Extreme Yama System

Chapter 824: good boy

Zhou Tao's age is not too dark. What he fears and fears are the protagonists of some hearsay horror stories. The most frightening is a horror story born in an amusement park. The story is dead. The story is not true, so Zhou Tao was surprised that he would experience this one day.

Fear is inevitable, this is the fear in Zhou Tao's heart, is there any reason not to be afraid? It's scary, but it's not so frightening that it loses everything.

Run away, or rise to the challenge, face the fear in your heart, overcome the fear, and erase the weakness in your heart?

It's not really a choice. Zhou Tao remembered that Xue Wusuan had said before that this was a test, there was no possibility of escape, and he had to do it in the end.

The method is simple and weak, but it is a real magic method. It has an extremely strong sense of security in Zhou Tao's heart, and it is also the biggest reliance for him to dare to face his inner fear.

Facts have proved that Zhou Tao's courage is not as young as his age.

Outside of the illusion, Zhou Huiru kept staring at the picture on the mirror, so nervous. Seeing that Zhou Tao actually escaped from some terrible things, he launched a counterattack. Those kinds of methods that seem rather unfamiliar actually appear to be extremely powerful one by one.

No calculation, you see, is Xiaotao about to succeed? Zhou Huiru saw that Zhou Tao had set the second grimace clown on fire, and hurriedly turned her head and asked Xue Wusuan, who was swimming with her eyes closed.

Ok? coming out soon. Hey, after all, he is a child, and there is very little darkness in his heart. This is basically the display of the lowest power of this magic array.

What's the meaning?

The meaning is the same illusion, if Zhou Tao is replaced by an adult, it will be dozens of times more dangerous.


Because the longer you live, the more you fear.

While the two of them were talking, after a burst of mana fluctuations, Zhou Tao escaped from the environment panting heavily. In Xue Wushen's eyes, it was considered easy to break through, but Zhou Tao didn't think so.

My whole body was shaking involuntarily. I wanted to stand up and be brave, but my legs were weak, and my crotch was so soft that I even felt like I wanted to pee.

Never mind, you've done a great job. Overcome the most feared thing in your heart and get out of it with a normal mind. Oh, dare to say, there will never be more than one tenth of the people on earth who can do this. Now you can rest for a while, and your aunt and I will take you down the mountain to eat something good later.

Thank you uncle!

Zhou Tao actually had a lot to say, but when the words came to his mouth, he didn't know where to start and some couldn't say it. I don't know how long I stayed in the horror paradise just now. Seeing the reactions of Xue Wusuan and Zhou Huiru, it seemed that it didn't take long, but Zhou Tao felt that he had spent at least eight hours of horror escape.

There is a great terror between life and death. Many people are afraid and dare not set foot in it, and some people are directly driven into madness by this terror, and the few remaining people can get out of it by themselves. These are all people with firm minds. Of course, it only refers to low cultivation bases or ordinary people. Those with a higher cultivation base will naturally use their own mana to help them overcome their fears or even break through the formation directly.

The first thing Zhou Tao did after regaining strength in his legs was to go to the toilet. He was really scared to pee. But his heart was inexplicably excited.

For the first time, Zhou Tao realized for the first time that he could be so powerful, and he could also defeat the monsters that once gave him nightmares.

It's great to be a monk! Zhou Tao can't wait to tell everyone his pride. But reason told him that no one would like a babbling child.

Zhou Huiru really wanted to ask her man if it was really useful to do this? But in the end he didn't ask. This is a cultivator's business, and even if Xue Wusuan answers him, he may not be able to understand it.

Let's go. What do you want to eat?

When Zhou Tao came out of the toilet, he saw that Zhou Huiru was already carrying her handbag.

Aunt, uncle, I don't want to go out to eat, the food in the college is very good, much better than those restaurants outside.

So what kind of reward do you want? This is your aunt's reward for doing a really good job here! Zhou Huiru is just such a nephew, she likes it very much, and she has just witnessed a very dangerous project for her in the monk practice, and the more she cherishes her nephew.

I, aunt, I want my uncle to teach me a special method. Zhou Tao said, his voice getting lower and lower, which shows his anxiety.


Xue Wusuan said with a smile: You have only passed the threshold of a monk now. As far as I know, the basic methods in the academy are pretty good, and they are enough for a threshold cultivator like you. I don't even think there is any need to look for other methods before you officially step into the innate realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, I

Xue Wusuan waved his hand and interrupted: I know what you think. It is true that high-level methods can greatly help improve your practice, and can indeed make you stand out quickly and even leave your classmates and teachers far behind. However, I don't think this is necessarily a good thing for you.

Uncle, why is this?

because of your heart.

My heart?

good. Your heart is not tough enough, not even close enough. Therefore, it is not a good thing for you to improve your cultivation too quickly. Everything depends on the foundation. The heart also needs to lay a solid foundation. you got it?

Well, since this reward was given to you by your aunt, it can't be ignored. Write it down first, when you step into the Core Formation Realm, I will give you a real top-level method, how about it? Xue Wusuan said with a smile. He likes this child who doesn't cry or make trouble, but is also very sensible and motivated. The most important thing is that this child is very suitable for cultivating demons. As long as he does not go down the wrong road, his future achievements are absolutely unlimited.

Thank you uncle, thank you uncle!

The meal was indeed sumptuous, and it was delivered directly to Xue Wusuan's room. There was a large table of dishes. It is said that the chefs of the academy were all monks, and their cultivation was not low. Cultivating the way, even in the vast darkness of the no-dao system has its own lighthouse.

The meals made by such chefs are naturally top-notch. Even Xue Wusuan had to give a thumbs up and drink three pots of wine.

After dinner, Zhou Tao needed to go back to his dormitory, and Xue Wusuan found all the middle and high-level academies including Jian Chen.

I plan to add an assessment and training program for these students, um, and I also found some exciting things for you to play

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