Extreme Yama System

Chapter 894: fan?

There used to be a very developed monk civilization in the original world, and even the powerful monks at that time were not necessarily weaker than Tathagata and Taishang Laojun in Journey to the West.

Later, the destruction of the Dao of Heaven was imminent, the Dao could not bear it, intervened in punishment, a catastrophe came, and a "five declines of heaven and man" pushed the cultivator civilization that had prospered to its limit almost instantly into the abyss of the valley. The top cultivator as strong as Haotian could only rely on the last little abacus to hide in the ruins and spend countless years in silence. If it wasn't for the coincidence of the construction of the Dragon Tiger Academy, he discovered that he once had the highest power. Haotian still doesn't know how many years he will ponder.

And now, in the entire world populated by humans, there is only a tiny bit of cultivator left, hiding in the cracks to survive, moving towards a future that will surely disappear.

Of course, Xue Wusuan, an unexpected existence on the Great Dao, suddenly appeared, bringing the power of the monks who had been trapped in the Jedi back on another road belonging to "demon". It also made this world, which was already ruled by mortals, undergo dramatic changes once again.

These are all things that Xue Wusuan knew after he ruled the original world. From Haotian's narration, from the mouth of heaven in this original world, some secret pasts also made Xue Wusuan know.

but. These messages, which Xue Wusuan regarded as the original world history, were overturned at his "birthday" gathering.

The cultivator disappeared a long time ago, and the only people who stayed in the world were the pseudo-cultivators of the previous Dao sect, who were difficult to reach even if they were connected to the alchemy realm. The poor people are not even able to use the magic tools handed down by their ancestors, and they can only rely on spells to maintain their only dignity as "extraordinary masters".

The age of the jade card is unknown, but according to old man Liao, he got it from his infancy when he picked up Xue Wusuan, which means that the most likely reason for this jade card is when Xue Wusuan's parents abandoned him. placed inside. This is also old man Liao and Xue Wusuan's understanding of this jade card.

But many years later, when Xue Wusuan, who was no longer a "human", touched this jade card that appeared to be in the world with him, he made new discoveries.

Ordinary people can't find it, even an ordinary monk can't feel the difference of this jade card. Only a high-level cultivator like Xue Wusuan can discover a mysterious and wonderful power deeply hidden in this jade tablet that is dissatisfied with the strange patterns the first time he touches the jade tablet.

How is this going? !

When Xue Wusuan got the jade token while eating at the orphanage, his heart was full of turbulent waves, and he suppressed it.

First of all, the origin of this thing is completely different from the original definition.

As an orphan, let's not talk about whether his life is tragic or not. At least in the world, there are no children who have the same fate as Xue Wusuan's childhood, and there are even many children who are more tragic than Xue Wusuan.

A jade card, maybe the parents want to leave some thoughts for their children, or they can't bear to break it all and leave a little clue while giving up. This is possible after the extreme conflict between cruelty and love in human nature. Of course, it is also a behavior that is despised and condemned and even aroused strong disgust. Since ancient times, people have always done this kind of thing: abandoning babies.

No matter what the reason, after growing up as an abandoned baby, Xue Wusuan will definitely be full of resentment towards his biological parents. It would be good if he didn't become hatred. This is also a part of old man Liao's role in Xue Wusuan's childhood." The role of "father" is eased, otherwise the hatred will be quite strong.

Xue Wusuan, who had long forced himself to forget this "life experience", is suddenly confused now. Most of this jade tablet was put in the swaddle by his biological parents, but the jade tablet itself is not a mortal thing, but a jade-like slip with a magic formula engraved on it. Those lines that once made Xue Wusuan feel inexplicable now form a text-like symbol under the urging of mana.

Xue Wusuan has wandered in several planes, and he is in control, whether human civilization is similar to human civilization, or he has seen too many other civilizations that are completely different from human beings. For the potential of Wudao Underworld, Xue Wusuan is actually the largest knowledge harvester in Wudao Underworld, and a precision instrument that extracts the essence of various civilizations. But he had never seen such symbols or words provoked from the jade plaque.

However, not knowing the words would not stop Xue Wusuan from understanding the meaning of the words. The means of cultivators are all understanding and words are the induction of "intelligence", because many things cannot be explained clearly by the literal meaning alone. I don't know the words, but I can sense the transmission of that "intention" and I can understand the essence.

"Understanding Yin and Yang" is the name of this method recorded in the Jade Pai Lian. But this thing is of little use to Xue Wusuan. He himself has long been detached from the Dao of Heaven and the Dao, and the means of calculation cannot be counted on his head. It is also very tasteless for Xue Wusuan to use it to count others, because hooking together He can know everything in the way of heaven, and the way of heaven will give this face, not to mention that once he dominates the plane and a book of life and death, who can escape his eyes?

But this "Knowledge of Yin and Yang" is not a shoddy thing, and it must be a high-level method if it catches Xue Wusuan's eyes. It can be seen that the value of this jade card is actually very high.

Then the problem comes, this kind of thing is definitely not owned by mortals, even in the old school of monks like Longhu Mountain Gate where the old man Jianchen is located, it is unlikely to exist, because it is too advanced, this is a human extreme state. The Dharma door can rely on something that breaks through the extreme realm of human beings and ascends to immortality. The only place Xue Wusuan thought might exist was the former Heavenly Court.

Moonset~www.wuxiaspot.com~sunrise. When Zhou Huiru woke up lazily, it was already the second day. Habitually turned her head to look, her man sat on the bedside and looked at her with a smile. As long as he was there, every time Zhou Huiru woke up, the first thing Zhou Huiru saw was her man.

Breakfast is still the same, soy milk fritters and steamed buns.

"What are we doing today? Do you want to go shopping with me?"

"Go to the academy and have a look."

"it is good."

Zhou Huiru doesn't care where she goes with her man, as long as she is together, she is very happy. Now her physical condition seems to be retrograde, which makes Zhou Huiru's previous worry about "beautiful face easy to get old" subside, and at the same time, she is looking forward to the day when her body can bear the fruit that can keep her face.

It's not bad to go to the academy. The scenery there is very good, it's in the sky, and it's clean. She actually likes it very much, but she usually can't go there without Xue Wusuan.

Leaving in the clouds, he will arrive in a short time. It could have been moved, but Zhou Huiru said that she liked the feeling of flying in the clouds, so Xue Wusuan patiently set up her own black cloud.

When they arrived at the academy, Zhou Huiru found her nephew, Zhou Tao, who was just resting, and led her around. Xue Wusuan directly screened the old man Jian Chen and the others and caught Haotian into the secret room in the academy.

Xue Wusuan wanted to hear Haotian's judgment about the origin of the jade card...


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