Extreme Yama System

Chapter 907: The special ghost

The scene in **** has never been very beautiful, not to mention gloomy and ugly, and the smell is very unpleasant.

The first floor is the tongue-pulling hell. There should be a lot of natural torture tools here, because with the help of Ma Mian, a large area around this area has been isolated. Not only that, but a large number of jailers were forcibly and secretly recruited by the Iron Guards to become their accomplices. No wonder Ma Mian looked so angry.

During the previous major purge, Tiewei also found fault with Tiewei and sent more than a dozen jailers out. Although he deserved it, Ma Mian felt very embarrassed, and he naturally disliked Tiewei in his heart. This time, Rong Ziju came over with Yan Jun's warrant again and took a piece of land for the boss on the first floor of hell. He didn't know what to do in a mysterious way. He also recruited dozens of executioners under him. Isn't it digging his corner?

She was holding her breath in her heart, but she didn't go to Yan Jun. The warrant would not be fake, Rong Ziju's actions must have been ordered by Yan Jun, and it seemed to be a secret to cover up everywhere, Ma Mian finally decided that it would be better for him to participate less. He even forgot to arrange for people to observe secretly.

The animal's instinct for danger allowed him to make the most correct choice. It is true that what Rong Ziju did in the first level of **** on his horse's face was indeed the more he knew, the better it would be.

Just as the Iron Guard secretly entered the first floor of hell, he quickly turned the isolated area into a barracks-like place, and then set up a cover up formation, and then welcomed the first batch of guests: a total of six Ten souls of different races.

If you look closely, you will find that these dead souls have a common feature, that is, their life spirits are much stronger than other ordinary dead souls, and after entering places like hell, they did not scare any of them. A dead soul, quite calm.

These dead souls were selected by the Iron Guard on the secret observation card and brought up, and they were also secretly sent to **** with a masking formation. Of course, the souls of the dead who took so much effort to send here would never be sent to be tortured.

"You have two choices now. First, stay and accept the invitation to a great move that will be included in the epic of countless living worlds, but once you agree, you cannot withdraw, even if you are completely destroyed. Second, I will annihilate your souls now. Well, you can choose."

Rong Ziju has inherited the **** style of Xue Wusuan's style. Look, it's not that you have no choice. You can choose the two options yourself, and no one will force you.

Of course, this is actually the same as having no choice.

In this hidden place named "Wolf's Den" by Xue Wusuan, Rong Ziju personally received the sixty souls. The first sentence is that the killing intent is fierce, and when he said that he gave them a choice, he was actually warning these dead souls: obedient, they will continue to exist, and if they are not obedient, they will immediately disappear.

These dead souls who were lifted up all met the standard that Xue Wusuan gave to Rong Ziju, that is, the souls were strong and resentful.

A strong life soul means that the soul's intelligence, self-control, talent, and other internal characteristics that are not manifested externally will be more prominent. And if the resentment is strong, it means that you are not willing to die, and it is easier to move closer to the unruly underworld.

Sure enough, none of the sixty souls chose to die rather than bow their heads, and all of them stayed. Many of them even knelt down and raised their voices before Rong Ziju finished speaking, and even his tone was obviously fanatical. This is the result of the power of faith being widely spread across several planes. To be able to see the legendary unscrupulous underworld, this is an extremely strong stimulus for believers or false believers: it really exists! Sure enough!

There are also some non-human beings who still don't know anything about the underworld. These things come from the creatures of alien civilizations that have "alien civilization" expanded worlds. But although it is not frenetic, the scenes in front of them clearly tell them that death is really not the end, but a new and larger world!

Seeing that all the dead souls did not withdraw, Rong Ziju smiled, then waved his hand to signal the surrounding environment, and said with a smile: "This place is a small place on the first floor of **** called the Wolf's Den. After you choose to stay, this place will It's where you train, practice, and learn."

These words of Rong Ziju are a bit inexplicable. Apart from the dead souls who instantly became mad believers, the rest of the non-human souls who did not know the immoral Yama were very puzzled in their hearts: Cultivation? study? wolf den? Why doesn't this sound clear?

Rong Ziju did not mean to explain. His head tilted slightly, and three ghosts came out behind him.

"They are your instructors and will divide you into three groups, and whether you can leave here to face the real display space depends entirely on your performance and achievements here..."

Rong Ziju was not kidding. In the next time, these dead souls who were secretly brought to the wolf's lair really started their "studying" career, and the learning was painful.

The learning method of dead souls is different from that of living people. Living people need books and teachers need to teach them little by little, and they also need to understand little by little. Dead souls don't need to be so troublesome.

"Now cross your knees and let your heart be empty, I will pass a method of refining the soul to your souls. Remember, don't resist, otherwise don't blame me if your soul is torn apart." Wei Leng said to the sixty souls in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is how the souls learn by mapping them directly on the souls. Of course, the only thing that can be used directly after mapping is the knowledge that has yielded results. However, things like cultivation and means have to be practiced slowly. But before accepting the knowledge that the massive wolf dens need them to master, the strength of the soul is far from enough, so the cultivation base must be improved first.

The mapping of this soul-refining method alone makes these dead souls who have never been in contact with the practice path in pain. This white-clothed captain is not a golden immortal like Xue Wusuan. Although his strength is in the realm of a ghost king, he is not qualified to compare with Xue Wusuan when it comes to the research and delicacy of soul methods, so he is naturally rough.

The screams come and go, but it complements the scenery in this hell.

Afterwards, every time the cultivation base goes up a small realm, it will be mapped again or instilled with the information to look at and only into their souls. It includes various languages ​​and characters, experience in killing, theoretical knowledge about weapon refining and formation, customs, and the power structure of different planes.

Of course, the three short yin food seasons could not allow these dead souls to make a breakthrough in their cultivation. These dead souls are born with powerful life souls that give them the best foundation for practice. At this time, the Yin Soldier sequence outside also ushered in the first test after the soul formation was inscribed.


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