Extreme Yama System

Chapter 903: all the same

Everything was as Xue Wusuan said, Jian Chen's breakthrough seemed to have ignited a fuse, and another person followed to break through the original realm. Of course, not all of them have broken through the formation of elixir and entered the Nascent Soul. Most of them have only broken through a small realm, such as entering the late stage from the middle stage of the elixir, and entering the perfect realm from the later stage. Even so, the power users that Xue Wusuan made around were no longer their opponents.

There were also people who didn't make a breakthrough, but luckily these guys had good luck. They made it through to the neighbors who had made breakthroughs and came to the rescue. There were only serious injuries, but no one was killed.

"Gather the staff and check the condition of the wounded." Jian Chen held the magic sword with a sullen look on his face, while arranging the monks under him to gather the scattered companions around, while being highly vigilant. However, it seems that the danger has passed temporarily, and no abnormality was found until everyone reunited.

"Tell me all about the situation you encountered." Jian Chen asked after the swordsmen gathered and counted. To be honest, the situation in front of him was somewhat unexpected.

According to Jian Chen's own experience, if he hadn't made a breakthrough just now, he wouldn't have been able to survive at all. Those strange enemies were too difficult to deal with, and he could only be rubbed to death due to the excessive consumption in his body. He is the highest cultivation base in this group of demon cultivators, and he is still in danger. Why are those companions who are much lower in cultivation than him are only in danger and have not damaged anyone.

"President, we're still wondering why you're injured so badly, aren't you just some **** in the middle and middle stages of the Core Formation Stage? Did they have any secret tricks?"

Before Jian Chen could ask the doubts in his heart, Ma Weicheng, who was next to him, asked first. His tone was puzzled. His opponent was the middle stage of the Core Formation Realm, five. . But Jian Chen is obviously much higher than his cultivation base, why is he so embarrassed?

"In the early and middle stages of the formation of pills?" Jian Chen muttered in a deep voice, then turned to look at the other companion and asked, "Is your opponent in the early stages of formation of pills?"

"Yes, Dean."

Jian Chen asked another person, "Is your opponent in the late stage of the formation of pills?"


"Is your opponent just a small level lower than your own cultivation?"

Naturally, all the answers were correct. Now everyone knew what was wrong. It's not that the opponents are not strong, but it depends on their strength distribution, which is only a small realm lower than them. Counting their previous mana consumption and minor injuries, the gap between them will be evened out, so they will each so hard.

"It seems that we can't act together." After a long silence, Jian Chen said.

"I really can't go together."


The cultivators of the Demon Sect also want to understand the joints among them: the so-called purgatory of the forehead is indeed a place to temper one's personal abilities, and it will not work here to keep warm. Because everyone's cultivation base is different, walking together must lead to the same violent attack as before, and the level of cultivation base also causes the intensity of the attack to be different. Only by walking separately can you control the level of danger to your limit, otherwise you may encounter a danger that exceeds your limit, which is a mortal situation.

"Then let's separate. I said that there is a chance here, so let's all take care of our destiny." Jian Chen raised the magic sword in his hand, turned around and disappeared into the jungle. He is the one with the highest cultivation base, so he should go first, so as not to cause danger and harm his companions with low cultivation base. And he took the lead, and the rest of the people also looked at each other and then dispersed.

Either find a place to heal, or seize the time to restore mana. Anyway, I knew in my heart that I would have to earn my own life next.

Of course, all the Demon Sect cultivators had surprises in their arms, but none of them spoke to anyone, including old man Jian Chen.

Those harvests were all left behind by killing those abilities. It was very strange. The corpse disappeared when it fell, and only things were left. Or a book, or a six-color spar, or an unseen instrument, and so on.

Some people's things were seen, but no one said anything. This, in the final analysis, is still a matter of selfishness. Originally, they were all different sects, and they had a lot of grievances with each other. Now, Xue Wusuan supported Longhu Mountain Gate and Zhongnan Mountain Gate and forced them together by force. As the saying goes, "A strong twisted melon is not sweet", so how can the devil be united now?

Xue Wusuan knew this, but he didn't care. The most important thing in the Demon Sect is the name, a name that unifies the monk world. The real people who want to realize the word "unification" are not Jian Chen's generation, but Longhu. the students in the academy. Of course, it is necessary to improve the strength of Jian Chen and others, otherwise the students will get up and will not be embarrassed without a teacher?

Speaking of which, they didn't know what they got after killing those superhumans, but with the reputation of Xue, saying that it was an absolute big chance, it must be something extraordinary. Getting a finger is the cornerstone of your future take-off or a means of life-saving, how can you tell others? The best thing is that no one knows, just practice quietly. These are naturally the necessary consequences of those factors of mutual distrust that have been said.

"Look, these people are the best, they understand their situation in just three or two sentences, and they distinguish themselves from others quite clearly. When they take advantage of each one, they hide it and don't tell others at all. Does it look like a normal monk?"

Above the Clouds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Wusuan smoked a cigarette, smiled, and giggled towards the demon cultivator below, as if there was a sense of accomplishment in his words.

Haotian, who was beside him, was also smiling and said, "Jun Yan is right, this kind of careful thinking is indeed a bit like a normal monk, and I believe that after the baptism of life and death before, they will be more than It's easier than ever before."

"Well, but this is just the beginning. Here they will take care of all aspects of the power of the heart. Three months, this will never let them go laughing and laughing."

Haotian curled his lips, feeling a little bit of a gray joke in his heart. The "hee hee ha ha" in Xue Wusuan's mouth is estimated to be a "test of life and death" for the demon cultivators below. I don't know who else in this world can bless these poor devil monks from being completely ruined.

And what happened next made Haotian say again in his heart: Sure enough. At the same time, he also gained a new understanding of Yan Jun, who was smiling with relish in front of him.

Haotian also once ruled the world and controlled the life and death of countless creatures. That feeling once made him feel incomparably addicted, and even in pursuit of higher control, he directly attacked the way of heaven, and finally caused a catastrophe to be completely ruined. All the future of the monks in this direction. The countless years of silence that followed also changed Haotian's mentality to what it is now.

However, Haotian understands that his feeling and experience of the ruler leading the world in control of life and death is fundamentally different from the current Yan Jun. He is in control of life and death, and this Yan Jun has never distinguished between life and death at all.

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