Extreme Yama System

Chapter 925: brings choice

There is no such thing as a guard of honor, some just have the entrance wide open, twelve yin gods gathered, wearing long robes, wearing a jade crown, pressing the body that seems to be surging, all rushed to the door, even if it was a warm welcome to the far away. Here comes the master of magic.

"I've heard the demeanor of the Demon Lord for a long time, and I just saw it today. It's really a blessing for three lives!"

The tone of the speech was flat, the polite words didn't sound like it, and it was very perfunctory. It came from the mouth of a strange-looking Yin God at the front.

In fact, it's not only the one who has a clear face, but the faces of the twelve yin gods who came out are very strange, at least it is the first time Xue Wusuan has seen the appearance of such a soul.

Tall, the shortest are more than three meters tall, with horns on their heads, and illusory wings on their backs, most of which are five pairs of wings, only the leader has six pairs on his back, each of which **** slightly. It brought up a burst of unusual yin wind and evil spirit, which was very majestic.

"This ancient monk is really a descendant of gods and demons. Just this appearance is very different from ordinary creatures. Tsk tsk, it's a bit interesting." Xue Wusuan said with a smile in his heart with his hands behind his back.

"I've seen all the yin gods. It's not enough to come from afar. It's my duty to travel between planes, so it's easy to come and go. It's a bit embarrassing to trouble you all to make an exception from your respective halls."

King Yama was still expressionless, and when Xue Wusuan finished speaking, he shook his head and said: "The devil is driving, and he has sent me a greeting card with complete etiquette. Naturally, I will not be that rude person, and I came out to greet Ben. It should be. As long as the Demon Lord doesn't dislike my cultivation, it's fine if my humble words are not enough. Please!"

Xue Wusuan shrugged and said with a smile: "There is no way to say that words are sufficient or not. As for the cultivation base, you are now the twelve with the highest cultivation base in this world, much higher than me. What. Haha, please!"

King Yama raised his hand, and Xue Wusuan also said "please", and the group entered the shabby entrance of the underworld.

It was really shabby, even worse than the dilapidated underworld that Xue Wusuan had seen in the original world before. Even the twelve so-called main halls looked a bit misnamed, and it was more appropriate to call them broken temples.

"It's rudimentary, please don't take offense to the Demon Lord."

Although Xue Wusuan was a little strange about the **** here, he didn't mind anything, this was not his home, and it was easier to clean up later if it was rotten.

After the guest of honor and the guests were seated, King Yama, headed by him, went straight to the topic and asked Xue Wusuan, "I don't know what the devil is here for?"

To be honest, as an ancient cultivator who still exists at this time, he is well-informed and knows a lot of things that others don't know, including the devil disaster. If there is one thing that these twelve real ancient monks do not want to encounter, it is the devil disaster. Even though the cultivation of the Lord of Demonic Disasters who is sitting in front of them now seems to be only in the realm of Golden Immortals, it still cannot be underestimated, and his heart is heavy.

The calamity came, and the world was silent. This is no joke. Countless planes have used their complete annihilation to prove the authenticity and credibility of this sentence again and again.

In addition, when he was outside just now, King Yama once tried a sentence, saying that he was worried that his cultivation base for the yin gods would make Xue Wusan lose face, but Xue Wusuan replied that these twelve yin gods were already in this world. The twelve with the highest cultivation base have lost his face.

Are these twelve ancient monks the strongest in the world? how can that be? What about the Tathagata of the Upper Realm and the Taishang Laojun? Where did you go? It is impossible to be killed. The powerful person in the Dao Realm must have a lot of movement when he lives and dies. How can there be no induction? But the problem is that now the twelve ancient monks used the communication tools that Tathagata and Taishang Laojun left them a long time ago to get in touch and talk about the coming of the devil, but they found that there was no response at all. Why is this? ?

Xue Wusuan smiled and replied, "Naturally, I am here to discuss some important matters with you. But before that, I hope you will take a look at this." As he said, Xue Wusuan waved a light curtain. It landed in the center of the dilapidated hall, and then a series of pictures appeared one by one on the light curtain.

"These are all planes, similar to the planes here. Now they are developing well, ordinary people can live in peace, whether they are happy or sad, they have the capital and space to survive. The monks have their own new ones. The road is no longer constrained by the Tao of Heaven, the cultivation base is no longer required by the resources of the world, and it is not even necessary to **** the power of the origin of the world with the Tao of Heaven, and you can easily cross the realm of Luo Tian Daxian and step into the realm of the Almighty. Of course, all of this must be under my control."

"That one doesn't seem to be an ordinary cultivator." Suddenly a yin **** with his head down pointed to the blood-red figure in the picture and asked.

"That's right, the one named Xue Yu, who came from the cultivation of different beasts from heaven and earth, is a powerful person. She does not need to join the Tao, but she can have the same or even stronger power than the powerful person in the combined Tao realm. "


"This is the mystery of the magic cultivator."

After some question and answer, there was a long silence. This is not just a simple light effect picture. The creatures in it are alive and can feel the breath from it. This is a very common method among high-level monks. It is easy to distinguish whether the principle is true or false. , so the twelve yin gods knew right away that everything in this picture was real. The almighty that the alien beast cultivated is indeed true.

Xue Wusuan lit a cigarette, leaned on the back of his chair, put away the screen, and said, "Demon disaster has been called for a long time, and failure seems to be synonymous with demon cultivation. In fact, countless demon masters are the same. There's no exception to what you've heard about dying, and of course they're not very friendly either.

It can be said that if it were the previous Demon Lord, it would not be me who came here alone, but a war. To be honest, your underworld is actually much simpler than other methods for my current calculations. But I admire your guardianship of reincarnation, so I bring two choices, I hope you can consider it carefully. "

Xue Wusuan is also very interesting. With this sentence, every word that comes out, the twelve yin gods sitting there can feel that there will be more energy around them. Divine Intent swept out, and found that the dense figures were filled with the ghosts around the hall in the time of this sentence, and the number exceeded 300,000! And they all match the cultivation base and appearance of the Demon Lord in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even the fluctuations of the soul are exactly the same!

"The devil is ready to start?"

"No, I'm just making some preparations for you to choose. After all, once you choose the wrong one, you will die. I don't want you to die like this. If you really want to do it, it should be like this."

Xue Wushen finished his words, his mind moved, and the 300,000 of his stand-ins outside the hall began to release the suction force of vitality and soul energy, although each only stimulated a little, but the 300,000 The amount of force that came together through the hall was still extremely terrifying.

"So, there are two choices: first, submit to me, I will give you a chance to ascend to the Almighty, and promise not to let the reincarnation you have guarded for countless years disappear. Second, reject my kindness, everything Die in the slaughter. Now, choose."


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