Extreme Yama System

Chapter 916: very talented fitness

Can you still eat? Then go on!

Xue Wusuan is now interested, and instantly spread his spiritual thoughts to the entire planet. In an instant, all the zombies that still exist in the world are known to Xue Wusuan, even those hiding in the American continent and Australia's underground bases are like mice. Ordinary Umbrella's remnants could not escape his spiritual search. Of course, the remnants of Umbrella's company are not something that Xue Wusuan needs to be concerned about. What he wanted to observe now was the little ones eating.

There were 20,000 first-class zombies, and they all entered Xiaobian's stomach in less than half an hour. When asked if he was full, the result was that he had not. Then there are 10,000 second-level zombies, and the answer is that they are still not full. Then there are five thousand third-level zombies.

Xue Wusuan found out after Little Budian finished eating the third-level zombies, that this guy ate so much, but his body didn't change much, and the growth was much worse than the whale zombie he devoured before. Even after the 20,000 first-level zombies were eaten, there was no change at all.

"In this way, if this guy's body wants to become stronger now, eating ordinary zombies or ordinary blood food is no longer effective. At worst, it can only change with the flesh and blood of third-order zombies. Try it again."

Xue Wusuan continued to feed Xiao Budian while thinking about it, until he gave up feeding the fifth-level zombies. The conclusion reached was the same as what he had guessed.

"I'm full, master." Xiao Budian's body grew in a circle again, and after swallowing the last level five zombies, he said that he couldn't eat any more, and he felt dizzy and sleepy. It's been a long time. Many years ago, when Xiao Budian had not met Xue Wusuan, he had experienced this feeling many times.

"You want to sleep? Then go to sleep, don't worry about me." After Xue Wusuan finished speaking, he blocked his sense of existence, so that the little guy could follow his instincts unscrupulously.

Sure enough, less than ten minutes after Xue Wusuan blocked his sense of existence, Xiaodian went to the pit he dug before and sold himself, and then fell asleep in less than three breaths. And Xue Wusuan hovered above the pit, touched his chin, and his eyes lit up.

"You can actually temper the newly grown flesh!" Xue Wusuan secretly said in surprise.

Because right in that pit, the flesh and blood on Xiaodian's body began to shrink, and strands of black mucus seeped out from the texture, and finally flowed into the **** swamp beside the ground along the ground. And the huge little point is constantly shrinking in size. But this time is not short, ten days, this process tends to end. And when Xiao Budian crawled out of the pit again, it was no longer the huge size of tens of meters before, and it shrunk to only 13 to 14 meters high.


"You're smaller now, did you know that?"

"I know the master. I have experienced it before. Every time I am full, I will fall into a deep sleep and wake up smaller. I have to thank the master this time. I haven't eaten enough for many years."

Xue Wusuan thought for a while with a smile, and then said bluntly, "Try to punch me with all your strength."

"Good master."

The master is invincible, and it is impossible for him to hurt himself. This is the most steadfast concept formed in Xiaodian's wisdom. Hearing that Xue Wusuan wanted it to attack with all his strength, of course there was nothing else to say, just do it, but there was no need to think about why it was doing this.

After all, Little Budian used the martial art he got from Xue Wusuan: killing fist. Immediately, he threw a punch, and then a strong wind hit, and it bombarded Xue Wusuan with terrifying and harmful power.

Xue Wusuan naturally couldn't let the group of Xiaobudian hit him, but erected a black light shield to block a distance of one meter in front of him.


After a light sound, there was no other disturbance. All of this makes Xiaobudian not at all surprised. The gods are not comparable to such a mediocre pet, and such results are normal.

"The pure physical strength lifted by one punch can actually reach the level of one million kilograms! This is pure physical strength! Tsk tsk, this guy is simply a monster! The pure physical strength of a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm is not so strong. The cultivator of God Transformation is probably not enough. And this guy is still using martial arts methods. If he can have a complete set of physical cultivation methods and step into the ranks of physical cultivation, then all of this will definitely have more terrifying changes."

Xiaobudian habitually knelt in front of Xue Wusuan and lowered his head as much as possible. For him, this was a sign of absolute surrender.

"Your guardian Fang Tiandi has done a lot of work, and now the number of blood vermillion fruit has also increased, which is your credit. So there should be a reward."

"Master, you have already given me a full meal, and I don't need any more reward." Xiao Budian is very content, he knows his physical condition, and it is not easy to eat a full meal.

Xue Wusuan laughed. It was the first time he encountered a situation where his reward was declined, so he shook his head and said, "I will reward you, even if you continue, what nonsense?"


"It's real." Without further ado, Xue Wusuan clapped one hand on Xiaobudian's big head, and a body-refining method he got from the plane world of Journey to the West and Conquering Demons came to Xiaobudian's mind. But the reason why the demon king Sun Wukong can have a powerful physical body is now in the hands of this simple-minded, terrifying physical talent, God knows what kind of super monster will come out?

"Little one, the outside world is very big, and there are many delicious things waiting for you, do you want to go out to find food?" Xue Wusuan asked with a smile.

"I don't want to~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the place where the master farms. I won't leave. What if the alienated beasts rob the master of your harvest? Besides, the underground here can also make me very happy. Comfortable, not much worse than eating."

I just said that this guy has a simple mind, but these three or two sentences seem a little clever. Obviously flattering.

"I don't need you to guard here for the time being. The method given to you requires fighting and eating to progress quickly. Go ahead and come back after the zombies in this world are cleaned up."

"Good master. I'll be back as soon as possible."

Seeing Xiaobudian disappearing from sight, Xue Wusuan nodded with satisfaction, and then disappeared from this world.

Of course, before leaving, both the vampires and the Yin Soldiers received a message from Xue Wusuan, and they said some information about Xiaobudian, so as not to be killed as an ordinary zombie. However, he also explained the array of blood ghosts and yin soldiers, "appropriately give Xiao Bu a little beating." Fortunately, Xiaobudian is not a good character at all. Killing should be natural, and it should be very adaptable.

The battle is imminent. Blood ghosts, Yin soldiers, these are the powers of the underworld itself, but if you want to defeat powerful enemies, these alone are not enough, so Xue Wusuan has made a lot of arrangements, and is also gathering all the auxiliary forces in his own hands. , waiting for the moment when the final battle begins.


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