Extreme Yama System

Chapter 921: Sharp change in upper bound (4)

Time, this thing is the most precious and the least to be cared about. And the most irritating thing is that no matter whether you pay attention to it or not, it will keep going forward at a constant speed, and will not stop at all. Therefore, ordinary people often say: Time is like an arrow, time is like a shuttle, whether it is time or growth, it is an irresistible force of heaven and earth, whether you cry or laugh, it will always take you away quickly.

Most living beings have no intention to resist, and can only seek the so-called existence value in this fleeting time, perhaps love, perhaps achievement, perhaps wealth and power. No trace. It's just as sad and sad.

Some people choose to follow the trend in time and follow the rules of heaven, but some creatures are not reconciled. They stand up, raise their fists, and yell at this seemingly eternal rule, "I don't accept it!" These creatures are monks. .

The cultivator's life is all about fighting, robbing, and fighting, in order to resist the erosion of time on him and to let time get rid of him.

Nascent Soul, God Transformation... Human Immortals, Earth Immortals... Mighty... Aren't they all for the long-term existence of themselves? This is also one of the three ultimate realizations: Where am I going?

With monks, the world seems to be much more interesting. A group of creatures who have transcended or temporarily strayed outside of time looked down at all living beings from a high above, and seemed to have grown a lot taller.

Tang Xuanzang is just an ordinary person. His ordinaryness lies in the fact that he is always used to looking at problems and the world in the way of ordinary people. He is simple-minded and stubborn. Otherwise, when he was in the lower realm before, he wouldn't go to subdue the demon alone with a copy of some 300 children's songs. Of course, Tang Xuanzang's firm belief in the Buddha at that time made him forget all his cowardice, which is also a very important point.

However, the appearance of Duan Xiaoxiao, and the most important Xue Wusuan's further fueling and insidious calculations, step by step, Tang Xuanzang, a monk with firm belief, has been transformed into a completely different person. The little love was infinitely magnified, and finally directly affected the level of his belief.

Afterwards, the road to the Western Heaven was turbulent again. Many emotions and messages impacted Tang Xuanzang, and for the first time he had the idea of ​​his true self, as well as thinking about the upper and lower worlds, and even finally put himself From the perspective of an ordinary mortal relying on the level of a monk to look at his own problems.

The most precious thing is that Tang Xuanzang finally understood how important "power" was to him. It is precisely because of this that Tang Xuanzang began to practice hard, and finally put aside the Dharma that he had been attached to for a long time. It is precisely because of this that Sun Wukong, who was captured by Xue Wusuan early on, would come to Tang Xuanzang's temple from time to time.

This time, Sun Wukong went straight to the point as soon as he arrived. He felt that Tang Xuanzang's current state of mind and situation had reached the heat. For the planned plan, Sun Wukong felt that he should give some pointers.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

Tang Xuanzang looked at Sun Wukong, who was sitting opposite him, and asked back with a bad expression. The words of Sun Wukong just now are undoubtedly reminding him: When you have your own strength, Duan Xiaoxiao has been reincarnated more than many times, what can you find? At that time, what is the meaning of the obsession with love in your heart?

I have to say that Sun Wukong's words greatly stimulated Tang Xuanzang, making a monk who used to be calm and calm, but now his heart is turbulent and very restless.

"Nothing else, just to remind you. Anyway, you have become a Buddha now, haven't your previous wishes come true? Duan Xiaoxiao is still here, you should rest assured and be your Buddha. , don't think about that woman."

Conversely, such a provocation made Tang Xuanzang's heart burst into flames. He stared at Sun Wukong and asked again in a deep voice, "What the **** are you talking about!"

"There are many ways to practice, just relying on you to practice like this now, you will be nothing for ten thousand years, and if you want to read Duan Xiaoxiao's words, do you think it's too late to practice right now? "

"Do you have any other way?"

"It's not a solution, is it? It's just a suggestion. Since it's too late to cultivate your own strength, why not take advantage of the situation to achieve your goal? After the goal is achieved, continue to cultivate to gain your own strength. The two aspects are not incompatible, right?"

Tang Xuanzang fell silent for a while. He knew that what Sun Wukong said was definitely not the monk in Buddhism, but the mysterious Xue Gongzi.

Tang Xuanzang's impression of Mr. Xue was very bad at first, to be honest. He thought that he had imprisoned Duan Xiaoxiao, just like the episodes where the bullies occupy the poor girl in those comedies, so he was filled with righteous indignation. But later he found out that this was not the case at all, because of the temperament of the son Xue and the attitude of the rebellious Sun Wukong when facing the son Xue, everything showed that this son Xue was definitely not simple.

However, where did Sun Wukong's confidence come from, he actually asked him, Tang Xuanzang, who was in the Buddhist realm, to borrow the power of an unknown person? Can it work? The Buddha world is the territory of the Tathagata Buddha!

"Do you think it's incredible? Hehe, the truth is even more incredible than you think. The power of that person is definitely not comparable to that of the Buddha world or the Tathagata. You can borrow a little bit, the relationship between you and Duan Xiaoxiao. You can easily reach Consummation, and I guarantee that no one can interfere with you again. Well, think about it for yourself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm leaving." After saying that, Sun Wukong dodged and left the temple.

Tang Xuanzang, who was left behind, frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

Sun Wukong waited patiently in his battle to defeat the Buddhist temple, waiting for Tang Xuanzang to come to him. And he really didn't wait too long before waiting for the haggard-looking Tang Xuanzang.

"How to use that person's power?" Tang Xuanzang's first sentence after seeing Sun Wukong was straightforward.

"Simple. Recently, there is a Dharma meeting in the Buddhist world. All those who have the position of Buddha need to participate. You can go there, and then you can reveal some of the magical places of that person in words. Finally, it involves power-related matters. When you have a problem, you can lead it to me implicitly. You don't need to worry about the next thing."

"It's as simple as that? Aren't you going to let me know some of his calculations?" Tang Xuanzang was not stupid, he knew how it could be so simple, and the mystery inside must be appalling.

"For you, all you need to do is this simple. Otherwise, you know there is no benefit at all. Of course, I will tell you as soon as possible. In addition, I also promise that no matter how things develop, for you There will be no trouble."

"Purpose, I want to know what your purpose is!" Tang Xuanzang's attitude was stiff.

"Purpose? Let the world change color..."


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