Extreme Yama System

Chapter 906: wolf den?

Returning to the Iron Guard barracks after a long absence, Rong Ziju finally let go of the big stone in his heart. Reincarnation is a hundred lifetimes, the pain here is simply inhumane. Because he was punished, Rong Ziju has never been as down-to-earth in this hundred lives. Although the experience is unconscious when it is in it, every time he dies, all the memories come back. This kind of psychological torture is the ultimate.

When I first bowed to Yan Jun and vowed to join the Wudao Underworld, I knew that if there is no way, there is no turning back, and no matter how painful it is, it is impossible to get off the boat halfway. Rong Ziju could bear no matter how hard it was, but what he was worried about was the result after his sentence was completed.

Fortunately, Jun Yan was merciful and remembered his previous contributions by Rong Ziju. Not only did he not cut his position, but he did not even take back the unscrupulous top power of Tiewei.

Yin Barracks, Ghost Country, Iron Guard. A three-legged confrontation is the best power structure. Rong Ziju understands it, the three brothers of the Wang family also understand it, and Wang Tianyun is even more aware. Therefore, the control of these three forces is the most authoritative existence in the Wudao underground government except for Yan Jun. Now that Rong Ziju is still occupying a seat, he naturally feels that it is very valuable, and he will never make the previous omissions again after thinking about it.

When Rong Ziju returned, the Iron Guard officers were naturally very excited. It's a really uncomfortable feeling that the dignified monitoring agency is silent like a pool of stagnant water. The big boss, who has no main business, helps him out, and can only silently endure all kinds of unwelcome glances in the entire Wudaofu. It's alright now, the head is back, and he also brought back Yan Jun's Yan Luoling. Now, if the guys who look at the outside are low-minded, do they dare to shake the face of the grandfathers of Tiewei.

But when Rong Ziju came back, he didn't want to show the strength of the Iron Guards, which was somewhat unexpected by all the Iron Guard officers.

"My lord, these are the various problems that your subordinates found after you left. Do you think you should fix them?"

The Iron Guard is now in command of Rong Ziju, and there are four captains in white with some staff. Now that Rong Ziju was back, he naturally released all his psychological energy and listed a lot of names, all of which were loopholes in various institutions collected by the Iron Guard while Rong Ziju was serving his sentence.

took a glance. Rong Ziju shook his head and said, "It's all trivial matters, so there's no need to take care of them. It's enough to record them for the record. If it's really necessary, hand them over to the relevant agency for rectification."

"But my lord, while you're gone, these bastards..."

"Shut up!" Rong Ziju slapped the table abruptly, and looked at the four captains in white with a gloomy expression.

Rong Ziju continued: "I was reckless and arrogant in Tiewei's previous behavior and violated Yan Jun's orders, and I was punished. Therefore, from now on, we keep silent, which is what Yan Jun saw after washing."

"Ah? Your lord? You mean we didn't do anything?"

"How can you do nothing? The value of Tiewei's existence is not only under the maintenance of the current internal order. Although we Tiewei were not spared in the previous case, our credit should not be ignored! Otherwise, you think Yan Jun Can you hold me?"

"Your Excellency, please show me that we will be your leader!"

"In a big purge, even if there are some flaws in the current Wudao Underworld, it's just a flaw. The Guiya and all the other institutions that have suffered big losses are doing self-examination, rectification and plugging over and over again. Let's It doesn’t make much sense to jump out now, it’s not enough to bother with money. And the value of our existence is on a bigger stage.”

Internally, Tiewei is very offending. Even if he is not afraid of Rong Ziju, the Wudao Underworld is so big. Yan Jun is staring at it, and there is another major purge. The Wudao Underworld is now completely It's not clean. The usefulness of the Iron Guard seems to have come to an end. This is not a good thing.

As Rong Ziju spoke, his heart was full of high spirits, because he received Xue Wusuan's new instructions in Yama Hall, which was what he most hoped for.

"From now on, hold my warrant and set up a secret observation card in the area between Naihe Bridge and Nie Jingtai. Focus on collecting souls who meet the following conditions..."

Rong Ziju entered a large piece of information into the memory of the four captains in white who were present, and then added: "There is no limit to the number of these dead souls, as long as they meet the requirements. And they must be concealed and cannot be leaked. wind."

"Understood, my lord. But the location of this wolf's den will not be placed in the iron guard's camp, right?"

"The location of the wolf's den will be on the first floor of hell, where the space is unlimited and the confidentiality is sufficient. Ma Mian will cooperate with us." Rong Ziju replied.

There is a new word "wolf's den" in these words. This was not taken by Rong Ziju, but proposed by Xue Wusuan in a mission that was secretly passed to Rong Ziju in the Hall of Yama. It was this task that made Rong Ziju understand another definition of Yan Jun's existence value for Tiewei, and even Rong Ziju clearly realized that the burden on his shoulders was much heavier than before.

The Iron Guards, who had long been in a panic, were extremely efficient. Although I don't know why I secretly set up secret observation cards on the side of the long reincarnation passage between Naihe Bridge and Nie Jingtai, and I also used the highest-level concealment formation in Iron Guard to cover up, I don't know why I want to mention some A dead soul with no specialties came out. But that's the mission, and it's far more fun than the constant training in camp.

"Old Ma~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I really thank you this time. You can clean up this land so quickly and so well." Rong Ziju said this to the horse face beside him with a smile. , but the head is always raised, there is no way, the horse face is at least five meters high now, and I don't know why this animal has so many practices, why the horse face is the higher the cultivation base, the bigger the body.

Ma Mian waved his hand, and answered in a loud voice: "Master Rong, you iron guards are not welcome anywhere, and it is the same with me. Last time I was here, many prisoners were captured by you and beaten to the core. The next time you have Yan Jun's warrant, I will naturally do my best to cooperate, but you also remember that next time you or your hand falls into my hands, hehe." After speaking, Ma Mian turned around and left, not ready to give any face. Rong Ziju stayed.

Rong Ziju suppressed the two captains in white behind who were indignant and wanted to ask the horse face, and said with a smile, "You see? Our iron guards are now rats crossing the street, and even the horse face is so disgusting that it does not participate in the control of the outside world. Let's go. So let's keep a low profile. Besides, what qualifications do you have to drink and ask about horse noodles? People can kill you here on the spot, so what are you doing?"

"Sir, this place has been regulated, and I will arrange for people to enter the site immediately for the subsequent construction."

Rong Ziju nodded, visioning the huge space on the first floor of **** around him, and said, "Try to arrange our own manpower, try not to use the ghost country, if you have to use it, you must absorb it into the Iron Guard in advance to use it, understand. ?"


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