Extreme Yama System

Chapter 823: monks are outlaws

Blind praise is not a good thing, especially for a child who is not yet mentally sound.

In terms of talent, Xue Wusuan did not lie at all. Among several planes, Xue Wusuan only saw a person with a natural perceptible demon essence. This talent is not enough to describe it as a monster. The possibility of one in a trillion has made the little child in front of Xue Wusuan's eyes.

But talent alone cannot become a strong man.

"You seem very excited? Tsk tsk, yes, you are a rare genius, you are qualified to be proud and excited. However, as your uncle, I have to tell you that there is no chance that a genius can reach the peak in the end, um , yes, a genius similar to yours."

This is not true. Which monk who can cultivate to the level of immortal is not a genius? How many can become mighty ones? As far as Xue Wusuan has seen, there is still plenty of hands.

Whether Xue Wu is a genius or not, and even whether he is a living being is still to be discussed, so he did not count himself in the scope of this "genius".

Then he said, "Cultivator, only by cultivating the Dharma, body, and technique can you achieve success. Do you know what the three achievements of the leader are?"

"I don't know, my nephew, please ask my uncle to teach me." Unconsciously, Zhou Tao knelt down behind Xue Wusuan, with his head on the floor, his voice trembling. The coercion of the current uncle is so terrifying that Zhou Tao can't help but think of one word: God!

"It's the heart. I chatted with Hao Tian, ​​the chief professor of the academy for a while, and he told me that the academy lacks a place to practice the heart. And the practice of heart is the only important indicator that determines the success of a cultivator. Therefore, I will Got an idea, um, let's start with you. Would you like to?"

"Nephew is willing!"

Zhou Tao didn't know what refining the heart was, but he knew that his uncle would never harm him. He is willing to be the first student of Dragon Tiger Academy to participate in mind training.

This silly boy has only seen Xue Wusuan twice. How can he know how terrifying and cruel Xue Wushen is? Zhou Huiru, who was beside him, was shocked when he heard it, especially when he saw the stern look in the corner of Xue Wusuan's eyes, Zhou Huiru knew that this so-called "refining the heart" was definitely not an easy thing, and Zhou Tao would suffer a big loss. .

But when Zhou Huiru was about to speak, she was blocked by Xue Wusuan with a stare.

"Then let's start now, and finish it early so that I can take you to have a good meal."

"Everything is arranged by my uncle!"

Let Zhou Tao sit down with his knees crossed, and like Xue Wu's hand, four black talisman papers with red talismans hovered around Zhou Tao.

"Let me give you a first-level mind training course, let's go!"

Xue Wusuan gave a light drink, and then the four black talismans disappeared and seemed to have never appeared. However, Zhou Tao, who was still nervous at first, seemed to be in a deep sleep, his body suddenly softened, and he pulled his head without saying a word. Except for the slowly rising and falling chest, the child is now as quiet as a dead man.

"No way, what's the matter?"

Zhou Huiru was a little worried, her man wanted to be ruthless, and Zhou Tao was only such an older child, so don't make any accidents.

"What can happen? This kid's soul is now imprisoned in an illusion, and he will wake up only if he overcomes the illusion and breaks the confinement. So, I'll lie down for a while, if you're okay, go out for a walk, This academy is huge, enough for you to read for a day."

"No, it doesn't count, how could Xiaotao be able to get rid of your imprisonment? And the soul is still imprisoned. What if there is any danger? What kind of illusion did you give him?"

Zhou Huiru is no longer the stupid woman she used to know nothing, and she has a lot more knowledge. What's more, this is his own nephew, how can he not be in a hurry?

"How do I know what he's going through now? I haven't seen it. It's all the fear and cowardice in his own soul, whether it's a beast or a monster, or a ghost, who knows?

Hehe, are you really so worried about this kid? Hey, if you really want to see that's fine, little thing. Xue Wusuan didn't know what he was thinking about. When his mind moved, a plane mirror image of more than one meter appeared in the room. The image inside was strange, but it was exactly what Zhou Tao was experiencing at this moment.

It was an amusement park, the old and abandoned kind. There's nothing cute and fun in it, it's all scary things, grimacing clowns and the like, and some supernatural tricks.

"What, what are these?! No calculations, hurry up, wake up Xiaotao, this is too dangerous!" Zhou Huiru had long heard that if a person's soul is damaged, it is more serious than the body Much more, vegetative, fool, soul-shattering and the like. The Xiaotao in front of her was still so young, and she actually experienced these scenes, even if she looked outside, she felt frightened to death.

Xue Wusuan shrugged and said with a smile: "You feel scared and helpless, it's you, this kid is different from you. He is a monk now, even if he just started, he was a monk. Look~www.wuxiaspot .com~ That kid didn't just run away or freak out, but was already looking for a way to escape. That's pretty good."

"However, this is still too dangerous, can you..."

Before Zhou Huiru could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xue Wusuan's wave, and he heard him laugh: "What do you think a monk is? Why do you think I did this?

The monks are a group of desperadoes who try to jump out of this heaven and want to get detached. Although the road they took is miraculous, it is full of dangers, and if they go wrong, they will be wiped out. The cultivation of the mind is to make the cultivator's inner tenacity more tenacious, which is achieved by external force and magic means.

Feel dangerous? Then take him home, the monk's road is not for the coward and the poor man in the greenhouse. "

Zhou Huiru bit her lip and didn't speak anymore. I also know that my man has explained this time, and he will never explain it again next time. He kicked Zhou Tao out of the academy with a great kick, and he will definitely not ask any more questions. Just look at Zhou Zheng's removal from his heart by Xue Wusuan. Zhou Huiru didn't dare to ask Xue Wusuan to unravel the means on Zhou Tao's body. If Zhou Tao was despised by Xue Wusuan because of this, how should Zhou Huiru face Zhou Tao's parents who hoped for their son to become a dragon and did not know the whole story?

"Don't worry, these things are really not dangerous. He will encounter a real life and death situation in the future. So, you should get used to it." Xue Wusuan lay back on the reclining chair, ready to close his eyes and wander.

"It doesn't count, so are you always so dangerous when you go out?" Zhou Huiru thought of her own man and felt a pain in her heart.

"Me? My danger hasn't come yet. What I've experienced now is not a danger, and I'm not qualified to be called my danger."

(End of this chapter)

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