Extreme Yama System

Chapter 832: retreat

Xue Wusuan is back, his vacation is over, it's time to come back to deal with the affairs of the Wudao Underworld, as well as his own problems.

The magic weapon that the substitute will get from the golden horn and the silver horn has been completely dissolved by the blood refining method, and now the three magic tools have become unowned and can be refined by Xue Wusuan. It is precisely because of this that Xue Wusuan had the opportunity to free up "Xiantian Baojian: Part 1", and this is also his summary and self-assessment of some of his methods.

Of course, Xue Wusuan's gains in the world of Journey to the West to conquer demons and subdue demons are not only these, but the most precious things are those methods and magical powers exchanged from Sun Wukong. And as a price, it is naturally a soul point, and he needs to go to Duan Xiaoxiao's Yinyang Street to exchange it separately.

This is a smart decision. Monkey has been thinking about Yinyang Street for a long time since he knew about Yinyang Street, but he couldn't get away, and Duan Xiaoxiao didn't bring Yinyang Street, so he caught Xue Wusuan and changed himself directly. All learned.

Speaking of Sun Wukong's methods, the monkey himself can't count how his methods came from. Said to be sleeping, and suddenly dreamed of a bunch of exercises in his sleep, and then there was the dignified Monkey King.

Seventy-two transformations, fiery eyes, somersaulting clouds, seven-turn Xuangong, and the avatar technique all come from this. The monkey said, this is Lao Tzu's unique talent and great fortune, a natural means, I will ask you if you are convinced!

Xue Wusuan wanted to tell the monkey that it was simple, how could there be such a cheap thing in the world. A single somersault cloud is a great magic trick, comparable to the existence of teleportation. Not to mention the seven-turn Xuan Gong. This seven-turn Xuangong is a castrated version of the nine-turn Xuangong. It is a first-grade method that is well-known in the upper realms. Sun Wukong's indestructible body and such a terrible and abnormal practice are largely because of this method. .

How could such a miracle of the upper realm be related to the great fortune of Chengtian?

Therefore, Sun Wukong is a tragedy. Not only is it a tragedy that he was forced to set foot on the road to the west, it is a tragedy that he became a demon cultivator from the beginning, and it is even more sad that he has not yet understood everything. I don't know if Sun Wukong will die of anger when he understands everything.

However, this has little to do with Xue Wusuan. After he has obtained the unique skills of Sun Wukong, he can decompose it and integrate it into his own cultivation system. Especially the Rank 7 Profound Art, although it is not as good as Rank 9 Profound Art, it is from the same vein, and the things inside are quite mysterious. Even Xue Wusuan got an opportunity from the system to spend a certain amount of Soul Points. Re-complete the castrated version of Xuan Gong, that is to say, make the seventh rank Xuan Gong become the ninth rank!

There is no need to hesitate, money, Xue Wusuan is really not short of money now, and the cost of 100,000 yuan is only a drop. It was only when Xue Wusuan reached the full level of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art that he realized that it was all worth it.

The practice, called Jiuzhuan, is the ultimate mystery. One turn strengthens the qi, the second turn strengthens the body, the third turn quenches the spirit, the fourth turn is indestructible, the fifth turns into the Dharma, the sixth turn breaks all evils, the seventh turns into a vajra, the eighth turn condenses obsessions, and the ninth turn can kill corpses!

That is to say, the highest level of the nine-turn Xuan Gong has actually covered the most difficult threshold from Luo Tian Daxian to the almighty.

This is a first-class top-level method leading to the Almighty!

However, Xue Wusuan was not a Taoist, so many precious things in it were of no use to him, and could only be used as a reference. But the blessing of the full-level mana cultivation base is real.

overflowing already.

Xue Wusuan likes to continuously compress and store the mana in his body, which can maximize the quality of his mana and the power of his means. However, this kind of crazy method can also be used by him. If other cultivators dare to do this, their souls will not be able to bear it, not to mention the physical body is very likely to explode. Only the Yama body can easily resist this powerful pressure from within.

However, it has reached its limit. This is not the limit of Yan Luo's body, but the limit of Xue Wusuan's current cultivation level. If he wants to continue to compress, his mana has no such strength. It's like pressing a spring hard. If you want to press it down, you don't have enough strength.

Mo Yun, this divine beast of luck in the abyss is the only thing that can communicate with Xue Wusuan in mind. He doesn't need words, and he knows Xue Wusuan's current thoughts with a single thought. Immediately, this Mo Yun sneaked up to the steps of the Yan Luo Temple and lay in the middle, his eyes staring straight ahead, fierce light flickered, and he did not intend to let any dead souls approach the Yan Luo Temple to disturb his master.

When the cultivation base reaches the limit, there is nothing to hesitate. Haotian had said before in the original world that Xue Wusuan only needed an opportunity to break through.

Back to Wudao Underworld, this is the best place for Xue Wusuan to break through. Safe and powerful.

Well, then try to see what it's like to be a golden fairy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ close your eyes and sit cross-legged.

Breakthroughs need an opportunity, and so do magic cultivators. Although there will be no bottlenecks, they still need to accumulate enough to pass the level. And now, the opportunity for Xue Wusuan to rush to the pass is the opportunity given by Haotian: a life-long experience from the powerful person of the Harmony Realm.

There are too many experiences and even cognitions of a powerful person. It is a very long process to straighten out and get enlightenment from it and catalyze the motivation for one's own breakthrough. Even in many places, Xue Wusuan still needs to eliminate some things from Haotian's experience that he thinks are wrong or not in line with his path, which is even slower.

In a timeless and ruthless mansion, it is impossible to tell how long the gate of the Yama Temple has been closed. Anyway, Bao Zheng has been here dozens of times, and Wang Tianyun has also been here many times, but he was stopped by Mo Yun under the steps and could not get close.

It was not until the three brothers of the Wang family were released from **** that all the dead souls who were looking forward to Yan Junqiao in the unworldly government knew that Yan Jun had been in seclusion for five hundred years in terms of the time of the region.

Yan Jun is about to start rushing off! The closest to the Yanluo Temple were the two divine generals Zhong Wanqiu and Sikongxuan in the side hall, and their cultivation base was also the highest except for Xue Wusuan, and they were extremely sensitive to the restlessness of the surrounding energy.

Well, I am afraid that this posture is wider and stronger than the last energy tide, I think it is better to remind.

nature. You and I should join hands with voice transmission, otherwise I am afraid it will be too late.

good bro.

After the two ghosts finished speaking, they joined hands to act, and a powerful message from the divine sense spread out, covering all the areas in the Wudao Underground where the activities of the dead may exist.

There is only one sentence in the message: stay calm, consolidate your soul, and prepare for the impact of the energy tide!

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