Extreme Yama System

Chapter 910: compete

Such a sudden and subversive change in the attack method of the blood ghost is a bolt from the blue for Wang Tianyun, who has been trapped. Never imagined that he, who has always claimed to be a wise general, was actually smothered by a group of beasts! This is more difficult for Wang Tianyun to accept than the defeat.

However, Wang Tianyun's anger was quickly suppressed by Wang Tianyun. As a general of a hundred battles, he knew that emotions were not tolerated in battle. Once emotions were overwhelmed or even out of control, it meant that the battle was over ahead of schedule. What a raging general can bring to his subordinates cannot be victory but only annihilation.

The fierce power of the formation is like a sturdy pair of pliers, pinching the hedgehog formation, the first thing you need to change the formation is to shake off this kind of coercion from the vampire. But that's easier said than done.

"Activate the armor to charge up, listen to my orders!" Wang Tianyun didn't have much time to think about it, and immediately turned his judgment into an order to go on.

The battle armor activates the power storage, which is a new function of the fourth-generation Yin soldier standard battle armor. The effect is to burst out the energy stored in the armor at one time according to different degrees. This is another method that can be said to be the trump card of the Yin Soldier sequence after the fourth generation of armor is equipped. Now it is forced to take it out directly by Wang Tianyun.

Wanting to break this tyranny, Wang Tianyun can only think of this way at this moment, relying on the sudden burst of mana in the armor to shake the formation imposed by the vampire away, as long as there are three or two breaths Time can complete the change of the army formation, even if it can temporarily get rid of the current predicament.

The battle that the vampires have created now is not small. It is not simply to imprison the array of Yin soldiers, but also has great power constantly being exerted on the formation, as if a huge palm wants to hold it. These 100,000 Yin soldiers are crushed to pieces.

It takes time to accumulate power, and the vampire seems to sense that the formation of the shadow soldiers is changing, and the state also changes, and the power of the formation has risen by more than 40%.

"This is the formation method you developed by yourself? It's interesting." Xue Wusuan once again sent a message to the Queen of Blood Ghosts with great interest.

"Master, yes, this formation is only based on the most primitive formation foundation and the methods learned from the shadow soldiers slowly evolved. As for the changes, there are not many changes, but there is no problem in dealing with these shadow soldiers. ."

"So confident? Wang Tianyun is ready to show his cards, so you believe in your 300,000 children?"

"Yes master." The Queen of Blood Ghosts answered without hesitation, even a little proud.

Xue Wusuan smiled but didn't speak, and continued to look at the two sides who were holding back their big moves. He knew the methods of the Yin Soldiers, and Wang Tianyun's reaction to the battle was also appropriate, and then it would depend on how the vampires responded.

The vampire's response made Xue Wusuan's cunning and keen on these world-destroying creatures who broke free from the shackles of instinct.

"Listen to my orders, 321, get up!"

Wang Tianyun's voice burst out again, and then the entire army array of 100,000 Yin soldiers exploded in unison. It was obvious that a force was emerging from the back of their respective armors, and then the mighty force quickly gathered together and followed. The veins of the formation spread very quickly throughout the entire army formation.

The effect did not disappoint Wang Tianyun. The power released by the 40% of the battle armor's energy reserve at the same time instantly shook the vampires who were tightly pinching them outside the hedgehog armor array, and also shook a large blank area out. This is the "buffer" area that Wang Tianyun is most looking forward to.

"Three-talented formation!"

Now that the army has been contained, what Wang Tianyun needs is not to keep his head down and fight with his opponents, but to figure out why these blood ghosts, who have always only known how to fight by instinct, have undergone such terrifying changes. Not only did he learn to use the array method, but he seemed to have become a lot smarter.

"Steady, don't panic." Wang Tianyun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his decision had worked. At the same time, I was also secretly glad that I chose to use 40% of the battle armor to reserve energy. If it was a little less, it would not be enough to shake off the stronger formation power that the blood ghost suddenly erupted.

"Sir! The transition time was too hasty, and the left wing had to use up 20% of the battle armor's reserve energy again in order to make up for the emptiness of the formation!" Wang Tianyun, who ordered the fiery Chaoju to suppress the formation, reported. This is not good news.

"Notify all the legions, now to defend with all your strength, do not lower the defense level without my order, those who violate the order will be killed!"

The military orders are like mountains, no matter which army commander they are, they will never dare to disobey Wang Tianyun's orders at this juncture.

"Look, Wang Tianyun is not going to force you to come. He plans to find out the details of your children first. Why don't you go and come up with some ideas?"

Wang Tianyun's reaction also made Xue Wusuan very satisfied. Faced with the sudden change, he did not panic at all. He handled it in an orderly manner and had a general demeanor. The meaning of this is also obvious, that is to say: what if you have a new trick, come, come, use it and see!

"Master, just look at it." The Blood Ghost Empress responded to Xue Wusuan with a smile, her confidence was undiminished.

"Oh? I'll wait and see."

While speaking, the battle formation below changed again, oh, no, it should be said that nothing has changed. Because the shadow soldiers who had just changed their formation suddenly found that they were now back to the same state they were when they built the Hedgehog Armor Formation.

"Looking for death!" Wang Tianyun blurted out disdainful words after discovering the vampire's response. The Sancai Formation is not the Hedgehog Armored Formation just now. This is a purely defensive army formation, and it will not be as afraid of being consumed and coerced as the previous Hedgehog Armored Formation. The Three Talents Formation is prepared to accept various means of attack, but it is necessary to see what these vampires can do.

"Throw 50 Huangquan Lei out to see how deep it is."

Wang Tianyun gave an order, and then fifty fist-sized **** with black glow were thrown out of the army formation. This thing is an individual killing weapon similar to a grenade~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is also a new weapon that the weapon workshop has reached the standard of mass production equipment.

Compared with the huge projectile and terrifying killing range of the Huangquan Cannon, the killing range and power of this single-soldier weapon are limited, but the advantages are also obvious: it is easy to carry, can be issued with a large amount of equipment, and is extremely sudden. Capable of causing unexpected damage at short to medium distances.

In the roar, fifty yellow spring thunders exploded outside the formation, and the raised Ninth Nether Soul Flame and Fourth Stage Soul Poison burst like water falling into a frying pan.

This is quite a trick, and it is also the first time that Wang Tianyun has used this kind of uncontrollable weapon against a vampire. This is considered a provocation, and at the same time it is sending a signal to the vampires: What is the point of being around? If you don't come in, then Lao Tzu will start to stab you!


In Xue Wusuan's spiritual sense, he clearly felt the blood ghost queen's dissatisfaction with Wang Tianyun's use of Huang Quanlei, but with obvious disdain.

Between the electric light and flint, I saw that the exploding Huangquan Lei actually disappeared like a flash in the pan.

What's the matter? !

how can that be! ?

Even Xue Wusuan, who was suspended in the sky, was a little stunned, and Shen Nian communicated with the Queen of Blood Ghosts and asked: "How did these children do this? Nine Nether Soul Flame and Soul Poison are also edible. ?!"


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