Extreme Yama System

Chapter 857: senior save me

[Book Title: Supreme Yama System Chapter 857 Senior Save Me Author: Jian Rujiao]

The latest chapter of the Need for Yama System 2k Novel Network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Strongly recommended: Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins of Daozheng, a thought of the legend of the eternal dragon king, the peak of Wulian, the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the selection of heaven, the record of the eternal night, the king of the night, and even the first to get the news, the moon wind fairyland does not know about that kind of " The specific situation of "fruit", and even Yue Lanping's heart was questioning whether it existed or not. Now listening to Mu Renqing say this, her heart is inevitably hot. After all, just like Mu Renqing, Yue Lanping is also on the verge of transcending the calamity. She couldn't tell if she survived, even though she had Moonwind Fairyland's unique means of transcending calamity, her chances of success were higher than others.

"Who are you waiting for to save you?" Ye Tong asked with a smile. He was very curious about where Mu Renqing's confidence came from. It was just a group of small sects who had never had their ancestors log into the upper realm. In the current situation, apart from the big men in the upper realm, who could save them?

"Give me someone who is black and evil."

"You mean, that kind of fruit was given to you by someone else? Will he come to save you?"

Mu Renqing: "Of course. If Yemen Master is curious, you can wait for him."

These remarks made all the six major sect masters kneeling on the ground with broken knees, and immediately understood Mu Renqing's plan, secretly sighing that this method is really clever and definitely effective.

Why? Because of the face!

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Mu Renqing directly put all the effects of Heisha Yuguo to the light. This kind of rare treasure can be said to be hard to find in the world, and even appeared for the first time in thousands of years. Who doesn't want it?

Now Mu Renqing not only said the effect of Heisha Yuguo, but also the source of the fruit: it was given to him by someone else, and that person will come soon.

So, do you Ye family and Moonwind Wonderland dare to wait for that person to come? If you don't dare, then it means that these top sects are all false, and they are all timid and fearful. How will they stand in the monk world in the future? Frightened by an empty name and afraid to touch it?

On the one hand, it is a great benefit, and on the other hand, it is a fierce general that cannot be avoided. This has almost blocked all the roads of the Moon Wind Wonderland and the Ye family.

"Oh? The person who gave you the fruit will come? When?" Yue Lanping asked Mu Renqing's eyes. As for being timid, this is not the habit of Moonwind Wonderland, and what is there to not dare to deal with a small threat or a threat? The most important thing is that just now, her spiritual sense had already rummaged through the entire Qianjin Gang's house, inside and out, up and down. She even searched hundreds of feet underground, but she didn't find any "fruits".

Yue Lanping believed that Ye Tong, who was beside her, didn't gain anything either. Now there are two possibilities: the fruit has been eaten by Mu Renqing and others; the fruit has been hidden elsewhere.

There are two possibilities, but at the moment, according to Mu Renqing, the first possibility seems to be higher. After eating, wait for someone to bring it. Of course, this will certainly not be free, there will be transactions. Even the fruit itself is not so simple, and it is more likely to be used as a bait. Otherwise, why would the two elders of her Moon Wind Wonderland be killed?

No matter how Yue Lanping guesses and judges, she will never fail to think of what she will face. Likewise, Ye Tong, who mocked Yue Lanping with a smile on his face, didn't know what the consequences would be for them to follow Mu Renqing's words.

Mu Renqing's expression was still calm, he knew that what he said just now was not taken seriously by Yue Lanping and Ye Tong, but was more of a mockery of his oversufficiency and the narrow sense of a frog at the bottom of a well.

"The two sect masters, that person will be here soon, just today. So, if you two are patient, you might as well wait a moment. After all, I have no money to help me with that kind of fruit. If you want it, you have to find it. That's fine."

Ye Tong: "Who is that person's last name and what is the origin? Why did he find you? What is he asking for?"

A series of questions, but Mu Renqing kept his mouth shut. After asking two or three times, Ye Tong frowned. Behind him, an elder of the Ye family walked over with a smile. "It was forced into Mu Renqing's mouth.

"You should have heard of Soul Eater Gu, right? This is the Soul Eater Golden Gu, which this old man took more than a thousand years to cultivate. It eats flesh and soul, and it's all good. Of course, it is also very effective as a means of torture. , you have a taste."

The Ye family is good at Gu techniques, and has been cultivating and researching for thousands of years, forming a unique Gu technique system. And the Gu technique is synonymous with insidiousness and cruelty, so it can be seen that the Ye family's reputation in the cultivator world is actually not very sunny, and it is a lot worse than the Moon Wind Fairyland.

I can clearly feel that a worm is eating flesh and blood in my body bit by bit, and from time to time it will tear off a little bit from the soul to taste it, and this worm is also very smart, knowing not to touch those key dirty. organs and aorta, won't bite you. To be honest, Mu Renqing, who has always been arrogant and tough, is now surprised that he doesn't seem to be too resistant.

"Don't tell me? Hehe, this is just a Gu. You also know that the biggest advantage of Gu is that it reproduces quickly. After eating the flesh and soul of you, a cultivator of the extreme realm, it will have a lot of energy in its stomach now. Vent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Would you like to experience a real feeling of "10,000 worms eating your heart"?"

A tactic was played, and Mu Renqing couldn't hold it any longer, and he let out a shrill scream. He felt that the worm in his body was constantly producing tiny eggs, and those eggs actually only needed a second or two to hatch into new worms, more and more, After a while, it covered almost every blood vessel in his body, every piece of flesh and blood. That itch and extreme pain made him think for the first time that he wanted to end himself.

"How about you, haven't you said it yet?"

"Cough, what are you talking about? There's nothing to say. Wait for him, cough, come, don't you just do everything, cough, do you understand?" In the violent cough, Mu Renqing replied intermittently. He didn't want to cough either, but his neck was full of worms, and it was extremely itchy when crawling, and he couldn't suppress this physiological reaction at all.

"But we just want to know now. But your tenacity is really good, then let's add some more bugs and slowly eat the self-protection part of your soul, and then you won't be able to use soul search. Let you destroy those messages, what do you think?"

Mu Renqing was at a loss for words. He calculated everything, but only missed the Ye family's method, or his knowledge was not enough for him to calculate everything right.

Now, in the face of Ye Family's Gu technique, Mu Renqing found that whether he said it or not, he seemed to be finished.

"Mu Renqing, what are you doing lying on the ground? Oh, it seems that you are not quite safe now."

The voice had a smile, and it sounded in the ear without everyone noticing it. In the blink of an eye, in the middle of the arena, there was a man in a black robe with gold tattoos and a smoking "stick" in his mouth.

"Senior, save me!" 2k Novel Reading Network

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