Extreme Yama System

Chapter 831: beat

Little Er, two more pots of pure yin brew!

After the end of the military control, the business of the ghost country started anew, and the drunkards who were suffocated couldn't wait to flock to the tavern to satisfy their hunger. The rest of the shops have also opened, but they are far less lively than the tavern business.

Now there are more than one taverns in the Wudao Underworld. The number of taverns in the entire big city is maintained at ten, and each of them is a lively place, especially in this stall after the end of the military control.

The information gathering place is this tavern, and it is also the place where ordinary ghosts get information. Whether it is true or false, it is better than what you can think about at home.

Good Le! Guest officer, these are your two pots of pure yin brew, please use them slowly!

Pure Yin Brewing is not cheap, even very expensive. Ordinary drunkards can’t enjoy this kind of wine. Only the dead souls who have a bad position or open their own shops have this kind of economic strength. .

Have you heard? There are 40,000 troops this time! All the heroic spirits of Yishui'er, or the one that Yan Jun has been training in the realm of the sun, and can go directly to the battlefield after returning to the establishment.

Of course I know, you are all old yellow calendars. It's a pity, my hard-trained auxiliary method is useless again, and I don't know how long it will take for the next reinforcements.

Speaking of which, all of these people were dressed in gorgeous clothes. This thing is much more expensive than two pots of pure yin brewing.

Boss Chen, your yin food practice is getting bigger and bigger, and your business is doing well. Why do you want to go to the military? That battle formation is not just for fun, who will inherit this family business of your accident? Don't tell me you plan to give your wife.

Fuck off! What if I gave my family business to my wife? Is it bothering you? You rotten mouth is not afraid of being stoned to death!

One for Yin food, one for iron ore, and one for cloth. The three industries are all the fragrant buns in today's unethical land. Several of them were the first to open their business, with reputation and experience, and there was never a shortage of soul points in their pockets.

I am also afraid of death, and I am even more afraid of dying once, but I am even more afraid of staying in this ghost country and doing nothing. It's rare to have such an opportunity, and it's too useless to guard such a little belongings if you don't fight for your future, isn't it?

Do you want to make a difference too?

nonsense! Gotta be in the yin class! Become a god! You do not want?

Tsk tsk, then you wait. At your level, the cultivation base is all piled up with medicinal pills. It looks okay, but if you don't fight it, even if the Yin Barracks recruits troops next time, it will not be your turn. Haven't you seen some desperate lunatics who have been practicing penance from the very beginning? Just you, forget it.

After a while of nonsense, suddenly a dead soul rushed into the tavern and said excitedly: Everyone! Good news! Hurry up to the **** shop, there's something new!

Whoa! With a sound, the tavern was completely empty, and even the shopkeeper and the shop assistant were gone.

Something new in the pawnshop? This is not an ordinary trivial matter. Every time it represents an opportunity that may fall on his head, and no one is willing to let it go easily.

Lingjing? !

Refinement method? Almighty level? Or the Almighty of the Dao Realm? But what is congruence?

No way! With so many things, could it be that Jun Yan has captured another plane?

Silly you? If a new plane comes, can there be no new reincarnation channel? Go away, don't stop me from going in to change things!

The pawnshop, which had been silent for a long time, once again became full of ghosts, and it was very lively. But there are not many souls that can really be exchanged. After all, except for those low-level spirit crystals this time, the rest of the things are extremely expensive. Moreover, those refining techniques were Xue Wusuan's stand-in. Little by little, he used the blood refining method to erode the purple gold red gourd, the mutton fat jade bottle, and the golden rope. After researching it by himself, it has already been beaten. It was broken, but it was still enough to keep away most of the dead souls.

Old Chen, don't you want to change this thing too?

Why can't I change it?

Why do you, a yin food practitioner, want this means of refining? All right, wait for me to change it first, if you are curious, will you change it after a hundred or so yin eclipse seasons? My iron mine is counting on this thing to take it to the next level.

Bullshit! If I really want to say that, my yin food industry is counting on things to be even better!

Don't talk about it, change it if you want, and discuss how to come after the thing is in hand.

Temptation in words, but no ambiguity in hands. The three big bosses were rich, and they exchanged the most expensive artifact refining method without hesitation.

"Xiantian Baojian, Part 1", this is a method of refining weapons summed up by Xue Wusuan himself. He feels that he has not only figured out the refining methods from the world of conquering demons and subduing demons, such as purple gold and red gourds, but also added the method of refining weapons. Less your own opinion in it.

The reason why it is the first volume is because Xue Wu doesn't know if there is a more powerful method in the world of Journey to the West to conquer demons and subdue demons. But definitely not the best. And as far as Xue Wusuan's own feelings are concerned, there is actually room for improvement in these refining techniques. So now only the first volume is put in Yinyang Street, and the middle volume or the second volume will not appear until he continues to study.

The ghosts of the ghost country have a smile on their face, and they feel that Yan Jun is open and bright, and there are always good things to come out. Maybe if they go on like this, anyone can become a remarkable existence in the underworld of endless years?

But there are a lot of people who are depressed and even scared in the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the weapons workshop.

Zhong Mei and Bao Zheng were released from prison together. They were not wronged but fearful. The three evil men under his command were the key figures in the last major purge, and they were also the main reason for his imprisonment. Oversight.

I used to have lingering fears, and now it's even worse. Because in Zhong Mei's opinion, the new refining method in the pawnshop. This is the first time that Yan Jun has put the refining method directly on Yinyang Street instead of directly giving it to the weapon workshop. In the past, even if there was Yin Yang Street, it would first give a backup to the weapon workshop. But not this time.

Brother Zhongmei, this is beating. It seems that Yan Jun is not very satisfied with you. It was Ding Chunqiu who said this. When this guy heard that Zhong Mei was back, he came over with a pot of wine and said that he was washing the dust. As a result, I heard the news about the pawnshop and immediately came to a judgment.

beat? This, this is not so, is it? Zhong Mei was startled, but Yan Jun has always been fond of weapon workshops, so why would he beat them?

Ding Chunqiu said with a smile: Naturally, it is beating. How much does your weapons workshop cost? Yan Jun treats you very well, but you bear the brunt of the last accident. Old Zhong, this time, I think you should honestly spend your money and go to the pawnshop to exchange it. Don't ask or mention it, if you talk more about this, I'm afraid that Yan Junke will really be dissatisfied with you.


It is difficult for Ding Chunqiu to discuss these twists and turns with a pure technical nerd like Zhong Mei. He can only say: Just listen to me, can I still fix you? Don't worry, as long as your weapon workshop produces more results in the future, Yan Jun will trust you again.

Just as the two people were talking, the sky above the Yama Hall in the underworld suddenly began to curl up, and a mighty power enveloped the entire underworld again.

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