Extreme Yama System

Chapter 843: Tasty?

[Title: Need for Yama System Chapter 843 Is it delicious? Author: Jian Rujiao】

The latest chapter of the Need for Yama System 2k Novel Network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Highly recommended: Lingtian Zhanzun thought of the legend of the eternal dragon king, the ancient gods and kings, the peak of Wulian, the gate of the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the selection of heaven, the emperor of the eternal night, the great ruler of the eternal night, and the shouts of the shopkeeper of the holy market.

Not far from the small town is the mountain, which is full of game, and the inn also relies on the mountain to eat the mountain. The chefs are naturally best at cooking all kinds of game.

The taste in it is right. The chefs of the small inn are definitely more experienced than the chefs in the big cities, and the game they make is more pure and delicious. Of course, the taint of wild game still needs special methods to suppress it.

The head chef is a fat middle-aged man with a big smile on his face. He assured the shopkeeper that all the craftsmanship at the bottom of the box would be taken out, while instructing the kitchen staff to start packing the ingredients and start making a fire.

The hands and feet of the guys are all quick and easy, and in a short time, a table full of ingredients will be tidy up. Then it was tumbling in two large pots of oil, and the aroma began to rise.

"Go, don't stand stupidly. Bring some water, and scald the tableware with boiling water. There are some big men outside. If you are not satisfied, we will be deducted by the shopkeeper and I will beat you slackers!" The chef was still very dignified in the kitchen, and he raised his voice to say hello, and the rest of the guys immediately picked up their work again.

Upstairs, Tie Duanshan put down the teacup and asked Huo Dong, who was sitting beside him, "How? Is there a problem?"

"No. There is no abnormality in the radius of a hundred miles. This inn is also. I just checked all the ingredients and seasonings in the kitchen with my spiritual sense, and there is no problem at all, and the second shopkeeper is no problem. They are all mortals. It seems that the money gang is indeed being I'm scared." Huo Dong withdrew his spiritual thoughts as he spoke, took a sip of the tea handed by Tie Duanshan.

"The little money gang dare not resist? The faction master even handed over the red gold sword to us this time. I don't believe that the money gang can get away."

"That being said, but the dog will jump over the wall when it is anxious. Our main purpose is to find out where the magical fruit comes from, and we can't leak the news ahead of time. So be careful. Besides, The money gang leader Mu Renqing is already a cultivator who is about to die, are you willing to die with him?"

Tie Duanshan laughed, patted the sword box on his right hand, and said, "What about Mu Renqing? He is so arrogant when he is approaching the calamity, don't think that everyone is afraid of him. The Chijinjian hasn't drank blood for a long time. If you can't say it right, take him to sacrifice the sword."

"Dong dong dong."

"What's the matter?" Huo Dong asked when the door of the room rang just after chatting.

"Elder, the food in the inn is ready. It's all game, and it looks pretty good. Would you like to try some?"

Hearing the words of the disciple outside the door, Huo Dong hummed, then looked at Tie Duanshan with a smile and said, "Brother Duanshan, why don't we go down for a drink?"

"Hahaha! It's rare for your brother Huo to have a Yaxing, or it's okay, let's just wish us success?"

"Naturally, it's a success!"


Going down to the inn lobby, the two hot dishes have been set up. Just looking at it and smelling it makes me appetizing. The dishes are not as refined as those high-end restaurants in big cities. Although they are rude, they can induce the most primitive appetite.

"It looks good. I didn't expect you to have a chef hidden in this small shop!" Huo Dong said with a smile to the shopkeeper who was attentive beside him. He raised his hand and two large jars of wine arrived on the two tables.

"Haha, this is Xianlin drunk? Elder Huo is really bold, tsk tsk, I haven't had a drink for a long time." Tie Duanshan laughed, then looked at the disciples on the table and said, "Thank you Elder Huo for this. But a rare good wine."

