Extreme Yama System

Chapter 842: 3 Bay Town

[Book Title: The Ultimate Yama System Chapter 842 Sanwan Town Author: Jian Rujiao]

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Strongly recommended: Nine Lian Returns to Immortal Eternal Night King Reverse Scales Great Ruler Holy Ruins Xue Ying Lord One Thought Eternal Dragon King Legend Taikoo God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Tianxuan Realm Gate A group of 20 people, all dressed in white, robes, waisted swords, and jade crowns , the clouds come. It was the Moonwind Wonderland inspector who came to rest here from the far west.

Most of the young people in the 20 people are handsome in appearance, and their temperament is incomparable with ordinary people.

The two of them were of similar stature, not tall and thin, with middle-aged faces, eyes like swords, and their clothes were different from those of the seemingly young people behind them. Although they are all white, the collars and cuffs of the two middle-aged men's clothes have purple stripes. Most of the young people behind them have red stripes, and a few have black stripes.

The ranks of the disciples in the Moon Wind Immortal are clear, and because of the customs and habits of the headquarters, blue is the most respected among all colors, followed by purple, then black, and then red, orange, green, and white. The two leaders with purple patterns on their cuffs are the two leaders who came here: Huo Dong, the elder of the Moon Wind Wonderland, and Tie Duanshan, the head of the outer sect.

Those with black cuffs are the disciples of the Moon Wind Wonderland, who are the direct descendants of the elder-level sect masters, and have a high status. Those decorated in red are elite disciples.

"Father, is this Sanwan Town?"

As soon as they arrived at the mouth of the town, twenty people descended from the clouds. It happened that an old man who was driving an ox cart out of the town to go home saw the group of people and was stunned. He was pulled by Tie Duanshan with a sword box on his back and asked.

"This immortal family, this is Sanwan Town." The old man got down from the ox cart and replied with a salute. I knew in my heart which monks were flying around.

"Thank you." Tie Duanshan nodded, waved his hand, and everyone behind him followed and entered the town. But they didn't know that when they entered the town, the three children who seemed to be playing at the entrance of the town slipped aside laughingly and told a dark and strong middle-aged man in the room next to them about their arrival. .

And it took less than half an hour for the people from Moonwind Wonderland to enter the town, and the news reached the ears of Mu Renqing and the others who were waiting outside the town.

"Sect Leader Mu is really predictable! I'm very curious, how did you guess that these people from the Moon Wind Wonderland would stop in this Sanwan Town?" Lin Hongyan, the only female, asked Mu Renqing in a low voice.

"It's nothing, if I am from Moonwind Wonderland, I have important things on my body, and I will be very cautious when there may be drastic changes. I will definitely observe for a while before arriving at the destination. At the same time, I will do some necessary things. Adjustment. And this Sanwan Town is the closest gathering place to the border of the money gang's control area. If I were, I would naturally take a rest here, and I would set off when I was ready."

"Then now, do we wait for them to come out of the town before we start, or do we just go in and be caught off guard?"

The plan was hosted by Mu Renqing, and all the eyeliners in Sanwan Town were maintained by the money gang, and even these were not simple eyeliners, because most of the residents in this town had a lot of money with the money gang. The connection with the thread is one's own family. Say hello in advance, and you can naturally report the whereabouts of Moonwind Wonderland before you know it.

Mu Renqing shook his head and said, "Even if we win, it will cost a lot of money. And it's not easy to do our best. Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan are not easy to mess with, especially Tie Duanshan with a red gold sword. It must be an extremely terrifying existence. So don't worry, I have other arrangements."

"Yoha, Gang Master Mu is really mature and serious. Tsk tsk, then we won't ask, just wait for the time you say."

Mu Renqing nodded, she couldn't see his expression under the black turban, but the confidence in his eyes gave a reassurance to the masters of the six major factions who were ambush outside together. Although he didn't ask, he was still curious, what means did Mu Renqing prepare for those guys in Moonwind Wonderland?

in town.

"Several guest officers, it's getting late, are you staying at the hotel?"

Ship to the inn. The only inn in Sanwan Town. Although it has been newly built for a few years, it is still not a luxury inn, and at most it is clean.

This inn is generally a place for businessmen who travel to do business within the sphere of influence of the Money Gang to rest here. This is the first time that the shopkeeper has seen so many people come to live in the shop together, and these people are very imposing, and they look absolutely not ordinary people, which makes the shopkeeper involuntarily think of those nobles or legendary " fairy house".

The respectful inn shopkeeper made Tie Duanshan, who felt that the inn was simple and originally frowned, stretched his brows again. Asked: "We are twenty people living in the hotel, are there so many of us going to the house?"

"There are some. There are just seven double rooms and six single rooms in the upper room of the small shop. They are all empty now. Would you like me to show you there?"

"Go up and have a look alone." Tie Duanshan instructed, and an elite disciple behind him responded and followed a shop assistant called by the shopkeeper upstairs to inspect the room.

Taking this stall, Huo Dong, who was beside Tie Duanshan, asked the shopkeeper with a smile, "Isn't it peaceful in this town? Are there any monsters doing bad things?"

"Guest officer, no, a few hundred miles east of here is the Qianjin Xianjia. As long as there are monsters haunting the Qianjin Xianjia, they will take action. So this area has always been very peaceful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so to speak. The money gang is pretty good, right? By the way, do they come here often?"

The shopkeeper smiled and replied, "I don't come here often, unless something happens."

"Oh, haven't you come recently?" Huo Dong's eyes suddenly became sharp looking at the innkeeper.

"Ah? No, no, I haven't been here. The last time, it was all about half a year ago." The shopkeeper's face was blue, and he was so frightened that he fell on the counter.

No one laughed, but Huo Dong touched his nose. He didn't expect this mortal to be so unscared. It seemed that he almost urinated just now. Well, it's not something to be proud of. The dignified monk of the extreme realm went to scare a mortal person, and he had a share. Fortunately, it was his own family, so it would not affect the reputation of Moonwind Wonderland.

"Are you afraid? I won't eat you again. Take it, and the uncle will reward you." After saying this, Huo Dong raised his hand and threw a gold ingot worth two or two to the shopkeeper.

At this time, the disciple who went up to see the room came back, handed over to Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan and said, "Go back to the two elders, there is no problem with the room, it is very clean, but the decoration is a little outdated."

"Just clean, hurry up and choose a room to stay." Tie Duanshan threw another gold ingot on the shopkeeper, and then said, "Prepare a few tables of meals."

"Okay, okay, I'll be fine soon! Please go to your room to rest for a while. I'll call you when the food is ready." The shopkeeper's hand was still trembling, but he firmly grasped the two gold ingots , with fear and excitement in his eyes.

When these people were all upstairs, the shopkeeper hurried to the kitchen, kicked up the guys who were dozing off, and shouted loudly, "Get up and do things quickly! I'll take care of all the good dishes. Do it! Hurry up, the two big table people, if the guests are not satisfied, your wages will be deducted this month!" 2K Novel Reading Network

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