Extreme Yama System

Chapter 874: Karma does not invade

The stone table and stone chair disappeared, and were decomposed into soil by Taishang Laojun and scattered on the ground. And the surrounding forest also turned into fly ash after an inexplicable fluctuation of mana, and fell to the ground.

Taishang Laojun was really eager to see the excitement, and he didn't need anyone to say a word, he just leveled the venue. He even spared no effort to set up a formation to cover the entire area of ​​more than ten miles. Once the fight begins, not to mention the power of the mighty, just Jinxian's full-strength shot will have a great impact on this lower realm. If there is no formation to prevent it, the old master is worried that the damage will be too big and leave a mess. not good.

Xue Wusuan had a strong smile, and was really speechless to this old gentleman. How much does this guy like to watch the fun?

"I will press the cultivation base to the realm of Jinxian, and I hope you can live up to your reputation as an ancient monk." The Tathagata had already stood still, with a string of rosary beads in his hand, his eyes were flat with a trace of disdain and curiosity.

He is a dignified cultivator in the Dao Realm, and even the Dharma Body is an almost invincible existence in this world. Pulling down his face to fight with a cultivator in the Golden Immortal Realm is already based on the opponent's "ancient" name. And to tell the truth, the Tathagata did not believe that the ancient monks or the ancient cultivation system was really stronger than the current one. Everything has a law of progress, and there can be no retrogression, even if there is, it is a temporary and accidental situation.

"Okay. I also want to see how the dharma body of the dignified and Taoist realm is different when it is suppressed by Jinxian." Xue Wusuan's cigar was not extinguished. It was extremely relaxing.

Originally, a Dharma body with the strength of a powerful person really can't do it, and even trying to hide some means is very difficult. Because he said that he was here to try his methods, if he was really vulnerable, then the two top cultivators of time would definitely not mind directly obliterating such a so-called ancient cultivator.

Everything is expected, although it is a little risky, but it is still in the calculation. What about Tathagata? Still not a living thing? Xue Wusuan has read all kinds of situations in the world as Wudao Yanluo. As long as it is about emotional changes, how many can escape his prediction?

"Red Lotus of Karma, try this taste."

Between words, the first move of the Tathagata arrived, and he actually took the initiative to take action, which was beyond the expectations of the Taishang Laojun who was watching the fun. But as soon as I heard the name of this method, I understood the Tathagata's plan. This is because I don't want to waste time, I have to directly weigh the ancient monk.

As soon as the Tathagata's voice fell, a fiery red and strange flame like a lotus flower began to bloom slowly in this isolated field, lifelike, and there was no high temperature of "fire".

"Karma? Tsk tsk, this Tathagata is ruthless. It's this kind of method when you first come up. However, it's useless." Xue Wusuan smiled and didn't speak, and he didn't even bother to luck with mana, so he just stood there and looked at the crowd. A clump of sparks bloomed at his feet and then surrounded him, and even after the blink of an eye, the red flowers climbed up his shoes and then his legs.

The so-called karmic fire is the flame formed by all the sins in the world. It is a rare filth in the world. It can not only erode the body but also destroy the soul. But although this thing is powerful, it is not infallible. For example, Karma meets Wudao Yama.

"Tathagata, this karma doesn't seem to be interesting, why don't you try another method?" Xue Wusuan said with a smile. When he slapped it, he rubbed it, and rubbed it directly into a piece of sparks.

"Huh?!" Taishang Laojun could see clearly from the side that this ancient monk did use his bare hands to tear off the Karma Red Lotus clinging to his body. is it possible?

The karmic fire world is almost extremely filthy, and the burning soul invades the body. As long as a little touches it, even if it escapes death, it will peel off a layer of skin. Even the Taishang Laojun of the Taoist realm is not willing to provoke the karmic fire. The upper realm of this thing is also relatively well played by Buddhist monks, and there are special methods that can control karmic fire without hurting themselves. But what happened to this ancient monk? That's karma! It's not an ordinary little wild flower, but she doesn't care at all, and even pulls the condensed shape of the rotten karma with her bare hands.

The only possibility is that the karmic fire couldn't find anything to fuel this ancient cultivator.

The karmic fire is filthy, and what helps it burn is the sin of the soul, even the slightest bit is a ferocious accelerant. Without accelerants, karmic fire can only penetrate the body and dry it, but if there are no gaps and loopholes in the body, there will be no drama.

Even if it is unbelievable, what is happening in front of you is happening right in front of you. This ancient cultivator not only has no sins all over his body, but even his physical body is completely flawless.

Is there such a cultivator in the world?

Let's not talk about it, just looking at the last days of this ancient monk with Tang Xuanzang and his party, the killing has not stopped along the way, why is there no guilt? How did such a powerful body come about? His real body of the Supreme Laojun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not much stronger than this ancient monk!

"You are not afraid of karmic fire, yes, so what?" The Tathagata frowned slightly, his face a little ugly. He also didn't expect that he would be despised for making a trick. As soon as the thought in his heart moved between the words, the red lotus of karma exploded violently. It changed from the quiet and quiet appearance before, and was extremely violent. It merged into a huge lotus and wrapped Xue Wusuan, who was smiling and relaxed, in it. .

Aren't you free from sin and not afraid of karmic fire? Then I will light the fire of karma and see how you deal with it!

The violent karmic fire covered a radius of dozens of feet, which was described as strange and terrifying. It seemed that the Xue Wusuan inside had been burned to ashes at the moment of detonation.

Taishang Laojun had to dodge farther, he didn't want to touch the karma, let alone the flaming karma. This means of controlling the deflagration of karmic fire can also be done by the Tathagata, even when the cultivation base is suppressed. In addition to the Tathagata, Taishang Laojun does not think that there are monks in the golden fairyland in the upper realm who have such means.

But such a powerful sudden attack, from the experience of a Taishang Laojun, let alone a cultivator in the Golden Immortal Realm, even Luo Tian Daxian may not be guaranteed to be killed.

What if that ancient cultivator also got a clue? It would be such a shame if he died!

"The Tathagata you..."

Taishang Laojun was going to remind the Tathagata of the value of this ancient monk, but he couldn't go on when he started talking. A roar that seemed to be a stalwart sounded from the huge red lotus of karma, and then an extremely ancient breath burst out inexplicably.

"It's still karmic fire, it's boring to say it. Then please ask the Tathagata to take me for a try?"

(End of this chapter)


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