Extreme Yama System

Chapter 904: 1st Purgatory Harvest

When Xue Wusuan said goodbye to Zhou Huiru with a smile and returned to his own Yama Hall in the Wudao Underworld, the expressions of those in Jian Chen echoed in his mind, which was really interesting.

Grief, gratitude, pain, joy, rejoicing, resentment, and awe all gathered together, without exception, on the faces of the demon monks who walked out of the purgatory of the heart after three months of life. .

Yes, sixteen people came in, thirteen people came out, and three lives gave the first show of Purgatory of Heart a **** aura.

The reason why there are so many emotionally complex expressions on their faces is also because of their three-month experience in purgatory behind them.

Three months made Jian Chen and others feel like three or even thirty years, and it was the first time they complained about the time passing too slowly at a dying age. The wonderful three months they had had was simply unbelievable for outsiders, and even made them feel that the previous difficulties and the like were nothing compared to the dangers of the past three months.

From the original tree demon to the resentful spirit to the power user, these are all appetizers. Behind it are hostile monks with sharp face masks, all kinds of heinous insidious traps, and even a strange and ferocious monster, even the high-tech robots in movies.

The poor monks of the Demon Sect felt that they had fallen into a big nonsensical dye vat, and while they were exhausted, they transformed rapidly in the moments of life and death that they had no time to experience. In addition to these unspeakable experiences, the rest is a feeling of "it's not a waste of my life to fight".

He said that if there is a big chance, then there must be a big chance. Although it was difficult to break through one's own limits again and again, both physically and psychologically, the harvest was also proportional to the danger this time.

So, even if three people were lost this time, those who survived were afraid, but no one raised any objection. Because Xue Wusuan had already given them the opportunity to choose, and Haotian had also told them, isn't that how the cultivators develop by surviving the fittest in life and death? fear death? Then just be an ordinary person, why go down this road?

Xue Wusuan was very happy with the change in the mentality of these demon cultivators, which also made him firm in his confidence in the "Purgatory of Heart" that he had created. This setting seems to be very useful. Moreover, with the rewards such as those spirit crystals and methods that he scatters, it is certain that Jian Chen and these people should experience explosive strength growth again in the next few years. The students of the Dragon Tiger Academy will also rise with the tide. After waiting for some time, after the pattern of the original world has reached what Xue Wusuan expected, the cultivator's power reshaping in the original world should also have a fundamental improvement.

Compared with the colorful original world, the underworld is always lifeless and gray, and the ghost above the head always changes in shades of color, from light green to dark green, which is the same color.

I don't know why, anyway, as soon as Xue Wusuan sat on his side chair, his mentality would change instantly, and the cold and fierce Wudao Yama's majesty and prestige immediately filled his body.

This time, when I came back, I was pinched. After the last major purge, all the high-level emissaries in the unscrupulous underworld had all returned from their tortures. Even Rong Ziju, who had been punished into reincarnation for a hundred lifetimes, came back, knelt in the center of the hall, and kowtowed.

"You are still in charge of the Iron Guard. This is a recognition of your past achievements, and it is also the last time this gentleman will be tolerant to you, understand?"

Xue Wusuan's voice always made the souls feel instinctual fear, especially when it echoed in this empty hall. He likes Rong Ziju's ability to do things and his unselfish attitude, but he is a little annoyed by Rong Ziju's domineering after being in power. So he was punished for a hundred reincarnations. Do your part and know where you are and where you can reach. This is what Xue Wusuan wanted to warn Rong Ziju.

Rong Ziju is not stupid. He actually wanted to understand when he received the punishment, and he regretted that he was so arrogant that he forgot that Yan Jun was not one of those ridiculous emperors in the mortal world. Is it reasonable? There is no reason to speak here in Yan Jun, because Yan Jun's words are "reason"! If you dare to go against it, Rong Ziju has already learned what will happen.

"My subordinates have already remembered it in my heart, and I will never forget it!"

"It's good to understand. Go down to Bao Zheng to study the new yin strip, and then report the details of your iron guards again. Well, in addition, there is something for you to do here." Xue Wusuan said and raised his hand. A piece of Yama Ling was thrown to Rong Ziju, and a message also entered Rong Ziju's mind.

"My subordinate understands."

"Go back."

"Yes, my subordinates retire." He bowed his head, held the token, knelt backwards to the entrance of the palace, got up and saluted and then exited.

Rong Ziju has always been like this, always putting himself in the most humble position in front of Xue Wusuan, which makes many souls who are also evil men secretly look down on him, feeling that he has no integrity, and loyalty does not need to be relied on in this way. express it? Of course, these words are also thought about in their own hearts, but they dare not say them.

Iron guard! I thought that Rong Ziju would no longer be re-used by Yan Jun even if he returned from his sentence this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tiewei's jurisdiction will choose another ghost to take charge, but unexpectedly, once Rong Ziju came back, this huge right is still fell into his hands. As a result, this Rong Ziju has to continue to be a demon. Thinking of the huge turmoil caused by the Iron Guards, everyone in the hall still felt a chill in their hearts.

"I have something to talk about. Wang Dazhui, didn't you just shout that you have something important? You are now dumb?" Xue Wusuan lit a cigarette, leaned back, and smiled and habitually lifted Wang Dazhui out.

"Reporting to Yan Jun, my subordinates do have something important to report."

"Tell me."

Wang Dazhui usually removes the blur on his soul body to reveal the original appearance of his soul body, while saying, "Jun Yan, please see, this is the soul body inscription technique newly researched by Zhou Yan and Montolika recently, and it can already achieve medium The complex formation is engraved!"

Wang Erchui on the side also came out, holding a stick-shaped magic weapon more than three inches long in his hand, and then Wang Dachui said, "Yan Jun, please look, this is the new inscribed magic weapon that Zhou Yan and the others have fiddled with. The speed and effect are several times stronger than those of the first generation, and it is precisely because of this instrument that complex formations can be engraved. And the refining of this instrument is extremely simple."

Xue Wusuan swept the inscription of the formation on Wang Dachui's body with his divine sense, and swept the magic weapon in Wang Erchui's hand again, and nodded slightly. Without waiting for him to speak, Bao Zheng, who was standing behind the three sticks, came out with a salute.

"Yan Junrong. Now the soul inscription technique supported by Guiya has the foundation for wide-scale popularization. The subordinate asks for instructions to transfer this research to the research institute or weapons workshop, so that the subsequent development can be followed up to the maximum extent."

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