After a lively moment, the leader of the two-month wind fairyland moved his chopsticks first, and nodded again and again after only one bite. Although they have been fasting for many years, the fun in their mouths is more of a habit for living beings. When encountering delicious food or something that has never been eaten before, they will naturally have a good mouth and mouth, and eat it with good wine. How did Daleshi get rid of it?

"What kind of game is this?" asked the shopkeeper who was pouring wine beside him, picking up a piece of fragrant meat and chewing it in his mouth.

"If you go back to the guest officer, what you just ate was bamboo lions, a small beast that eats bamboo shoots. It is not often seen in the mountains, so the small shop only made two dishes in total."

"Bamboo lion? Hey, I heard it for the first time."

A meal that is eaten clean. Seeing that the shopkeeper was in a cold sweat, there were a lot of dishes on these two tables, but these guys ate clean and didn't even burp. They're all big-bellied guys! Still, is it worth it? One or two seems to be unfinished, but there is nothing in the kitchen. After all, it was already late at night when these people came, and it was not easy to have something to fill such a large table.

"Is there any more vegetables?" Tie Duanshan also had a great appetite, and asked the shopkeeper loudly after killing the wine in the wine bowl in his hand.

"This, guest officer, there is already no stock in the kitchen, you see..."

"Forget it, that's it." Huo Dong stood up, replied, and said to the disciples: "After eating, go back to your room to rest for your homework, and have an early rest when you're done.

at this time.

Outside the town, in a sheltering formation, Mu Renqing's eyes kept staring at a corner of the town, and he hadn't moved for a long time. The people around him were curious about what he was looking at, but no one asked first, and they also guessed that it was probably related to the "arrangement" that Mu Renqing said before.

On the third watch, the sound of the watch from the town can already be heard. But in this cover-up formation, no one moved, no one asked any questions, and they were all quite patient. But they all know in their hearts that the time is coming.

Suddenly, there was a faint light in Mu Renqing's line of sight. It was a bamboo pole more than 30 feet high that stood up in a corner of the town~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, a lantern was hung on it.

"Prepare, the time has come." Mu Renqing said softly to the people behind him. Without waiting for questioning, Mu Renqing continued: "Let's continue to keep our breath covered, move slowly, and pay attention to each other. Master Cheng, you and Master Lin and your men will be ambushed in the east of the town. Listen to me. Long howl is news, don't act rashly.

Brother Zhang Mo, you and your people are in ambush in the north. The red signal shall prevail, and you must not act rashly.

The rest of you follow me in the frontal attack. "

Mu Renqing was the principal appointed by Xue Wusuan, and his cultivation base was also the highest among the people present. Right now, Sanwan Town is another site for the Qianjin Gang, so of course no one objected to these plans.

But it's time to explain it, and now it's time to explain it clearly. It's not appropriate to hide it, and by the way, it can give everyone some confidence. Otherwise, the masters of the dignified Moon Wind Wonderland still hold a tyrannical magic weapon from the upper realm, which is difficult to surpass in terms of morale.

"Have you heard of "Bingyu San"?"

"Sect Master Mu, you didn't use Bingyu Powder, did you?!" Cheng Dayou had a happy expression on his face, and so did the rest of the people.

Bingyusan, a strange poison, colorless and odorless, is divided into two parts: "Bingsan" and "Yusan". It can be used alone to enhance flavor and is a rare top seasoning. But once the two meet, it is a strange poison.

The combination of Bingyu Powder has zero impact on the body, and has a very high latent ability. But once the mana is used, that is to lift the last veil of the strange poison, which is equivalent to a catalyst, and completely stimulates the toxicity of the ice powder and jade powder, which is extremely poisonous. Not to mention the elite disciples of Moonwind Wonderland, even Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan from the Human Realm were just as difficult to drive away when they faced Bingyusan after the attack.

This is what Mu Renqing prepared in advance for the people of Moon Wind Wonderland. 2k novel reading network

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