Extreme Yama System

Chapter 938: Battle of the Road (2)

The Demon Lord's methods once again showed extraordinary. The instant repair of the Dijue Formation is not a simple matter. Coupled with the suction and pulling power of the millions of substitutes around, this is for the Tathagata and Taishang who have never seen these methods. You are still very fresh. Especially with a large number of substitutes, this thing is unique.

But what about that? People who are accustomed to holding a hammer in their hands, the first reaction to encountering injustice is naturally to hammer down with the hammer in their hands. And this hammer is the most confident strength of Tathagata and Taishang Laojun.

Can't you stop 70% of our power? Couldn't our 70% power be able to smash your great formation at once and give you a chance to reshape it? Well, then try 90% strength. No matter what the millions of avatars around you are, focus on your body. It is not difficult for Tathagata and Taishang Laojun to distinguish the true body.

Attacking the enemy will save you, and the truth is inseparable from it.

Therefore, Xue Wusuan's Earth Jue Formation did not crack like before but did not shatter directly.

"Boom!" The violent bombardment sounded suddenly, and just the vibration of the sound wave, the rocks, trees, birds, beasts, fish and insects within a radius of 100 miles were all turned into powder. The only thing that still retains its original appearance is the entrance to the underworld behind the twelve yin gods. It seems that there is a most primitive and usually unconscious power guarding it.

"It's really amazing. Tsk tsk, is this a big move?" Xue Wusuan still smiled, and he was ready for the second bombardment of Tathagata and Taishang Laojun. In addition to the Die Jue Formation made by the soul inscription technique on his body, he also lacks magical tools and the like.

At the moment when the great formation shattered just now, the remaining 30% of the strength from Tathagata and Taishang Laojun passed through, and the target was naturally Xue Wusuan's body, but in the end, he was struck by a light black light less than a foot in front of him. The mask was blocked. Although the mask shook violently, it finally blocked it.

"A magic weapon? Hmph, see how much you can resist!" Taishang Laojun was a little ruthless. Once or twice, the demon master seemed to be weak, but the means were strange and remarkable. From the very beginning, these two powerful practitioners of the Harmony Realm discovered that the Demon Lord really only had the cultivation level of the Golden Fairy Realm, and the means that could be resisted until now are those that may have come from the devil.

The effect of the two bombardments was unsatisfactory, that is, I saw more of Xue Wusuan's methods. Of course, Yan Luoyin, who was sacrificed by Xue Wusuan, did indeed surprise Tathagata and Taishang Laojun. They had never seen such a magical weapon with such a strong Yin evil energy and fierce flame.

"Tathagata, I don't think it's inappropriate to delay. I'll deal with the devil, try to see if you can enter the underworld." Taishang Laojun sent a sound transmission to the Tathagata, and he didn't know when there was an extra ball in his hand. Blood red flames.

"That's very good, you and I will bombard it together again, and I will withdraw and go to the entrance to try." The Tathagata also replied, and at the same time, the palm of the hand was up, and a golden giant palm that covered the sky appeared from the sky. , the sky and the earth collapsed and the head was pressed down, which is the signature starting style of the real "Dari Tathagata True Sutra".

It wasn't the "big move" that Xue Wusuan thought before, but now it is.

Fire, Qiming Dan fire. Burning all the substances in the world is also the root of Taishang Laojun possessing the strongest alchemy technique in this direction.

The Great Sun Tathagata Sutra is a housekeeping method that Tathagata has been tempering since the beginning of his practice. The hidden rules of heaven and the subtlety of mana make it comparable to the Seven Meditation Pill Fire of Taishang Laojun. Compete.

Speaking of which, what Laojun and Tathagata have brought out now is the real power bombardment as the ruler of this plane.

"This is not bad, how about trying this?" Xue Wusuan nodded with a smile, and also guessed the intentions of the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun. With a thought, two huge six-way roulettes moved towards Taishang Laojun respectively. Jun's Qiming Dan fire and the huge golden palm that covered the sky and covered the ground greeted him.

Didn't you rely on the fire of pills to burn up everything in the world? That's just right, Xue Wusuan has not figured out the material of the six-way roulette until now, so you are trying to see if you can burn it. At the same time, this is also a direct response: if you want to rush into the underworld, don't be busy first, and then talk about it after my level.

It was Taishang Laojun's Qiming Danhuo who hit the six-path roulette first. The seven ignorances of flames correspond to the seven emotions in living beings, and it is also the reason why this kind of flame can burn all things. Of course, this kind of flame is extremely rare, and it is not even found in every plane. If you get a great opportunity, you can use it as the basis for your lifelong practice.

The so-called opportunity for enlightenment actually refers to the miraculous thing on the plane of Qimede Pill Fire.

But unfortunately, it was also a coincidence that the unfortunate encounter was the six-way roulette. Xue Wu didn't know how this kind of thing appeared, and he didn't know whether it was naturally generated or who made it, and he didn't even have a clue about the material. But these did not prevent Xue Wusuan's indifference to Taishang Laojun's hard blow.

The essence and characteristics of the Qimede Pill Fire have been clearly understood. This is actually a different kind of flame originating from the emotions between heaven and earth. Although it is full of a great understanding of the laws of heaven by a powerful person in the realm of the Dao, the essence cannot be changed. This total plane strange thing has encountered the only node of the reincarnation of all living beings, the six-way roulette, which is somewhat tragic.

Whether it is seven emotions~www.wuxiaspot.com~six desires, these emotions and emotions all come from beings with high intelligence and intelligence, which are also the potential foundation of beings, and they are also the "restraints" of beings who want to get rid of their "beings" identity, such as To say that the ultimate dream of all cultivators is "the Mighty One" is actually in the constant judgment and analysis of the Tao of Heaven, which are two directions that run counter to the Taoist system.

In an instant, Taishang Laojun's eyes were shocked by the intriguing picture. Of course he recognized what the demon master suddenly sent, so he was surprised. Can the six-way roulette also be used as a magic weapon? And the reincarnation of this plane is still the same, it seems obvious where the two roulettes come from, maybe there are more than two in the hands of the demon master.

The most tragic thing is that the first strange fire in this direction of Tangtang, plus the one blow of Taishang Laojun's understanding of all the heavens, was sucked in instantly because of the natural tolerance of the six-path roulette, a little bit. No dregs were left out. It can be said that it was a strike of Thunder, but it did not receive the slightest effect.

The Tathagata's plan was to rely on the powerful impact of the Taishang Laojun himself to squeeze out the defense loopholes of the Demon Lord, and then quickly pass through and enter the underworld. But before his Great Sun Tathagata True Sutra arrived, Taishang Laojun's Qiming Dan fire has been extinguished. What is this breakthrough?

Now, the only way to do this is to hold on to your emotions and doubly control the palm shot from the sky. With this blow, the devil must know that this face is not a place where he can do whatever he wants!


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