Extreme Yama System

Chapter 820: 1 new world

[Book Title: Superb Yama System Chapter 820 A New World Author: Jian Rujiao]

The latest chapter of the Need for Yama System 2k Novel Network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Strongly recommended: Demon Cage Primordial God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements The Gate of the Profound Realm Chosen Tian Ji Eternal Night King Ni Scale Great Ruler Holy Market Xue Ying Lord Yi Nian Eternal There is no Yin and Yang Street in the original world, and Xue Wusuan is not going to set it up now. Because it's not yet time. Therefore, Haotian can only trade with Xue Wusuan now, just like the old Jianchen and the others before. There's no such thing as a loss or gain, it's not bad for each to get the benefits, and Haotian himself feels relatively lucky.

Stepping into the Wudao system, many things are very different from when I was a cultivator before, and the means and magical powers need to be changed, so those previous learnings are actually no longer worth the previous ones.

Xue Wusuan also said before that he also learned something from borrowing. And the only thing of value to him is the knowledge that Haotian has accumulated over the years. Among them, some he has understood thoroughly, and some he has never thought of.

A creature is a story, a bloody, mysterious scene.

What about Wudao Yama? What about cruising in the countless life journeys of living beings? The same is not necessarily easy for cognition. This is the most mysterious and magical understanding of individual existence. To realize it, talent, understanding, experience, and luck are all indispensable.

Xue Wusuan was in a good mood, he didn't expect Haotian to be so cheerful. But now is not the time to meditate, the original world is not a suitable place for breakthroughs.

"Tell me how you feel about Dragon Tiger Academy." Xue Wusuan lit a cigarette and asked Haotian.


Haotian didn't even think about it, and just jumped out two words.

"Sven? Be specific."

"Whether the students here are the teachers who teach, there is not much blood in their hearts, and they have no clear understanding of the thorns on the road of cultivation. I even went to audit each teacher's class, even a decent actual combat. There are no courses or courses related to actual combat. Even mentioning it by the way is ridiculously pale.

Yan Jun, please be blunt and blunt, even if the cultivation base is high, it is difficult to call the monks strong. "

The strong, only the mind! If the heart is not strong, no matter how strong the strength is, it will also be weak; if the heart is as strong as iron and stone, no matter how small the power will burst into the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

A monk, a person who cultivates me.

First cultivate the Qi, then cultivate the body, and finally cultivate the spirit. And what is outside of these three but dominates the success or failure of these three is "cultivating the mind". A monk who does not cultivate his mind is not a monk, let alone a strong man.

To cultivate the Tao and cultivate the mind is to follow the way of heaven and then change your life against the heaven. The cultivation of the devil's mind is to strengthen the self, to manipulate the self and not to be confused by the self.

This seems easy to do, but it is harder than Shattering Heaven. Even in Haotian's peak period, he did not dare to say that his heart had reached an impeccable level, and even he was still far from that distance.

The worldly world, the emotions and desires, the decision of life and death, how can it be so easy to accept all the bills and be undisturbed?

And this is also the skill that all monks who stumble between life and death have been constantly tempering since the beginning of this road. However, in Haotian's eyes, none of the cultivators in the Dragon Tiger Academy, whether teachers or students, had any intentional practice with a conscious awareness of the "heart".

This will not work. This level of "heart" is not worthy and impossible to become a monk at all. don't live long.

"Oh? Cultivation of the heart? How do you think they should strengthen it?" Xue Wusuan didn't know, but now he wanted to hear Haotian's thoughts.

"This plane is now different from what I was at the time. The cultivator is no longer the protagonist, and it is relatively peaceful. Killing and bloodshed are no longer the norm here. It is difficult to temper their hearts through suffering. Maybe arrange a Can a large illusion formation be useful?"

Although Haotian saw the problem, the solution was not ideal. After all, the illusion formation is just an illusion formation, and it is all false. As long as this thing has this consciousness, it will greatly reduce the tempering.

But for now, this was the only proper solution Haotian could come up with. After all, he didn't know if the Yan Jun in front of him had other arrangements or means.

"Illusion? It's not bad. It's okay to use it for those students who are still young. But for those adult monks, I'm afraid this is not suitable. Let's go, let's go to your house and see, over there now It should be almost done."


Haotian was stunned for a moment, then followed Xue Wusuan to stand up, understanding that the "home" in Xue Wusuan's words refers to the place where he once gathered supreme majesty and glory, and also the place that was completely destroyed by the way of heaven: the heaven.

It took nearly a year for nearly 100,000 true fairyland stand-ins to be scraped, and the ruins of the heavenly world have completely changed from before. Not that it was sorted out, but "cleaned up". Everything that still has value has been collected. Now, this former heaven can be said to be really impoverished.

"This place is very vast, even much wider than the earth where the academy is located. It's not good to waste it like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Wusuan looked around, and the dense number of doubles hovered over his head. It was all taken away by him.

However, Haotian, who was watching this scene, was a little stunned. One hundred thousand real wonderland? And the breath and soul fluctuations are exactly the same, no need to guess, it must be this Yan Jun's method. But he had never heard of this method. Just relying on these, Haotian dared to conclude that even if Luo Tian Daxian faced the true immortals of 100,000 people, there was no other way to go except to escape.

"Let's remodel this place, what do you think?" Xue Wusuan held the cigarette between his fingers, and said with a smile while waving lightly.

"There must be mountains."

No matter what Haotian is still thinking or about to ask, he will be interrupted by the sudden changes around him.

The roar suddenly exploded along with Xue Wusuan's voice, and mountains rose up from the ground, endless, even beyond the end of Haotian's field of vision.

"Well, the mountains can't all be the same, there should be some changes." Xue Wusuan said, the thoughts in his heart also turned, and at the same time, the mountains also changed, and some began to become strangely shaped or even black or red. Yes, it was accompanied by strong evil spirits emerging from the cracks in these mountains. After a few breaths, these mountains seemed extremely oppressive.

There are mountains, and then there are trees, all kinds of strange trees, some with fruit.

Then there are rivers and swamps and even deserts. Almost all natural environments are present here. It is to reshape a new "world".

"Okay, now it's going to be dangerous." Saying that, Xue Wusuan waved his hand, and a dense number of figures and beasts appeared not far from him.

Haotian looked around and muttered: "Is this too dangerous?"

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