Extreme Yama System

Chapter 841: mountain rain

[Book Title: The Ultimate Yama System Chapter 841 The Mountain Rain Comes Author: Jian Rujiao]

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Strongly recommended: The legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the immemorial **** and king, the peak of Wulian, the gate of the five elements, and the gate of the mysterious world Unknown. But in the lower realm, there was a scene far away from the westbound group in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but it hardly affected the nerves of any of the upper realm cultivators.

Black evil desires fruit, this kind of rare treasures that are controlled by the six major factions and circulated in them finally failed to keep their secrets. Even though these six factions are cautious, they can’t hide it from deliberate investigations by people with a heart. In addition, in order to obtain more spiritual crystals, the six factions expanded wildly within two years after the unity, and the five mountain gates were invaded, which was naturally even more eye-catching.

A month ago, the top faction "Moonwind Wonderland" issued an order to the six factions to lay down their weapons and accept a comprehensive investigation on the grounds of maintaining the order of the sect and investigating the indiscriminate killing of innocents. Yes, it is an order, even if there is no affiliation between the six major factions and this Moon Wind Wonderland.

Domineering? Naturally, it is domineering, and this is the strong prey among the cultivators. Just like those weaker mountain gates that have been occupied and killed by the six major factions in recent years, now, the six major factions are standing in the position of the weak.

Fengyue Wonderland, a mountain gate that has existed for tens of thousands of years, there are many experts in the gate, and there are more than five monks in the Human Realm all the year round. The elite disciples under the sect are all at the spiritual level, and the number exceeds one thousand. The lowest level of the elder is also the realm of distraction. This is still on the surface. If you count the resources accumulated in Fengyue Wonderland over the past ten thousand years, such as magic tools, it will be even more terrifying.

The most important thing is that there is someone on Fengyue Wonderland! Since the establishment of the faction, a total of four strong men have passed through the extreme realm and ascended the world.

The monks in the upper realm cannot come down at will, but the place where the perennial altar is opened is different. This is a setting similar to belief, and feedback can be given when belief reaches certain limits. For example, a practice method or an opinion tool is given.

Someone from the upper realm is covering, this is actually the biggest support of Moon Wind Wonderland. And the rest of the mountain gates, which are the top sects with Moonwind Wonderland, are similar.

Look at the six factions. Whether it is the disciples, the background, the number of masters, or the potential power, they are all at an absolute disadvantage. It is reasonable to be despised by Moonwind Wonderland, and even regarded as scum and ants.

Faced with such a situation, whether Mu Renqing, Cheng Dayou, or the remaining six factions at the helm, all have the same reaction: Do it!

It is not confidence, but there is no retreat.

If you really put down your weapons and accept the investigation of Moonwind Wonderland, then the result will be the end of life and death. It would be better to fight hard and say that things will turn around without waiting.

"Sect Leader Mu, the situation is urgent now, and the first batch of supervisors from Moon Wind Wonderland will arrive in two days. We have to come up with an idea on how we should act!"

The headquarters of the Money Gang, the heads of the six major factions, and the loose cultivator Zhang Mo gathered together. This was their third time to study countermeasures. There has never been a solid plan.

Without waiting for Mu Renqing to answer, the ugly man Cheng Dayou, who was sitting on the side, snorted coldly and said, "Hey, that's the top sect Moonwind Wonderland! We're not enough to slap them together. No matter how you prepare, it's all in vain. If you want me to say, let's go ahead and kill them by surprise, and then delay the time. The three-year period is still two months away. As long as we delay until then, hehe, our vitality is not counted. Is there any hope?"

The method mentioned by Cheng Dayou has actually been repeatedly mentioned in the previous two discussions. It's just that this bill seems to depend on luck, so it will be gathered three times in a row.

However, as Cheng Dayou said, the current situation of the six major factions is indeed dead. If you want to ask for life, you can only rely on luck. After two months, the three-year period will expire. The mysterious Mr. Xue will definitely come, and then the pressure from Moonwind Wonderland will be able to be shared a lot.

Mu Renqing stood up and suppressed the discussion around him. He smiled and said: "Wealth and honor are sought in danger, and it has been the same since ancient times. Heishayuguo is a thing that conquers the heavens and the earth, and we never thought that it would be noticed by Moonwind Wonderland so quickly. Since this is the case, you are also unwilling to sit still and wait to die, then Just kill a **** path. Sect Leader Cheng is actually right, we are far inferior to Moon Wind Wonderland in terms of strength, but we also have backers behind us. As long as we can delay it for two months, the situation can be greatly changed.

So my proposition is to set up an ambush for the first batch of inspectors in Moonwind Wonderland before they arrive at the Qianjin Gang, and try to destroy them in one fell swoop. Coupled with the cover-up of news, it can always be delayed for some more time.

At the same time, the elite forces of the six major factions are integrated into one, relying on the geographical location to stick to it. Then the periphery will have to bother Brother Zhang Mo to help us build momentum and release the cold shot. "

The general strategy is this. After Mu Renqing finished speaking, he was silent for a long time, and finally nodded to reach a consensus. The next step is to negotiate the details, which are being completed quickly. Time is running out.

In the afternoon of that day, the gathered chiefs said their goodbyes and left, and no one was dodging ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only Zhang Mo, the first person in scattered cultivation, was in the dark from beginning to end. But that night, the heads of the six sects, who were supposed to return to the three sects, met again outside a small town five hundred miles away from the Qian Qian Gang. Each of them was covered with black scarves, and there were many followers behind them. Together, there were six. ten people.

"The masters in the mountain gate have been brought, and the old lady has even emptied half of her family. This time I must taste the blood of the masters of the top schools." The flame fairy Lin Hongyan's voice changed from a bumpy figure. came from the masked man. It caused everyone around to laugh in a low voice.

"Okay, I reported earlier that the first batch of supervisors dispatched from Moonwind Wonderland this time consisted of 20 people, including 15 elite disciples, three robe disciples, and two elders. According to the portraits, the two leading The elders are Huo Dong, the law enforcement elder in Moonwind Wonderland, and Tie Duanshan, the head of the outer sect."

"Tsk tsk, Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan, these two old dogs are famous people. They are both monks in the middle stage of the Human Realm. It seems that Moon Wind Fairyland pays enough attention to Mu Gang, your money gang."

Mu Renqing chuckled lightly and continued: "I haven't finished yet, except for the manpower, the news reported that Tie Duanshan has been carrying a golden sword box on his back. Guess what is inside?"

"Golden sword box?! This, does this bring all the red gold swords?"

"What's impossible? That dignified cultivator of Tie Duan Mountain will have no Xumi mustard seeds? Will it not be able to hold a sword box? Only the instruments from the upper realm will not be affected by our Xumi mustard seeds. Rong, you can only carry it on your back. This is troublesome. It seems that Moonwind Wonderland is well prepared!"

Mu Renqing nodded and said solemnly: "So, we must be quick in our raid this time, and we can't keep our hands at all, let alone let one go!"

"Understand." 2k Novel Reading Network

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