Extreme Yama System

Chapter 909: surprise

It should be said that the strength of the individual Yin Soldiers is more than twice as strong as when they fought on the White Snake Plane before. Now, another big leap has taken place because of the Soul Inscription Technique. If the combat power displayed by this Yin Soldier array was placed in the initial attack on the White Snake Plane, although it still couldn't have a head-to-head encounter with the original elite army of the heavens or the eight tribes of the Buddha world, it could already compete with ordinary immortals. I have had hands with the Buddhas.

Look, the fight below is really fierce. The 300,000 blood ghosts are all demon cultivators from Nascent Soul to the God Transformation Realm, plus the blood ghost's own innate ability and the characteristics of destroying the world, no matter which plane it is placed in, it is absolutely world-destroying. Disaster, and in the past, these 300,000 blood ghosts always surrounded the shadow soldiers and beaten without exception. But this time, the situation is a little different, at least it seems that the vampires do not have the absolute upper hand as before.

As I said before, the growth rate of the blood ghost in terms of cultivation is much faster than that of the ghost soldier, but the equipment on the ghost soldier's body, the army formation and the blessing of the formation can always reluctantly hang the blood ghost's tail, although Not bad, but not a complete loser. But this time, the appearance of a soul engraving technique has greatly increased the strength of the Yin soldiers, and it has the meaning of catching up with the 300,000 blood ghosts later.

Don't think that 100,000 Yin Soldiers have engraved a mere formation on the soul.

If there weren't those military advisors in the White Tiger Yamen who went around a lot, perhaps a mere soul engraving technique wouldn't be able to make the array suddenly so much stronger.

The reason is the same as when Xue Wusuan engraved the formation for himself, the only difference is that Xue Wusuan used his numerous stand-ins to form a composite formation, and now the Yin soldiers are inscribed with a combination formation. Law.

The effect of a combined formation is far stronger than that of a single Yin soldier who only relies on his own formation to get blessings. This is a superimposed enhancement.

Although the fighting on both sides was lively and dangerous, but they did not kill, at least Xue Wushen found that those huge blade wings that were as thin as cicada wings were actually not given their due. The extreme sharpness of the armor, otherwise, the surrounding of the hedgehog armor array would have been piled up like a mountain.

With such a contact, Xue Wusuan already had an intuitive understanding of the current combat effectiveness of the Yin Soldier Array, which has reached or even exceeded his original expectations, and also helped him to get those mysterious military advisors from the Three Kingdoms plane to nothing. I am proud of the things that come from the underworld. The current Yin soldiers array can be so strong, these military divisions account for at least 30% of the credit.

At present, the Yin Soldier array is still using the conservative hedgehog armor array. It has not put up a more aggressive array, and has already suppressed the 300,000 blood ghosts. It is foreseeable that if it is really a desperate fight, Then these 300,000 blood ghosts have now been cut off at least 60,000 or 70,000, and the casualties of the Yin soldiers will definitely not exceed 500!

Don't think it's an exaggeration, this is the inevitable result when the strict formation of the army and the hunting of loose beasts collide with each other and have similar strengths.

So here comes the question, the blood ghost's current combat power is obviously not the opponent of the Yin soldiers array with these 300,000 only, but why didn't the blood ghost queen send more blood ghosts to increase the strength of the confrontation? You must know that as far as Xue Wusuan is concerned, besides the powerful destructive power of individuals, what is more terrifying of blood ghosts is their numbers.

Before coming to the school grounds, Xue Wusuan asked the blood ghost queen, and asked about the current situation of the blood ghost. At the same time, he also raised the question of the strength of the shadow soldier array, hoping to increase the strength of the confrontation. However, the Queen of Blood Ghosts did not increase the number of blood ghosts, and still maintained the previous 300,000, and told Xue Wusuan that now the Yin soldiers array has become stronger, the blood ghosts are not eating dry food, and they can still clean up each other.

So Xue Wusuan has been waiting for the blood ghost queen to give him a surprise, and now it seems that he doesn't see anything outstanding. Although the individual strength of these vampires has increased significantly, there may be no sign of turning over the shadows in the face of the shadow soldier array whose overall strength has caught up.

But when Xue Wusuan frowned a little, he saw a sudden burst of rapid neighing among the blood ghosts, short and dense, as if they were sending some kind of signal to each other! This was something Xue Wusuan had never seen before.

Because the actions of the blood ghosts are often based on instinct and the mental fluctuations of the blood ghost queen to issue orders and then execute them. Even later, many blood ghosts have their own independent spiritual wisdom because they became demon cultivators, but they have not changed these habits, and their spiritual wisdom can only be used in practice and daily actions, not including killing. They are still machines when they kill.

But now, it seems, these blood ghosts seem to have a new change. This made Xue Wusuan interested. Maybe this is the "surprise" that the Queen of Blood Ghosts told him.

Not long after, the 300,000 vampires who were still madly attacking the Hedgehog Armored Formation a moment ago suddenly stopped at the next moment, and then began to gather rapidly into a huge ball, just taking the Hedgehog Armored Formation as the center of the ball, firmly covered.

"This is? Formation?! Can these blood ghosts complete the formation of the formation by themselves without the nerve signal command of the Queen of Blood Ghosts? But will they use it?"

Xue Wusuan was puzzled, but he was extremely looking forward to the next performance of these vampires. He was very curious about how these vampires died and got rid of their instinctive imprisonment, and began to have their first "self-attack" in battle since the birth of their tribe. .


One after another, walls of light with a diameter of one meter began to appear in front of each blood ghost, spinning and making a vibrating sound like mosquitoes. Discovering that things are not right, the Yin soldiers who are preparing for the evolution~www.wuxiaspot.com~ make it difficult to move for a while!

Xue Wusuan didn't pay attention to Wang Tianyun's livid face in the Hedgehog Armor Formation and the scene where the shadow soldiers gritted their teeth to resist the force of the outside formation. He now found that these blood ghosts were the most interesting.

Of course, the vampires can form formations, and as soon as they come out, the advantages before the shadow soldiers array are instantly wiped out. This kind of thing suddenly and completely subverts the inherent attack mode of vampires. Even Xue Wusuan also saw that the division of labor between these vampires was clear, and when the consumption between the inner and outer layers was not equal, they would still be skilled and seamless autonomous connection and replacement. What is the difference between this and the methods of the Yin Soldiers Array? It could even be said to be the same.

"Is this learned from the Yin Soldier array?" Xue Wusuan's spiritual sense crossed the barrier and landed directly in the blood ghost habitat on the third floor of hell, connecting the blood ghost queen's spiritual communication.

"Yes master. I have fought with these ghost soldiers so many times, how can they not be clear about their habits and methods? In the past, children were sluggish, imprisoned by their instincts and unable to develop their intelligence in battle. Now I don't know whether it is It was because of the progress of the practice that the shackles were opened. No, everything has become different.

They retain their own hunting instincts, and at the same time they have some of the methods of monks and they have also learned the military formation, so they will be able to help their masters a lot in the future. And without the weakness of my spiritual message command, they can also have a higher command. "


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