Extreme Yama System

Chapter 830: The hidden dangers of Yin Bing Zhai

The school field of Yin Bing Camp is not small, but it is not small, and it is more than enough to hold 40,000 recruits in a neat array.

At this time, Wang Tianyun on the high platform of the school field was dressed in a military uniform and looked serious. Behind him stood four legion commanders, left and right, followed by all the counselors and conspirators of the First Military Division.

"Report! All the recruits are here, please show me the general!"

Wang Tianyun nodded, took a step forward, and raised his voice: "Today, the adaptive training program of Er et al. has all ended, and then I will assign you the future battle sequence. The names are assembled according to the surrounding flags, understand?"


There was only one sound, followed by the calm before the return. The 40,000 Heroic Spirits below, this military quality is much higher than the previous reinforcements.

"Xu Peng, Wang San, Li Ming... The First Army..."

With Wu Yazi's roll call, the 40,000 recruits in the school field began to be divided into four equal parts, 10,000 for each legion, and 1,000 auxiliary soldiers for each. fair and just. The only difference is only at the soldier level. Some powerful arms and long-range arms are somewhat different. After all, the four legion commanders have different strategies for leading troops and different emphasis.

Zhou Yu, for example, is best at precision strikes, high interspersed and surprise attacks, so his army has relatively few heavily armored soldiers and more long-range combat power. On the other hand, Guan Yu is good at defense, and there are more heavy armored soldiers and close sword and shield soldiers.

"In this way, each of the four legions has a full strength of 25,000. Each legion will arrange its own training program and submit the strategy to the first military division for record. Now, disband!"

There is nothing to criticize about Wang Tianyun's approach. This is not his own decision, but the optimal conclusion drawn by the entire First Military Division after repeated research. Therefore, whether Zhang Fei is satisfied or not, he can't raise any objection.

"General, do you have time? The institute is going to hold an actual combat seminar in the Yin Barracks. I hope you can participate in a few pointers." Xun You smiled and walked to Wang Tianyun's side.

"Seminar? Okay, what's the main content..."

As he spoke, Wang Tianyun followed a group of advisors back to the First Military Division, and the rest of the advisors also returned. Moreover, the venue has been properly arranged, it seems that it is not a temporary intention, the specifications are very formal, and there are many things that need to be studied.

"General, this is a meeting that was set before, but it didn't have such a large scale, but you also know that it is not a simple matter for the newly recruited 50,000 Yin soldiers, so the scope of the meeting was temporarily expanded. I ask you to take it easy without notifying you in advance."

Xun You is the mastermind, and many times even Wang Tianyun needs to be treated well in his position, not to mention that this old ghost is very good at finding the source, his speech and behavior are all smooth, and his relationship with Wang Tianyun is very harmonious, it is impossible. He was punished for this little thing. Such self-recrimination words are just to give Wang Tianyun face.

"Haha, Gongda is joking. I've always been curious about this kind of meeting between counselors, and being able to come is to satisfy my selfish desires. So, what's the sin?"

"Thank you for the size of the general."

Wang Tianyun smiled and waved his hand, but he had no intention of continuing to talk politely with Xun You. He was very curious about the key issues in the battle of the First Military Division.

"Let's start, let Kong Ming tell everyone about the four main issues and three temporary issues this time." After Xun You finished speaking, he signaled to Zhuge Liang, who was beside him, to start.

Zhuge Liang is not the mastermind of the First Military Division, not that he is not strong, but is determined by qualifications and experience. But now he and Jia Xu already have the argument that the mastermind and the mastermind were fighting for the first mastermind.


nbsp; "The first topic is the actual combat application of the new equipment, and the second is..."

After the discussion, Wang Tianyun was speechless. He could hear that the seminar of this advisor was really not easy, it was putting pressure on him!

Glancing at Xun You next to him, Wang Tianyun was speechless to this black-bellied conspiracy. As for you? If something happens, just run away and say it's over? Need to make such a big scene? This makes him a little bit down!

What is this so-called agenda to put it bluntly in one sentence: lack of practical experience. Even confrontation with blood ghosts is not an actual combat, and there is no threat of bloodshed and annihilation. But this actual combat is not something that Wang Tianyun can lead, it needs timing and Yan Jun's willingness.

"Don't worry about generals, these are the facts. We also know the difficulties of generals, but the most taboo in military affairs is to delay and wait. Without the baptism of actual combat, Yin soldiers are simply not qualified to be the weapon that Yan Jun hoped for. Therefore, General, it is your duty to ask Yan Jun to fight."

Xun You has his own thoughts, especially for his chief official Wang Tianyun, who has long seen it clearly. Know that this is a general who sticks to his duty. But he is a little too careful. When facing Yan Jun, he will always lose his due courage, and he will delay a lot of important things if he is timid.

Therefore, this "play" was actually prepared for Wang Tianyun. Through the mouth of the advisors present, Wang Tianyun was forced to make a decision by using the actual problems of the shadow soldier sequence.

Wang Tianyun's face was not very good. It's not that he is angry with this play. He understands the original intention of the counselors, but who will understand him?

That is Yan Jun! Not the existence of some kind of emperor in the secular world. A single word is not enough to describe Yan Jun's majesty, let alone the current situation in the amorous underground government. Please fight? To put it nicely, if this one is not good, it will be labeled as a "false statement", and then it will be a big loss.

But then again, the current state of Yin Barracks is indeed a bit troublesome. The high increase in strength and the 6-continued replenishment of soldiers have brought about the emptiness of the foundation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The oldest Yin soldier is nothing, and the later additions may be a little wrong.

In the past, the strongest was the ghost king, but now they are all ghost kings, and there are several golden ghosts. I am afraid that this strength is more than enough if it has doubled.

I feel that I am powerful, and I feel that I can crush everything. This kind of mentality is not one or two. Many militants in the army have been bragging about the strength of the Yin Soldier Sequence. Confidence is about to explode. Even if there is a strong vampire pressing down as always, they can't let them dispel their anxious thoughts. There are blood ghosts in the local government, but not all over the world.

To put it more seriously, it means that the military's morale is unstable, and if this continues, problems will inevitably arise.

This is the dilemma.

The seminar is over. Wang Tianyun and Xun You went out of the camp together and walked along the path.

"General, Yan Jun has been away for this period of time. You have never been wrong in everything. In fact, you don't have to be so cautious." Xun You smiled and opened the topic.

"Hey, you can't be careful. Now, who knows if Yan Jun is still angry? A little inappropriate words may bring disaster, which is not only bad for me, but also for the entire Yin Barracks. So, I think It's better to find a solution from within us first, and don't disturb Yan Jun's plan easily."

Xun You shook his head and said: "General, this matter can't be delayed, even if you can't participate in the actual combat immediately, but what should be known to Yan Jun must be told to Yan Jun, this is your job, you can't be neglected, otherwise in case something happens Your culpability is even greater. However, Jun Yan's mind is indeed difficult to grasp, but we can detour a bit."

"How to detour?"

"I heard that Yan Jun is married, the general is not as good as..."

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