Extreme Yama System

Chapter 873: Verbal temptation?

[Book Title: Superb Yama System Chapter 873 Verbal Temptation? Author: Jian Rujiao】

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Highly recommended: My Fantasy World Chosen Heaven, King of Eternal Night, Inverse Scale, Lord of Xue Ying, Lord of Xue Ying, Yi Nian, Legend of the Eternal Dragon King The projection that did not follow Tang Xuanzang to go to the Western Heaven was also apprehensive.

Tiandao said that the two powerful people in the upper realm could not come down, and the law body could not see through the identity cover arranged by Tiandao when he came. However, Xue Wusuan will not completely listen to the letter. This is not a question of trust or not, but a question of being responsible for himself.

After so many killings, Xue Wusuan had already mastered it, and everything had to be prepared with both hands, otherwise, if something went wrong, he would not even have a chance to react.

Who knows if there will be any secret hand hidden in the projection of the western sky? If you go in and get plotted, it will be the next thing. If you find out the identity of the magic cultivator, it will be a big trouble. At that time, if you are not good, the news may be spread from this aspect, and the entire unscrupulous underworld will be pushed to extreme danger. in the situation.

Just stay outside the projection of the West Sky, and then find a place where you can be sure of safety and wait. Are you worried that the Law Bodies of the two will not follow?

Taishang Laojun's dharma body has to arrive first, and after arriving, he is also chatting with Yan Yuese, without mentioning the four lost dharma tools or half a word about the study of scriptures from the West.

The Tathagata came a little later, didn't speak after coming, just sat on the stone chair like this, looking at Xue Wusuan expressionlessly, his eyes were full of scrutiny.

The scene was very quiet, except for the sound of Xue Wusuan smacking a cigar, there was not even a single living insect within a radius of two miles, and there was no wind, and even the trees seemed to be still. This is the result of the entanglement of the three qi machines.

To be tested, although the Dharma bodies of the two powerful people are not in the realm of the Tao, they are also beyond the realm of Luo Tian Daxian. . And Xue Wusuan is the same, whether it is pretending or out of curiosity about the dharma body of the Almighty who is in the realm of the Tao, he also wants to touch the depths.

Of course, Xue Wusuan's bottom-up results are not ideal. Even if he is a dharma body, he is still at the level of an almighty person. He is now in the golden immortal realm. It's not enough for him to peek into the details of the Almighty. What's more, Xue Wusuan was repeatedly examined and investigated by Taishang Laojun and Tathagata as a "strange".

There is no need to resist, this is one of the purposes of Xue Wusuan's tea here: Aren't you curious about what the ancient monks were like? Then let you take a good look. The more carefully you look, the more "strange things" you find, the more Xue Wusuan has nothing to do with that "magic cultivator", and the more he can hide himself.

Shen Chang's temptation lasted for a full hour before it was over. Xue Wusuan's cigar had been replaced, and the old gentleman opened his mouth to ask a question. He changed the words of the previous chat in one sentence, and directly put the cigar in his hand. The topic was on the most poignant event at the moment.

"Your Excellency, don't you want to say it? The study of scriptures from the West was originally a Taoist propaganda plan planned by the Tathagata. Now you have completely changed the taste. If you don't explain it clearly, I'm afraid the Tathagata will hold a grudge in his heart."

Xue Wusuan smiled and glanced at Taishang Laojun on the right. Look, this is a monk in the Taoist realm. What is the difference between those monks at the bottom? Thoughtful and poisonous, these two sentences seem to be helping the Tathagata to fight Xue Wusuan, but in fact, the Tathagata has not spoken yet. Aren't these words intensifying the conflict?

The abacus is sounding, the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun are not the same, and the filth between each other has long been ingrained, and no one can do anything about it. Not to mention the fact that Taishang Laojun and Tathagata have become inseparable in the matter of combining Tao, who would like to share the Tao of Heaven with another person? So they all hope that the other party will fail or die, and this is also a "competition".

Now that this magical ancient monk has appeared, Taishang Laojun naturally doesn't mind helping the Tathagata raise another enemy. What's more, this ancient monk is not simple!

During the test just now, Taishang Laojun found that the mana structure and system of the ancient monk in front of him seemed to be very different from what he had been practicing for countless years. It seems to be more resilient and more potential, and even Taishang Laojun feels that there is no trace of heaven left on this ancient monk. This is simply subverting his cognition.

You must know that all the monks in this world whose cultivation level exceeds the realm of Nascent Soul have traces of the Heavenly Dao on their bodies. Because of transcending calamity, as long as transcending calamity is successful, the aura of tribulation thunder will transform into some traces of heaven and remain in the body and soul of the cultivator. This is a kind of feedback, and it is also an extremely important clue for the cultivator to continue to comprehend cultivation.

But this ancient monk did not have it. Did he just give up on his own? Or maybe this one has never experienced a catastrophe? So peacefully cultivated all the way to the realm of Jinxian?

Taishang Laojun was thinking about it, and the Tathagata didn't know what to think if he didn't speak. Xue Wusuan was about to say something.

"Isn't Laojun provoking? Then Tang Xuanzang was the disciple of Tathagata's election, and what he did was also the important matter of obtaining scriptures from the West. I'll just help the leader. Otherwise, under your Laojun's arrangement, Tang Xuanzang would not be able to get to the West and obtain the scriptures. ."

"But he is "unclean" now, and the westward journey has become a joke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How should your Excellency explain it?"

As soon as Xue Wusian opened his mouth to speak, the Tathagata also followed, and he actually followed the words raised by the Taishang Laojun, as if he was really going to clarify this matter.

"This is the original heart, where did the "unclean" come from, the monk's talent is good, including the Sun Wukong. I can come out and see interesting creatures naturally willing to give some pointers. Oh, such a good seedling Isn't it a pity to be delayed like this?"

Xue Wusuan's words made the scene silent again.

Two pointers? Heart? hold up?

These words are all talking about practice! According to the literal meaning, does it mean that Tang Xuanzang and Sun Wukong were favored by this ancient monk because of their outstanding talents, and gave pointers to practice, so as not to be affected by the wrong path they took?

Combined with the previous trial, both the Taishang Laojun and the Tathagata instantly put the hints in Xue Wusuan's words on the "methods unique to ancient monks and different from all current cultivation systems".

"Oh? You also said that Tang Xuanzang was my appointed disciple. When will it be my turn to be directed? Besides, it's still such an abrupt suggestion?"

Xue Wusuan laughed and said, "Then how are you doing?"

"Guiding other people's disciples is against the norm. Of course, if your ability is decent, then it's another matter."

"Do you mean to try?"

"Are you afraid?"

"I'm worried about accidentally breaking your body, isn't that not very friendly?"

The smile on Taishang Laojun's face couldn't be held back at all. This is the rhythm to start! A powerful Dharma body and an ancient monk in the golden fairyland are facing each other. This is the first time he has seen this scene in countless years of his life, and no matter whether he wins or loses, even if there is no deadly enmity between the ancient monk and Buddhism, it will definitely not. How harmonious, this is more important than anything else. 2k novel reading network

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