Extreme Yama System

Chapter 917: Heaven's Counterattack

No matter if it is a level 7 zombie or a stronger one, even a level 9 zombie is useless when faced with a group of blood ghosts that can compete with immortals and Buddhas and an established Yin soldier sequence. Coupled with the fact that the alternative zombies that were released for food were small, all the zombies that still exist in the world are bad luck, and there is nowhere to escape from the sky into the sea.

If the little ones came to forage, then the Yin soldiers and the blood ghosts came to harvest, and the speed and efficiency were not on the same level at all.

Of course, all of this was the result that Xue Wusuan had expected. Perhaps in a year or two at most, the world of Resident Evil will be completely clear, and a world that can integrate the resources of the entire plane will also bring new development and real rebirth. However, Yin Soldiers and Vampires have not always been smooth sailing. The ninth level in the zombies is not easy to deal with, and the mutant zombies that have been vacated by the remnants of the Umbrella Company are also powerful species that can surpass ordinary things. It is also just the time to sharpen the combat power of these two unethical underworlds.

And just when there was a sea of ​​corpses and blood in the world of Resident Evil, the plane of Journey to the West was not peaceful, and quietly entered the final stage of being planned by Xue Wusuan. Not only is the undercurrent turbulent in the mortal world, but the upper realm is also turbulent.

Heaven and earth.

Tathagata and Taishang Laojun did not look very good, they were ashen, silent, their bodies were surging with terrifying mana fluctuations, and they seemed to be breaking free from some invisible bondage, but they were unsuccessful, and the mana fluctuations did not reach the body. Several feet were pressed back.

"Still not, what is Tiandao doing?"

"Hold you and me, because it should be ready to fight back, but how do you do it?"

A few years ago, this bizarre situation has appeared. Neither the Tathagata nor the Taishang Laojun can understand the reason, but they can't leave, can no longer contact all their own dharmakaya, and can no longer even peep into the world's numerology. Conducted. That is to say, the true bodies of Tathagata and Taishang Laojun are trapped in this day and cannot escape temporarily.

Although this kind of imprisonment cannot be permanent, it will take a lot of effort and time for Tathagata and Taishang Laojun to escape. At the same time, the power required by the way of heaven is also amazing, which makes the mystery behind this situation even more intriguing. .

"Old Monarch, what reason can you think of?" The mana fluctuations that the Tathagata swayed were suppressed by the power exerted by the Heavenly Dao once again. Inexplicably, he began to feel very bad. He frowned and turned towards Tai, who sat cross-legged opposite him Shang Laojun asked.

"The reason? How can you guess it clearly. But the way of heaven is suddenly like this, there must be a plan, you and I are like water and fire." Taishang Laojun replied in a deep voice.

This is the first time the two worldly powers have spoken since an emergency. Ridiculous to say, but true.

Why? It's not even the filthy thoughts of each other. Everyone thinks that they can get out of this passive situation after being calculated by Heavenly Dao first and get out of trouble, so that they can have more time to react than the other party, and maybe they can take advantage of the other party's absence to make some other arrangements. This is a rare opportunity. For example, taking the opportunity to secretly count out a few important figures of the opposing forces.

But the fact made these two never expect that Tiandao is so willing to spend money, and would rather spend a lot of the world's source power to trap them, don't you worry that once they get out of trouble, they can take advantage of the situation to swallow most of it again?

The Tathagata saw that the Taishang Laojun did not find it, so he continued: "Since this is the case, would Laojun work with me to deal with this predicament?"

Tathagata also had to open his mouth to seek cooperation with Taishang Laojun. He is very irritable now, as if something bad is happening to him, and instinctively feels that he must go back as soon as possible. But the Tathagata did not know that he was not the only one who had this ominous premonition. The same was true of the Taishang Laojun, but he was more calm than him.

"Oh? Working together? This may speed up the time to get out of trouble. Well, let's try it." Taishang Laojun agreed with the Tathagata's suggestion, and his heart became more and more gloomy. He could see the anxiety of the Tathagata, and understood that the ominous in his heart was not limited to himself.

It seems that this time, what Tiandao is planning is all of them! Where does Heavenly Dao come from? You must know that both his Taishang Laojun and Tathagata are powerful people in the realm of the Tao. Is the Tao of Heaven really not afraid of being attacked?

The two powerful people joined forces and restarted the game of breaking free from the shackles of heaven. Although the effect was obvious, I still don't know how long it would take to break free.

Just when the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun were fighting with the Heavenly Dao, in the deepest part of this dimension, the Heavenly Dao was receiving his first visitor since he became conscious.

"Tian Dao, I said that you really lack some decoration here. You are also the master of planes. Are you embarrassed that your residence is so simple?"

Xue Wusuan was very curious about the place where Tiandao exists, so he thought that since he wanted to inform Tiandao that the plan was about to reach the final stage, he would be a guest once and come to the deepest part of the face to see it, and said face-to-face.

"You are the first guest here. I don't know what to prepare for you. After all, you are not a human, but an existence similar to me. Besides, are you not going to arrange your plan? Laojun and Tathagata have joined forces now, and I can't trap them for too long." Tian Dao's voice was calm, not at all like he was desperate.

Xue Wusuan waved his hand and said with a smile, "That's why I'm here, you don't really plan to fight them like this, right?"

"You? Can you help me?" Tian Dao suddenly asked in surprise. He didn't think Xue Wusuan could do anything to trap Tathagata and Taishang Laojun.

"Of course. I need you to help me keep them trapped for as long as possible, and for this I have made a lot of money. Don't let me down." Xue Wusuan has no modesty, and can only talk to Tiandao straight.

"How can you help me?"

"Didn't you say that you were swallowed up by the Tathagata and the Taishang Laojun~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and part of your existence and consciousness were swallowed up, so that you could no longer maintain integrity, and could not mobilize all the origins of the world? I can restore you to the original strength level when you were uninjured, although I can't help you get back the eroded part, but it's still possible to get back your former strength."

"You, can you really do it?" Xue Wusuan's words were so shocking that Tiandao couldn't believe it.

"It's useless to say more, you can experience it yourself."

Xue Wushen finished speaking, waved his hand, and the system voice in his head reminded him that a full 50 million soul points were consumed. This is what Xue Wusuan had planned for a long time, and he had communicated very systematically early on. It is feasible to treat Tiandao as a wounded and sick person, and then let the system "treat" it. It is feasible, but the cost is very high. If the value of the Westward Journey to conquer demons and subdue demons is not enough, Xue Wusuan would not be willing to pay the money. Give it.


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