 Trading is the Theme Author: Jian Rujiao]

The latest chapter of the Need for Yama System 2k Novel Network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Highly recommended: Take the Goddess Emperor, the Great Ruler, the Great Ruler of the Holy Ruins, Xue Ying, with you, and read the legend of the Eternal Dragon King, the Legend of the Ancient God King, Wulian Peak, the Gate of the Five Elements, and the Gate of the Profound Realm. Dakan knows that this voice comes from the incomparably great Mr. Xue.

"Dakan understands, he will not disappoint Mr.

Although I don't know where Xue Wusuan is now, just a single voice is enough for Dakan to pay homage, and he respectfully kowtows to lead the order, which seems to remind Xue Wusuan of those dead souls in the Wudao Underworld .

As for how Dakan wants to achieve this goal, Xue Wu is not prepared to ask. The zombies who already have their own think tank can't have any problems dealing with this matter, the only difference is the intensity of the means.

The sky is bright, and it looks like a good weather, but I don't know if the same is true in Longhu Academy, which is thousands of kilometers away from the county seat.

Zhou Huiru woke up early this day, and was so excited that she asked Xue Wusuan to help her go to the closet to choose the clothes she should wear today, while brushing her teeth and washing her face and makeup, she was very busy.

After packing up her confidant, Zhou Huiru also brought a SLR camera, sun hat, water bottle, etc., and threw it all to Xue Wusuan to put away, because this way, she didn't need to carry a large bag or a small bag on her back. How can I put so many things down?

The world, for Zhou Huiru, is the "Earth", and on this planet, she doesn't think there is anything that makes it difficult to get her husband, even if it is about "letting men have children", she also believes As long as your husband wants to do it, he can naturally allow men to have children.

"Pack up! Let's go!"

In Zhou Huiru's view, this is tourism. Go on a trip to that cultivator academy, and take a look at your nephew who Xue Wusuan said was a gifted nephew.

You don't need to buy any train tickets or plane tickets, you don't even need to drive, you are just on the balcony of your house, just in front of your eyes, you will be above the clouds when you open your eyes the next second.

Zhou Huiru didn't know how fast she was moving on this black cloud, but she knew very well that it was definitely much faster than an ordinary civil flight. A touchable but invisible hood protects her from the winds brought by the slightest high-speed, allowing her to lie comfortably on the clouds and look down at the scenery happily.

In less than half an hour, the black cloud reached the top of the Dragon Tiger Academy, but Xue Wusuan's spiritual sense had already enveloped the academy before. And Haotian also felt it, and was waiting on the platform of the main peak early.

The former strongest in the plane and now the chief professor of Longhu Academy, the change in identity seems to have been adapted by Haotian.

"I've seen Mr. Xue, and Mrs." Jian Chen naturally arrived, even if he couldn't sense Xue Wusuan's spiritual sense in advance like Haotian, he could still see the black cloud approaching the main peak, he knew This is Xue Wusuan. However, he did not expect Zhou Huiru to come here too.

"I've seen Mr. Xue, Mrs. Xue." Haotian didn't call him Yan Jun, because he knew that no one else except him knew Xue Wusuan's identity.

Jian Chen had already thought about the name of Zhou Huiru. When Xue Wusuan is not together, he can be called Huiru or Miss Zhou, but when Xue Wusuan is together, it has to be formal, otherwise no one knows whether this moody Mr. Xue will get angry.

"Well, I'll come and have a look. By the way, you lead Huiru to look around, I don't need you to accompany me here, it's fine with Haotian." Xue Wusuan waved his hand, and Jian Chen replied, Then he led Zhou Huiru to visit in a proper manner. To be honest, he didn't like being with Xue Wusuan very much either, and he always felt cold all over.

Seeing Jian Chen and the others leaving, Haotian also handed over to Xue Wusuan and used "Yan Jun" again to invite An. Then he followed Xue Wusuan to another mountain that the stewardess overlapped with. Here, it is now guarded by Haotian, and the scraping work inside is drawing to a close under the busy days and nights of Xue Wusuan's stand-in. After all, it had been more than ten days since Xue Wusuan left last time, and nearly a year had passed in the space debris.

"I have read all the methods, methods, and magical powers you gave me before, and they are very good. I have learned a lot from them. These are return gifts, and I will give you others when your cultivation base recovers. Return." Xue Wusuan said, taking out a box and placing it in front of Haotian.

In front of a stone table in the open space, after Haotian and Xue Wusuan sat down, Xue Wusuan made such a speech, which made Haotian a little stunned.

When he accepted the Wudao cultivation system and became the professor of this academy, he did take some means and magic tricks and handed it over to Xue Wusuan. It's also a nomination. On the one hand, to express his frankness, on the other hand, he also wanted to give a signal of closeness to this Demon Lord who seemed to be different from his impression. But I never thought about the benefits of being able to stay back.

This devil is really different.

The box was opened, and there were a hundred six-color spirit crystals neatly stacked inside. These are all obtained by Xue Wusuan from the plane of Journey to the West to conquer demons and subdue demons, and the boxes are full of first-grade spirit crystals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is..." Haotian's hands trembled a little, he It is natural to recognize that this is a spirit crystal. In the long river of time, this azimuth has also produced such things, but it has since been depleted. However, this is the first time he has seen this kind of six-color spirit crystal, and he can instinctively I feel that there is magic energy overflowing from it! There are also spirit crystals that are specially absorbed by magic cultivators?!

"There are first-grade six-color spirit crystals in here. You should know how to use this thing by looking at your expression, so I won't say more. With these, you must recover to the early and middle stage of God Transformation within a year. No problem."

"Jun Yan, why?" Haotian couldn't help but ask his doubts. Because the Demon Lord in front of him is already in complete control of his life and death, there is no need for this.

"Fair. Your life and death, and the trade-off between us are not the only measure. I control life and death for the unhindered development of the unscrupulous underworld, not to exploit you. So ah, transaction, this is what we do It is a very suitable channel for mutual exchange. You are comfortable in your heart, and I am comfortable with it. Otherwise, if it is only for exploitation, what is the difference with those losers in the past?"

Haotian looked at Xue Wusuan in a daze for a long time, and finally nodded slightly, accepted the box of six-color spirit crystals, and then handed a soul imprint to Xue Wusuan, saying: "Jun Yan, this is The face is the summary of what I have learned in my life, as well as my cognition. I see that your cultivation has been very loose, and you should be able to break through with an opportunity, or these things can help you. "

Xue Wusuan laughed and put it away without being pretentious. As Haotian said, he has recently reached the brink of breakthrough. With just a little strong push, he can break through the realm of true immortals and step into the realm of golden immortals, completely entering the level of high-level immortals. 2k novel reading network

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