Extreme Yama System

Chapter 856: someone to save me

Kneel down!

A long row, no less than five hundred people, were all **** and concentrated in the square in the center of the Qianqian Gang station. The rest were all dead.

The tragic offense and defense had come to an end. Those who had the chance to blew themselves up did so. Those who didn't have the chance were all imprisoned and slaughtered by others, including the master of the six major sects and the loose cultivator Zhang Mo. Neither of them were bloodless people, but Yue Lanping and Ye Tong made their own shots at the same time, and they had no chance of escaping or playing self-destruction tricks.

The gap is the gap, even if they are both in the extreme realm, they can still be far apart. Although Mu Renqing and the others fought hard and were injured and consumed a lot, even in their heyday, Ye Tong and Yue Lanping could not do anything. In just one face-to-face, all the six people except Mu Renqing were suppressed, and their body was imprisoned at the same time, and they became ordinary people.

Of course, Mu Renqing's final result was just like his disciple, who was imprisoned and escorted to the square with the mana in his body.

Kneel down! The roar sounded again, because all the disciples of the six major factions in the field did not kneel, kneeling down to kneel down to their parents, at most one teacher, usually even the sect master does not necessarily need to kneel, not to mention the people who are killing themselves in front of them. The enemy of the same door is even less likely to kneel. Anyway, they are all dead, why not have a little backbone?

Ask for it!

Seeing everyone stiffen their necks and don't kneel, that's fine, external forces can also help.


A strange light flashed by quickly, followed by a series of muffled groans, and the knees of all the six major factions were instantly shattered in the strange light.

Don't you just kneel down? Including the masters of the six major factions and Zhang Mo. What else could it be? Now that all the mana has been sealed, it is no different from ordinary people. How can you stand up with broken legs and knees? In addition, the Moon Wind Wonderland and the disciples of the Ye family escorted him behind him.

On the field, only Mu Renqing always had a smile on his face, even with a broken knee. I understand in my heart that this Yuefeng Wonderland and the Ye family did not kill them immediately but chose to suppress them. There must be a reason for this, and it must be because of those evil spirits. Before he figured it out, he felt that the vitality of himself and these surviving disciples had not been cut off.

Are you Mu Renqing, the leader of the Money Gang?

After all the people from the six major factions knelt down, Yue Lanping and Ye Tong fell from the sky. Walking in front of Mu Renqing, all eyes scrutinized fell on Mu Renqing's body.

In this slaughter, Ye Tong and Yue Lanping could see clearly that Mu Renqing was in charge of all the transitions between offense and defense, and all the doubts at the beginning were concentrated on the Zheqian Gang. Of course, most of these doubts are in Moon Wind Wonderland or Yue Lanping's heart. Ye Tong is still unable to touch the threshold, and all the reactions are based on Yue Lanping's reactions.

Lord of Yuemen, Lord of Yemen. I, Mu, never thought that the two of you would unite against my six major factions. Hey, could it be said that the two of you have reconciled now? Tsk tsk, this is big news for the monk world. Mu Renqing's words didn't have the slightest feeling of being a prisoner, there was no anger or even a normal reaction at all.

Yue Lanping frowned slightly, and Mu Renqing's reaction was a little strange, which made her feel a little uneasy.

Ye Tong, who was beside him, maintained his demeanor, but his eyes were much sharper. The head of a small sect, who was already kneeling in front of him, reacted in such a way that he dared the Ye family and Yuefeng Wonderland to tease him. Stupid? Or have other thoughts?

Oh? Gang Master Mu still has the mind to take care of my Ye family's affairs? Hehe, the hundreds of disciples around you are about to perish. Don't their previous **** fights have no weight in your eyes?

Ye Tong wasn't a vegetarian either. Facing Mu Renqing's reaction, he directly threw the biggest contradiction in the current scene onto Mu Renqing's head.

This is generally the first question that a party in distress in such a desperate situation needs to think about, such as life and death. Ye Tong is also accustomed to the cruel time after such killings. There have been no less than ten sects killed by him in the past thousands of years, and it is precisely because of this that he is curious and suspicious of Mu Renqing's current reaction.

Mu Renqing laughed and said: They? Their current suffering is only temporary, and everything will have a time when the clouds will bloom and the moon will brighten. So what's there to worry about?

Keep the clouds open to see the moonlight? What does this mean? It is hard to say that it has reached such a point that Mu Renqing and other six major factions still feel that their vitality is still alive?

Without waiting for Yue Lanping and Ye Tong to continue their questioning, Mu Renqing continued, "Sect Master Yue came to me to help me with money to fight so hard, isn't it just that kind of magical fruit? Although this thing is rare, it is not something that cannot be said. Can you just come to the door and ask? Why is it so troublesome?

Yue Lanping snorted coldly, about to seal Mu Renqing's speech ability and take it away. But as soon as he shot, he was stopped by Ye Tong who was beside him almost at the same time.

Ye Tong, what do you mean?

Oh, what is Sect Master Yue saying? It seems that Mu gang leader has not finished speaking, I am very interested, um, isn't Yue sect leader interested? Oh, by the way, Sect Master Yue should have known the news in advance, right? Guozi, I don't know it was He Qizhen who made Sect Master Yue work so hard?

The words were speaking to Yue Lanping, but they were asking Mu Renqing.

fruit? No wonder Moonwind Wonderland is so anxious to take all the masters of the six major factions back. It seems that the fruit is indeed not simple, and the six major factions should be guilty of guilt. It seems that the Ye family's involvement this time is not a waste of time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mu Renqing spoke again, saying: Black evil desires fruit, a kind of soul that can enhance the solidity of the soul and the talent of understanding after taking it. Qizhen. It has an immediate effect on all monks, and it is a lifesaver for monks in the tribulation period. But Yemen Master doesn't seem to know? It seems that Sect Master Yue didn't mention it to you?

Yue Lanping's anger rose, this Mu Renqing was too arrogant, and he actually fell into such a field and dared to provoke the feud between Yuefeng Wonderland and the Ye family. Do you really think he can't kill him?

Mu Renqing, I promise, no matter what the final result is, your result will be that you will be imprisoned in the yang flames of my Moon Wind Immortal after being sucked out of your soul, and you will be roasted forever and ever!

Ye Tong on the side said: Mu Gang, if you can tell me everything you know, and join my Ye family, it is not that there is no way to survive.

Black evil desire fruit? Is it really as effective as Mu Renqing said? Ye Tong felt his heart beat faster.

Yue Lanping suddenly surging with momentum, glared at Ye Tong and shouted: Ye, do you really dare to do this? Although the words were harsh, it was the first time Yue Lanping heard about the effect of the magical fruit. Is it really so magical? That's amazing!

What is there to dare? My Ye family is the one who gave half of the strength. If the gang leader Mu is willing, my Ye family is also willing to accept it and treat it with courtesy. Why not? On the contrary, Sect Master Yue's remarks were a bit overbearing. Ye Tong is the old god, he is sure that Mu Renqing will follow him, and Yue Lanping will never dare to tear his face with the Ye family. After all, Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan are already dead. The fairyland is a lot less powerful than the Ye family.

However, before Yue Lanping and Ye Tong would come to a conclusion, Mu Renqing spoke again.

No need, I'm right here, I have someone to save me.

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