Extreme Yama System

Chapter 924: 12 Yin God

This place is called Nether Mountain. It is the place where the yin qi is the heaviest on the plane of conquering demons and subduing demons in the Westward Journey, and it is also known as the entrance to the underworld. People who are idle will not come near the Nether Mountain. First, they can't stand the strong Yin Qi nearby, and secondly, they maintain due respect for the special existence of the underworld.

Compared with other planes ruled by the Wudao Underworld, the underworld in the plane of Westward Journey to Conquer Demons and Conquer Demons is relatively much more special. Underworlds on other planes are either under the control of high-level monks, or they simply become farms or planting grounds in the hands of powerful people. But this is not the case here in the underworld.

In the plane of the Westward Journey to conquer demons and subdue demons, there is no good output in places with heavy Yin Qi. Therefore, in terms of the amount of resources and development potential, the underworld here is completely barren. The ability to occupy, but the ability to despise, which has caused the underworld to become the third realm outside the upper and lower realms, completely belonging to the world of the souls of the dead.

In the underworld, the ruler is also King Yama, and there are eleven emperors under King Yama, collectively referred to as the yin gods of the twelve halls. The supreme beings of these twelve underworlds have always been in the underworld. Apart from themselves, even the Taishang Laojun and Tathagata of the upper realm can't tell how long the yin gods in the twelve temples have existed. Anyway, the upper realm is distinguished. Before the underworld, it was these twelve halls of Yin gods who were in charge.

These twelve yin gods are quite low-key, not only mortals have not heard much about their legends, even monks know very little, even in the upper realm, in front of those real bigwigs, they have no idea about the twelve yin gods in the underworld The concept is also quite vague. All I know is that there are indeed such twelve people, but no one has really seen them. It is said that in addition to the high-level people in the underworld, the two powerful people in the upper realm have seen the appearance of the twelve yin gods.

Whether it is the upper bound or the lower bound, there are traces for Xue Wusuan, who has been calculating all this, and it also allows him to calmly arrange and guide the clues he knows bit by bit. Slowly release your purpose. However, for the underworld in this area, Xue Wusuan has no clue about all the calculations. Because the underworld here is like a tightly sealed clay pot, no water leaks, and there is absolutely no way to penetrate it. Furthermore, Xue Wusuan had no idea about the situation in the underworld in this direction.

Don't dare to go in rashly. Because according to the reaction of numerology in the Tao of Heaven, the cultivation of these twelve people is not low, and they are all at the level of Luo Tian Daxian's consummation. Although they still lack the understanding of the Tao of Heaven, they have not reached the level of the powerful ones, but it is not because they are not talented enough. But don't want to. Otherwise, where in the world are the powerful ones like the Tathagata and the Supreme Laojun? Twelve of them are the oldest monks that still exist in this world.

"They are the true guardians of order. They have been in charge of the underworld since the ancient monks existed in large numbers. If they don't break through the realm of power, they can prevent themselves from becoming my enemy and guard the land of reincarnation for a long time. But they have existed for too long. The improvement of their cultivation can only be achieved by suppression. As long as they do not make breakthroughs, they will not be able to compete with the Taishang Laojun and the Tathagata. Therefore, the monsters in the world do not have the spare power to grab them." This is what Tiandao told Xue Wusuan at the beginning.

It was not until Tiandao gave an explanation that Xue Wusuan did not understand why there were so many monsters in this area but no one cared. It turned out that the twelve yin gods had no choice but to guard the place of reincarnation in order to suppress their cultivation so as not to form a competitive relationship with the Taishang Laojun and Tathagata of the upper realm and thus break the balance. And the upper realm doesn't want to care, so this is the reason why ordinary people in the world suffer.

To tell the truth, if Xue Wusuan judged the likes and dislikes in his heart, these twelve yin gods with their duties can be regarded as real people with infinite merit. Although reincarnation has its own, the merit of guarding reincarnation for so much time is shocking. The most valuable thing is the choice they make between "guarding reincarnation" and "self-cultivation", which really subverts Xue Wusuan. Awareness of monk values.

The footsteps of Wu Dao Fu are the wheels of a train. Once it starts, there is nothing to stop it unless it crashes. Therefore, even if these twelve virtuous yin gods blocked the way for the Wudao Underworld to rule this direction, Xue Wusuan would like to sweep them away. Even in order to show attention, he came in person.

The two little devils who guarded the gates of the underworld found that they were suddenly unable to move. They couldn't see the terrifying black-robed dead soul in front of them making any movement, but they easily imprisoned their souls. There was even a natural reverence that gradually began to take over their consciousness.

"This is a letter of worship. Quickly hand it over to the Twelve Yin Gods. I'll be waiting here. Go."

"Yes, yes, Your Excellency."

Xue Wusuan smiled and instructed the two little ghosts in front of him, just like he ordered the ghosts of his subordinates in the Wudao Underworld. There is no desire to resist.

Xue Wu, who was in the state of soul body, was the time when he showed the majesty of Wu Dao Yan Luo the most.

The two little ghosts rushed into the underworld like crazy with a black letter of worship, and even forgot to report to their direct superiors, but leaped to the Yama Hall, the head of the Twelve Halls.

Along the way, it was not that there were no evil men ready to intercept them. After all, although there is no strict situation like other underworlds here, there are still some levels of dignity. How can two mere gatekeepers have the qualifications to go to the Yama Hall?

But all the evil people who were going to come up to stop them were all immobilized and stunned on the spot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can only watch the two little devils continue to fly forward with a look of fear, not long after Unobstructed, he knelt down in front of the gate of Yama Hall.

"Yan Luoshen is on top, the little devil is in a hurry! There is a dead soul outside holding a salutation letter!" He shouted loudly and fearfully, while holding the salutary letter given to them by Xue Wusuan in both hands, and raised it above his head.

"Understood, back off."

Unexpectedly, there was a real response, and the gate of the palace opened wide, and a force directly took the invitation. And a deep sigh suddenly sounded from the Yama Hall, echoing the entire underworld.

Not long after, the other eleven halls raised strange lights one after another, and it seemed that their respective figures shot out of them, and finally gathered in the Yama Hall, and the rear hall doors slowly closed.

"The Wudao Demon Lord Xue Wusuante came to visit the Twelve Yin Gods. Hey, it's time to come, let's take a look."

In the hall, a huge figure in the center opened his mouth, and then the letter of worship was passed down and passed through the hands of the next eleven equally huge figures.

"The Demon Lord has come to pay homage, so let's not hesitate any longer, lest we lose our etiquette."

"Haha, it's not bad, I've heard about the devil disaster and the devil master for a long time, and it's just the time to see it."


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