Extreme Yama System

Chapter 892: Feast

Still not stubborn about his wife, Xue Wusuan also found that his patience became better and better when facing Zhou Huiru, and he was even able to make some compromises that he didn't want to do because of this woman's request.

The word "birthday" was Xue Wusuan's wound when he was young. What's an orphan's birthday? Who knows when you were born? It also reminded him of his biological parents involuntarily, and the earliest resentment in his heart originated from here. It was also one of the reasons why he was reluctant to celebrate the birthday that old man Liao had set for him.

Now that he is haunted by Zhou Huiru and wants to give him a birthday, it is not easy to refuse, so he has to compromise. I drove this new car all the way across the city and headed towards the orphanage.

The current welfare home has been relocated, and the newly built welfare home in the county has been completed. The supporting facilities and facilities are much better than the previous ones. With the donation from Longshan Company, this welfare home can be said to be the best and largest welfare home in China. There are more and more orphans in the hospital.

A large company with the most potential in the world settled in this small county, and the changes brought to the small county are earth-shaking. Land prices have skyrocketed, job opportunities have increased, the number of migrants has soared, and new urban areas have been launched. Land sales alone are an income for the boss.

The Kirin car is undoubtedly the most attractive existence on the road, because this kind of car has not been officially launched in the world, and now only the senior management of Longshan company can have it. The difference of this car is not only the gorgeous appearance and the power supply of solar energy, but also the fully intelligent processing system inside.

"Can it be unmanned?"

"Of course. When there was no intelligent system in the past, there were actually such cars in the world, but the safety factor was not high, and there was no way to gain the trust of consumers. Now our artificial intelligence system can fully withstand any road conditions and The test of emergencies, the reaction ability and speed to deal with danger is a hundred times that of human beings, and it has passed the most rigorous experimental test, so this is also the biggest selling point of this car."

"What is this?" Xue Wusuan asked, pointing to a red dragon-shaped button on the steering wheel.

"This is the switch operation button for water and land. This unicorn is specially made and belongs to the highest configuration at present. It can be driven not only on the road but also in the water. It can be used for both land and water. Awesome, right?"

This is a bit sci-fi. Xue Wusuan had seen this kind of similar vehicle in the plane world of Resident Evil, and it was even much more advanced than the unicorn he was driving now. But this is the original world. It would be good to have such a unicorn car. At least the appearance of this kind of car was brought forward by Xue Wusuan's participation by decades.

The new welfare home is much larger than the previous one, and the staff is also much larger than before. Seeing Xue Wusuan coming, the gatekeeper was also enthusiastic. When he opened the door, he greeted him with "Hello, Mr. Xue". Obviously, these new staff members have heard the story of this big man.

When the gate enters, there is a huge lawn. When the weather is good, the children inside like to play on this lawn. On the left and right sides are forest paths, one side is the accommodation area and the other is the activity area. The overall planning is very good, it does not look like a welfare home but a park or nursing home with a beautiful environment.

Of course, most of the money for the construction of this new orphanage was provided by Longshan Company, and Zhou Huiru was following up personally. Where her men grew up, she naturally wanted to repay as much as possible.

When he opened the door, he saw a home. Old man Liao was wearing an apron and holding a plate of braised pork. He greeted Xue Wusuan with a smile.

"Here, kid? Today I will taste Lao Tzu's craftsmanship."

Although the old man Liao's lifespan is not many years, he is in good health without any disease or disaster. This is the relationship that Xue Wusuan always takes good things to honor him. But I didn't expect that the "birthday" arranged by Zhou Huiru would look like this.

Feeling the gloomy look in her man's eyes, Zhou Huiru quickly explained: "It's not me! I originally wanted the chef to cook a meal, but Mr. Liao said that you like to eat his dishes the most, so he just refused to let the chef interfere... …”

Before Zhou Huiru could finish explaining, the old man Liao spoke up: "Where is Pestle? Come and help! I'm in a good mood and cook you a meal, do you still dislike it? If I dare to stare at Huiru again, be careful I'll slap you!"

Originally, she blamed Zhou Huiru for thinking that it was her idea that tired old Liao, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. Xue Wusuan shook his head and pouted, "It's braised pork, shredded green pepper, and preserved cucumber egg soup again? I said you haven't learned one or two new dishes for decades?"

"What's the fee? It's good to eat some food, but what are you doing? Hurry up and help!"

In fact, old man Liao didn't say nonsense, Xue Wusuan really liked to eat these three dishes he made the most. The reason is very simple. At the very beginning of the orphanage, when Xue Wusuan was a child, the conditions in the orphanage were very poor. Meat was not available every day, usually only a week or two. At that time, there was no cook in the orphanage, and only old man Liao himself cooked. And a man who came back from the army would have a variety of cooking skills. It would be good to be able to cook a meal of braised pork and green peppers. It is rare to eat meat. Which children, including Xue Wusuan, do not like to eat?

Old man Liao knows a few dishes, but there are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen, all bought by Zhou Huiru, chicken, duck and fish, prepared for the previous chef. Now that the chef was kicked away by Old Man Liao, these ingredients were naturally prepared for Xue Wusuan.

This made Zhou Huiru, who was full of hearts saying she wanted to celebrate Xue Wusuan's birthday, very embarrassed. In a hurry, I also ran to the kitchen to help~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three people, in the kitchen, went in and out of a large table of dishes. And of course a good pot of wine, and a small, rough-looking cake.

"What did you do?" Xue Wusuan pointed to the crooked words "Happy Birthday" on the cake. How can you see that this kind of cake can't be sold for any money?

"Yes, I went to the cake shop yesterday and asked the chef to teach me. It's a little ugly, but it tastes absolutely delicious!" Zhou Huiru defended herself. She has lost all confidence in eating now, her man has become the most skilled cook she has ever seen, and the smell of a large table of dishes makes her mouth water.

The old man Liao laughed, and took a piece of braised lion head with one chopstick. Compared with the three dishes he cooked, he was very interested in what Xue Wusuan made, and it was the first time he knew that he had brought up this kid. So good at cooking.

A simple birthday party started like this. This is the way that Zhou Huiru could think of to make Xue Wusuan accept it. If it really made it complicated, the man might turn around and leave.

"By the way, take this opportunity, I have something to give you back." The old man Liao couldn't eat much, but he was very satisfied. After drinking a few glasses of wine, his face was a little red, he got up with a smile and went back to the bedroom, and took it after a while. He came out with a small object wrapped in red cloth.

"Take it."


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