Extreme Yama System

Chapter 905: combat readiness

Soul inscription is definitely a thing with the most potential and the meaning of force blessing since Wudao Underworld was established by Xue Wusuan. It is also a major research project that can improve the strength of the entire Wudao underworld in the shortest time.

Previously, Xue Wusuan encouraged Guiya to fund Zhou Yan and Montorica's research. On the one hand, he was beating the research institute and weapon workshop, and on the other hand, he wanted to try Guiya and the Wang family's three-stick attitude. Since the last major purge, Xue Wusuan's trust in these subordinates has gone forever.

This time, Xue Wusuan was very satisfied with the response of Bao Zheng and the Wang family's three sticks. In the final analysis, Guiya is just an administrative organization, and Soul Inscription is an important force-carrying technology. There is no reasonable possibility of coexistence between them. Can you not be greedy for the right to master the lifeblood of force and take the initiative to hand it over? This is what Xue Wusuan has always advocated: don't stretch out your hands.

"Has the production of the magic weapon already started?" Xue Wusuan asked with a smile.

"Yes, Yan Jun, although the refining of engraved instruments is complicated, it is not too difficult. The subordinates have handed over the refining method to Lord Zhong Mei of the weapon workshop, and a thousand such instruments have been produced so far. " Bao Zheng bowed to answer.

"Oh? Why is that?"

Bao Zheng continued: "Gui Ya's subordinates do not have qualified refiners, and they are far inferior to weapon workshops in terms of the level of confidentiality of craftsmanship."

"Zhong Mei, since Bao Zheng intends to hand over the research on soul inscription, and you have taken over the refining of inscription instruments, are you willing to accept this project?" Xue Wusuan glanced at the person standing at the back. Zhong Mei said.

"My subordinates are willing. My subordinates hope to make up for what they have done, and they will never make the same mistakes again!" Zhong Mei said and kowtowed to show his attitude. Ding Chunqiu, who was beside him, was afraid that Yan Jun would exclude his research institute. He was very anxious but did not dare to intervene. He could only kneel down with Zhong Mei and kowtow. The matter of missing two great talents before has always been imprinted on the institute and his Ding Chunqiu.

Zhong Mei will also have trouble. He doesn't have as much heart as Ding Chunqiu, and he doesn't know that Ding Chunqiu has no concept of friends at all. And Zhong Mei has always regarded Ding Chunqiu as a friend. They are all technical. With more contact and a common language, the honest Zhong Mei naturally regards Ding Chunqiu as a friend. Now that his friends are in trouble, he will not sit idly by. He opened his mouth and said, "The subordinate requested to cooperate with the research institute on this project, because the research institute for souls has more say than the weapons workshop."

Xue Wusuan watched the performance of the two ghosts below, and he knew exactly what they were thinking. He smiled but didn't answer, but called the name of Wang Tianyun who was standing in front of him silently.

"How about the fusion training of 40,000 recruits?"

"If you go back to Lord Yan, the 40,000 recruits have completed the adaptive training according to your instructions, and have been assigned to the four legions. Now they have been completely integrated with their respective legions, both in battle formation and individual combat capabilities. reached the initial pre-determined level.”

"Can you practice?"

"There is Yan Jun. A total of 311 actual combat drills were conducted before and after, 300 of which were training exercises between legions, and 11 were killing drills with 300,000 blood ghosts."

"Is there a loss?"

"Everyone was seriously injured, and there was no damage."

The question and answer between Xue Wusuan and Wang Tianyun was regarded as a simple situation report. What the Yin Soldier Sequence needs is the maintenance and improvement of combat effectiveness, and everything else is empty.

After a moment of silence, Xue Wusuan raised his voice: "Zhong Mei and Ding Chunqiu listen to the order."

"Subordinates are here!"

"Immediately, the two organizations will form a joint project team, and continue to cooperate with Zhou Yan and Montorika to follow up the research on soul inscription. Your order is not to refine one more piece.

Bao Zheng told Zhou Yan and Mengtorika that the key points of the inscription must be kept strictly confidential, and the writing was also handed over to the Yin Bing Zhai, while the refining method of the magic weapon was in charge of the weapon workshop, and none of the above should be leaked. If there is an insider, the name must be reported to this gentleman for decision. Can you understand? "

The next ghosts bowed in unison and answered, "This subordinate understands!"

Xue Wusuan continued: "After the three Yin food seasons, the Yin Soldier sequence must complete the inscription of the souls of all Yin Soldiers. It is up to the White Tiger Yamen to decide what kind of formation to inscribe. After completion, you can immediately enter the first-level combat readiness state."

"It's Jun Yan!" This time, Wang Tianyun's voice was even louder, and he finally heard the words he wanted to hear most from Jun Yan. First-level combat readiness, this is the real combat! But who are you fighting? Don't dare to ask.

"Let's all back down."

All the yin and yin who filed out now have a rare relaxation on his face. It was the first time that Yan Jun left for such a long time. After returning, it was always rainy and sunny, and he didn't blame anyone, and judging from the signal released by Yan Jun, Wudao Jifu was about to usher in the next expansion. With a goal, this is the best medicine to suppress the scars of the past.

However, except for the technical house like Zhong Mei, the rest of the scumbags have feelings, and understand that Yan Jun will no longer think about being so good at talking before and will not trust them so unconditionally. It can be seen from the fact that soul inscription is divided into three parts: "refining tool", "inscription technique", and "research follow-up". This is to eliminate all possible leakage problems from the beginning. And there is definitely something to happen in "reporting the informed list", but I don't know what it will be.

"Old Bao, why do you think Yan Jun notified the Yin Bing Zhai to enter the first-level combat readiness but did not notify our ghost country to enter the wartime state? Did you forget? Shall we remind Yan Jun?" Bao Zheng whispered his worries beside him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sir, can you stop being reluctant to use your brains all the time? "

"Hey! I said Lao Bao, what's the matter with you? Are you my subordinate? What am I thinking about with you here? Hurry up and make it clear, so that I don't panic."

Bao Zheng didn't want to say that the three brothers of the Wang family were three clever ghosts. They had smarter brains than anyone else, but they were just lazy.

"Okay, Lao Bao, you are still proud? Don't tell me? If you don't tell us the three brothers, you will go to work in the ghost office."

This is amazing. Bao Zheng froze in his chest. The three **** went to work in the ghost ya, do you still need to work for the errands in the ghost ya? It's not bad to not drink and talk about mountains with those officers. The key is that the difference between the three sticks is higher than Bao Zheng, and Bao Zheng can't refuse.

"Yan Jun didn't notify Ghost Country to enter the wartime state, which means that there is no need." Bao Zheng had no choice but to explain.

"No need? How is it possible? Logistics and..."

"If you say you don't need it, you don't need it. It's natural that Yan Jun has something in his hands. Don't you understand, my lord? This time it won't be a plane attack, it should be a real combat experience of Yan Jun against the Yin soldier sequence."


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