Extreme Yama System

Chapter 893: jade card

A piece of red cloth was wrapped with a two-inch square jade plaque. There were no words on the jade plaque, only some inexplicable patterns.

"Take it back. This is what belongs to you." The old man Liao put the jade card on the table and pushed it in front of Xue Wusuan, his eyes were a little pity that rarely showed in front of Xue Wusuan, but he quickly covered it up, knowing that This kind of "pity" is what I hate most about this child I brought up.

"Why are you here?" Xue Wusuan frowned and didn't go to get the jade card on the table, but asked the old man Liao next to him.

"How else can you get here? It's redeemed."

A word of redemption made Zhou Huiru, who was eating at the same table, have a strong curiosity, but this occasion and her understanding of her own man, now is definitely not the time to ask. Silence is the best response. Maybe they could hear some reason in what they said next.

Xue Wusuan can be regarded as having a complicated experience and subverting ordinary people's thinking. There have been a lot of wind and waves, and there are also a lot of bizarre and fantasy, and even **** killing has become a method he is accustomed to now. It is a demon, but there are countless creatures who regard him as a god. There is no need to switch between gods and demons, but it really turns Xue Wusuan's current state of mind into stone.

A hard-hearted person or a hard-hearted **** and demon, when he saw the jade card on the table, his heart was full of resentment, and his face was covered with frost.

In an instant, Xue Wusuan, who had long been overwhelmed by time, was pulled back to the past unstoppable.

Thirteen-year-old Xue Wusuan fell out because of his rebellious and stubborn old man Liao. He ran out of the orphanage in a fit of rage, and swore in his heart that he would never go back if he didn't behave like a man. This has nothing to do with grudges, it's just an episode between a rebellious boy and a stubborn adult, and it is this episode because of the temper of the two that finally led to Xue Wusuan's current character and old man Liao's attitude towards Xue Wu A deep guilt.

It was raining that day, and Xue Wusuan clearly remembered it, and even remembered the feeling when the raindrops hit his face to cover up the tears.

It is certain that a child in an orphanage is penniless, but it does not mean that he has no possessions. The jade plaque on the table now was the only valuable item on Xue Wusuan's body when he ran out of the orphanage.

The jade card doesn't have a name. Anyway, Xue Wusuan never thought of giving it a name. He only knew that this thing was caught in the swaddling clothes when old man Liao picked him up.

To be honest, Xue Wu, who was thirteen years old at the time, did not like this jade card very much. The reason why he always carried it with him and never left his body was simply to prove that he once had a father and a mother.

Without money, life would be very hard, especially starvation, which made the thirteen-year-old Xue Wusuan feel even more difficult. But maybe it was because he was born with tolerance, or he had a temper that seemed like an absolute old man Liao. Such a half-year-old boy was unwilling to accept it, and it also started his ups and downs as a "mad dog" on the street.

Even now, Xue Wusuan still remembers eating a meal that was still unsatisfactory. It was the third Saturday night after he ran out of the orphanage. Xue Wusuan, who barely survived starvation by picking up leftovers or petty thieves, finally couldn't take it anymore. He didn't think about going back, but he walked into a **** shop, a black shop without business qualifications.

The reason why he knew that this black pawnshop was told to him by a homeless man on the street, that some "bosses" made a fortune by relying on this kind of black and white business.

Xue Wusuan also had the most intuitive and naive reverie about the word "boss" at that time: the boss is equal to being rich.

In order not to starve to death, he walked into the pawnshop and pawned the jade plaque "proving that Xue Wusuan had a father-in-law" at the price of fifty yuan. It was the 50 yuan he got that made Xue Wusuan walk into a small restaurant and ordered a braised pork belly, which he ate comfortably and unforgettable in his life.

Of course, apart from hunger and hardship, the reason why this meal is so fresh is because Xue Wusuan completely cut off the only connection between his "parents" and himself, and even took the initiative to forgot.

Scenes of memories came, and for the first time, Wudao Yama, who had already invaded several planes, tasted the complex emotions of being unbearable to look back on the past, and nostalgic and complaining. For a while, he stared blankly at the jade card on the table, and for a long time he didn't know what to say. The breath on his body became more and more sinister and vicious unconsciously, which made the old man Liao and Zhou Huiru feel more and more uncomfortable on the table, and at the same time they understood that Xue Wusuan's current mood was extremely unstable.

The first reaction Zhou Huiru could think of at this time was to hug her own man. She instinctively felt that her own man was in danger now, and only her warm embrace could help him.

The old man Liao was very courageous, and he always regarded Xue Wusuan as a child. Even though Xue Wusuan's aura made him a little terrified, he would not shy away and wince. He directly picked up the jade token, put it in Xue Wusuan's hand, and said with a smile, "I watched you when you became a jade token, and I went in and redeemed it for you. I have never worried about you. No. Now that you are married, you should be able to figure it out, right?"

Old Liao's words were smiling, but there was fog in his eyes. The guilt in his heart made him feel pained every time he thought about it, and he blamed himself for not catching Xue Wusuan back in the first place, so that this stubborn child went away. The crooked road~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is impossible to think about it later. Even old man Liao always felt that Xue Wu was the only thing in his life that was ashamed of his conscience.

The sudden start of the jade card made Xue Wusuan tremble, and he felt the warmth of Zhou Huiru, which made Xue Wusuan escape from his memory. This experience made him feel as if he was human again, and then he returned to reality, realizing that even if he was himself, even if he was immoral, there was nothing he could do about the past. Apart from memories, the only thing left was to rely on various emotions to reminisce about the past.

"I'm fine. Let's eat." Xue Wusuan still didn't throw away the jade card that Old Man Liao put into his hand. Raising a glass of wine, Old Man Liao took a sip and drank it. The aura on his body also returned to the previously concealed state. It's just that the complex emotions in his eyes became stronger than when he fell into memory just now.

A long-lost "birthday" gathering satisfied Zhou Huiru's "life adjustment" for Xue Wusuan. At the same time, Xue Wusuan also got some things that he did not expect at all.

When I got home, I watched a web drama with Zhou Huiru, and then hugged her until she fell into a deep sleep, and Xue Wusuan got up and walked to the balcony. A bottle of wine in one hand, a jade card in the other, and his eyes are psychedelic and incomprehensible.

Wei Wei's mana was transported a little bit, and it entered the jade tablet unimpeded. The inexplicable patterns on it seemed to be alive, emitting a shimmer, appearing eight feet in the air on the jade tablet, combining into strange shapes. symbol......


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