Extreme Yama System

Chapter 923: imminent

The abrupt change of the upper realm is going on at the same time, covering all the immortals and Buddhas here. Like a terrifying virus, silent but extremely violent. And all the "infected" immortals and Buddhas dare not publicize the real situation no matter what.

In the lower realm, this kind of change is even more unscrupulous.

The first attack was the second-rate sect alliance headed by the six major factions and a large number of loose cultivators. However, the slogan is not to change the world, but to "break the monopoly of resources and seek a fair cultivation environment", which is similar to the slogan of fighting the local tyrants to divide the land.

After the six major factions gathered a large number of low-level cultivators, the Ye Family and the Moon Wind Wonderland, who were the top major factions, also jumped out. They actually took the initiative to move closer to the six major factions and gave up their own leaders in the cultivator world. Status, and also shouting to return a bright world to the monk world.

And in this mighty big move to break old habits, as a means to encourage others to unite, in addition to the violence commonly used by monks, there is also a reward, a magical elixir called Mo Yuandan.

If the addition of the Ye family and Moonwind Wonderland just makes things a bit tricky, then the participation of the top sects who follow Ye Family and Moonwind Wonderland will start to be ambiguous, and even the participation of the top sects behind them will make the entire cultivator world a mess. It was turned upside down.

A top-level mountain gate and a few second-rate gates are in the same boat? Shouting to fight local tyrants? As a result, the most harmed and affected are naturally the first-class mountain gates and the second-rate mountain gates that are unwilling to cooperate, as well as the pseudo-top mountain gates that have no foothold in the upper bounds. Because they are the local tyrants in the eyes of most monks, and they have naturally stood in the position of being "divided up".

Not all the mountain gates are willing to join the slogan of dividing the fields, because how can the foundation and power that have been established so easily be handed over? Are you going to divide the land? Don't you have to take the initiative to separate out what is in your own hands? How does this work? Besides, did the top factions of the Ye family and Moonwind Wonderland really join in for that slogan? Who is this deceiving? It's another conspiracy, a huge conspiracy to rule the entire monk world!

So, people are all self-righteous. When they don't understand the truth at all, they always move the results they think they think to the "truth" and put them in the place of "truth".

Most of the monks looking for the wind simply do not understand that the top sects such as Moonwind Wonderland are willing to take out some of their inventory as the practice of "dividing the land" because they know the new cultivation system of "Wu Dao", and Having stepped in, naturally, he would not care too much about those precious spiritual crystals in the past, and only now did he know why the mysterious Pill Master Xue would care more about the six-color pseudo-spiritual crystals.

With a group of monks dividing the fields, there is a force of resistance. There is almost no sign of reconciliation between the two sides just in words, and the rest is naturally a tit-for-tat confrontation.

And just when the tense atmosphere began to sweep over the major sects of the monk world, in the lower realm, those monsters and monster monks who were not cared by the monks and whose status was often inferior to the loose monks jumped out. A large force of mixed monsters, headed by a serpent monster, also joined the ranks of the local tyrants to divide the fields, and all the mountain gates who were still watching were startled in an instant.

There are very few demon cultivators, but there are too many monsters, and the advantage in number is also very terrifying. Now that they have joined one side, the other side will be at an absolute disadvantage. Almost formed a rolling general situation.

The great turmoil in the monk world also affected the mortals in the secular world. They left their homes and fled the area where the monks were fighting. For a while, there was a lot of turmoil, and many famous mountains and mountains were razed to the ground in the violent mana bombing, just like the end of the day. Fright makes even the mortals of the royal family terrified.

"Hey, what do you think is going on outside? It's a mess. I don't know how many people died. Who is not assigned to take care of this?"

"What's the matter? The lower realm is the lower realm, and the upper realm is the upper realm. Even if there is an implication, it is impossible to intervene with great fanfare. No matter how many people die, it has nothing to do with us. Be optimistic about the entrance and exit, and don't worry about other things!"

The two who spoke were gloomy and their bodies and souls appeared directly. They didn't look like normal people, but two ghosts.

As I said before, in this plane of Journey to the West to subdue demons and subdue demons, there will only be two outcomes after the death of a living being. And the identities of the two ghosts sitting at the entrance of the strange mountain and stone cave will naturally be clear. In addition to the death of the living beings, the monsters will enter the underworld, and those who can become ghosts, except for Duan Xiaoxiao who was intervened by Xue Wusuan before, there is only one place where there may be ghosts: the underworld in this direction.

"That's right, we're just the gatekeepers, so what are we doing? By the way, I went back and studied the kind of chess in the world you said last time. Why don't we try it in two games now? "

"Okay, but you have to put up some splendor, otherwise it's almost meaningless."

"Oh, brother, how long have you been dead? You were a gambler, why are you still like this? Did you forget the last time you gambled with other brats down there and almost got cleaned up? Come again?"

"What are you afraid of? Let's not bet anything this time."

"What are you betting on?"

"I bet a new soul will be pulled over later who will lead the way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tsk tsk, this is good, if you lose, brother, I can sleep here. Come on. "

"Come, come."

The two ghosts are playing a popular chess game in this area, similar to chess. But it didn't take long for him to play a game of chess. Suddenly a black light flashed, and there was another figure in front of the two ghosts.

"Hey! It's a coincidence. Wait by the side, wait until the grandfathers finish playing chess before taking you down the hapless one." One of the little devils didn't lift his head, and said impatiently. There is only the chessboard made temporarily, and he is still at a disadvantage on the chessboard.

"The two stinky chess baskets were very lively." The visitor opened his mouth, as if his tone was smiling, and immediately attracted the dissatisfaction of the two chess kiddies, who raised their heads in surprise, only to realize that the dead soul who came here is very unusual. !

Look at the solid soul body, and the strong yin and evil spirit emanating from the whole body, all this shows that this person is definitely not an ordinary person, and even in a cultivator, he is a super terrifying existence, because with these two It was the first time they had seen a dead soul with such a powerful soul, let alone the yin and evil spirits on it, they could already visually "see" it.

What is this guy's origin?


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