Extreme Yama System

Chapter 920: Sharp change in upper bound (3)

Just when the real body of Taishang Laojun was trapped in the outer sky, a violent hurricane had quietly blown up on his site, and this hurricane had already started as early as the first time he and the Tathagata were trapped. .

A few years does not seem to be a long time, especially for the immortals whose lifespans are calculated in ten thousand or even one hundred thousand years, but if it is calculated by some people with ulterior motives, these times are enough to change the color of the world. .

From Tianwaitianli Tiandao's imprisoning behavior against Taishang Laojun and Tathagata, to the calculation of Chu Shenji and Ye Hongmian in the upper realm and stepping into the road of magic cultivation, all the time nodes are perfectly coordinated. Yu Xue Wusuan's super-brain calculation and ingenious execution ability.

Imagine a virus with crazy contagious ability, at the same time with a tempting sugar-coated appearance, and it was "forced" to spread in a kind of "can't hide" gossip, what would the result be?

A heaven-defying elixir that can enhance the solidity of the soul, the effect is direct and surprising. Originally, they were secretly controlled by the Tianmen guards Chu Shenji and the Ye family, and even in order to cover up the news, these two families also took advantage of their positions as guards of the Tianmen to block the necessary connection between the upper and lower realms, and secretly used their immortal-level powerhouses. To eliminate all the channels in the lower realm that can communicate with the upper realm, is it very abhorrent to want to swallow such a heaven-defying thing?

Fortunately, God opened his eyes, there were traitors in the two forces, and the news was spread, and this attracted the backers of the "killed" lower realm sect in the upper realm to question them. Faced with enormous pressure, the Ye family and Moonwind Wonderland couldn't stand it any longer, so they reluctantly admitted and agreed to share this secret and that heaven-defying elixir. Of course, as compensation, the number of pills must be tilted toward the "victim".

Ten thousand, one hundred thousand...

As soon as the news came out, no matter how careful you were, it would no longer be a secret. From the fourth-rate to the third-rate, and then to the second-rate upper realm forces, they all secretly knew about this Mo Yuandan, and after the experiment, they began to divide the distribution of the medicinal pills according to the size of the force.

Three hundred Mo Yuandan, for a cultivator in the real immortal realm like Chu Shenji, needs to be taken step by step, which consumes a lot of time. But if Jin Xian came to take it, or Luo Tian Da Xian took it, this amount could be swallowed once or twice. Therefore, the immortals who were really infected by the "virus" in this medicine pill were those with high cultivation.

Of course, it is impossible to keep this turbulent thing under wraps forever. Those intelligence sources who are controlled by Taishang Laojun's legal body will discover all this sooner or later.

And just when Taishang Laojun's territory changed dramatically, the boundary line was crossed, and the seemingly resplendent, serene and peaceful Buddhist world would not be as peaceful as it seemed on the surface.

Tang Xuanzang was named Zhantan Gongde Buddha. After he became a Buddha, he naturally had his own temple. It was in the middle of a mighty auspicious cloud. And his two apprentices, Zhu Ganghye and Sha Wujing, also became Arhats, and they were arranged in this temple of Tang Xuanzang.

However, the fruits that are often contrary to common sense and normal processes will always lose the sweetness after being polished by rain and wind and frost, and will not receive due and heartfelt recognition. And now Tang Xuanzang's body is such an embarrassing situation.

They are all monks, all around. Who did not go through untold hardships to get to where they are today? I really thought that from the lower realm to the upper realm, thousands of troops and horses crossed the single-plank bridge to earn resources, and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who survived the catastrophe with nine deaths would look down on a Tang Xuanzang who became a "Buddha" by luck? Just look at the silence of this new "Buddha" Monkroque to know their condition.

Tang Xuanzang didn't care about these things. He was very calm now, even more calm than when he was on the difficult westward journey. However, this monk did not choose what he liked most before: chanting sutras. Instead, it was the spell practice that he didn't care about before that kept him going day and night.

An ordinary person, Tang Xuanzang, was suddenly turned into a high-level Buddhist monk in the upper realm by the Tathagata. What is the special reason for this, Tang Xuanzang still can't guess, but he can see one thing more clearly than ever before: If a person wants to protect and guard some important people and things, then a pair of strong hands is far more useful than a eloquent mouth and the so-called beliefs in the mind.

Can Buddha save and illuminate all things in the world? In the past, Tang Xuanzang thought the answer was yes, but now he doesn't see it that way. Just by looking at his current situation as a Zhantan meritorious Buddha, it can be seen that these Buddhas who could only be seen in scriptures in the past are actually not as selfless and peaceful as they appear in words.

Thinking back on the westward journey, the past of some of the apprentices that I learned from the mouths of my three apprentices when I had nothing to do is closer to reality.

For example, Zhu Ganghya, who was ordinary before his death, was killed and turned into a monster due to grievances, and who did not see his revenge being avenged? Didn't he take revenge after he became a monster himself? After that, he killed so many people he thought should be killed, and no one ran out to make a sound of righteousness? If the gods and Buddhas in the sky really pity the world, why leave them alone?

Look at his eldest apprentice Sun Wukong, a demon king, who is full of sinful and slaughtering. He can be regarded as a source of evil. Even on a trip to the west, in just a few years, it was a **** kill all the way.

But even such a demon king has now turned into a "Buddha". The most ridiculous thing is that the sins and killings of the past are actually written off in one stroke, but instead, he has gained a lot of benefits. Fight against Buddha? It was like a slamming blow that slammed into Tang Xuanzang's belief and persistence, and hit a deep crack.

"Miss Duan, I will definitely find you!"

This is the obsession in Tang Xuanzang's heart, and it is also an important reason for him to change his mind so far~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since Buddhism cannot protect this obsession in his heart, he will do it himself! Now that he lives in the upper realm, the vitality of heaven and earth is so abundant, and he is a gifted cultivation genius seedling. How can he not care about his heart? Fighting hard, I want to change the poor situation where I have no power to hold the chicken.

"Monk, do you know how long it took me to cultivate from a different species of monkey to my current strength?"

Sun Wukong suddenly appeared in the temple of Tang Xuanzang, and he was the only visitor here. However, unlike Tang Xuanzang, as a fighting Buddha, Sun Wukong's own temple will not be as deserted as Tang Xuanzang's here, and many low-level Buddhas and novices will still visit Sun Wukong. This is the difference that hard power brings.

"how long?"

Sun Wukong smiled and sat beside Tang Xuanzang. Now this monk is no longer his master, even in name. But the change of this monk is really big, maybe this is the result that the surname Xue has been waiting for?

"Thirty-eight thousand six hundred and ninety-eight years. That's not counting the five hundred years when I was crushed under the Wuzhi Mountain."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand? If you want power, just the way you are now. When you have the ability to find Duan Xiaoxiao, how many lifetimes do you think she has been reincarnated? Can you find it? What's the point of finding it? significance?"


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