Extreme Yama System

Chapter 939: Battle of the Road (3)

Taishang Laojun could see the six-path roulette, and the Tathagata also thought of it at the first time, and also understood why Taishang Laojun's Qiming Dan fire was ineffective and was eliminated. But he himself has confidence in his own Great Sun Tathagata True Sutra, which is completely different from the Qimede Pill Fire. It is a means that he has tempered since the Tathagata practiced. Even if he can't shatter the six roulettes, the strength of the transmission will definitely be It can make this devil look good.

Looking at the huge palm that was photographed overwhelmingly, Xue Wushou thought of the scene when Sun Wukong was captured by the Tathagata as soon as he came out of the deep well of Wuzhi Mountain. At that time, it was also such a blow from the sky. When the huge golden palm stayed close, only a little palm texture could be seen, and he suppressed Sun Wukong in the real immortal realm with no effort.

And now Xue Wusuan is also facing this kind of method, and it is much stronger than what Sun Wukong faced back then. After all, the Tathagata only wanted to suppress Sun Wukong, but now he intends to kill him Xue Wusuan.

"Boom!" It seemed that a force slammed into a big bell, and a dull bell sounded. The sound rang far and wide, ploughing the already destroyed area for hundreds of miles.

Looking at Xue Wusuan's complexion, it turned pale, followed by thin cracks on Yan Luo's body. This is the first time Xue Wusuan has felt the threat of being wiped out since he became Wudao Yama.

Although the warning system in his mind was whining, the danger factor of the tenth-level peak also indicated that even the slightest mistake might become Xue Wusuan's grave. But it has come to this point, why is there a half-point retreat?

"System, from now on, as long as I am not destroyed by a single blow, immediately help me repair all my injuries."

"Okay, the soul point will be automatically deducted until the host changes this choice again. However, this plane is dangerous and abnormal, the risk factor is too high, and the possibility of the host's defeat is extremely high. Therefore, it is recommended that the host..."

Before the system could finish speaking, Xue Wusuan interrupted: "Okay. I know in my heart that I can't die."

Seeking wealth and wealth in danger, life and death are inextricably linked with me! Xue Wusuan even put aside life and death at this moment, only Tathagata and Taishang Laojun in his eyes, this game must be passed.

There is a crack in Yama's body, which is already a very serious injury, and it is very expensive to repair. And this is a blow, and it is just the power transmitted after the six roulettes block most of the force.

The mana cultivation of the Jinxian realm, including other means, wants to directly confront a powerful person who is in the realm of the Tao. The fact has already told Xue Wusuan that it is extremely reluctant.

Fortunately, Xue Wusuan is not an ordinary cultivator. He is Wudao Yama and has a mysterious and unpredictable system. Other cultivators are so seriously injured, let alone continue to resist, it is estimated that it is amazing to be able to stand. But Xue is no different. Soul Points, something that was once extremely precious to him, has accumulated a lot after years of accumulation. If he is injured or disabled, he will spend Soul Points to recover. In this regard, the system is still extremely generous and does not limit the limits and times of healing.

Under the bombardment of the great Sun Tathagata Sutra, the mysterious six-path roulette was not smashed, and even the feedback of the touch message made Tathagata feel that most of the power of this move was being used by Tathagata. That roulette was absorbed, or simply decomposed. This kind of feeling is very bad, there is a kind of depression that has nowhere to start and is unknown. But the only fortunate thing is that the strength of this Demon Lord is really only in the realm of the Golden Immortal, even if there are six roulettes to stop the disaster, it will not be able to stop it.

Previously, the plan of the two of them was that the old gentleman would come to hold back the devil, and the Tathagata would take advantage of the situation to break into the underworld. But now Taishang Laojun's Qiming Dan fire is directly hiccups, and the situation has changed. This does not need to be discussed or transmitted, it is a self-confidence response immediately. At the moment when the Great Sun Tathagata True Sutra was smashed down, Taishang Laojun's figure flashed and shattered along the ground, and Xue Wusuan's Yama body appeared. The moment when the problem had not recovered was empty, and rushed out at an incomprehensible speed.

"Lao Jun stay, it is not suitable to set foot in the underworld."

It was none other than the twelve underworld yin gods who stopped Taishang Laojun's incredible speed.

Can sit in the underworld for countless years, and even sit firmly under the gaze of two powerful people in the realm of Dao, and separate the underworld from the upper and lower realms alone, and it is not controlled. The reason for this is not Speak clearly in a few words. But one thing is very intuitive: if you don't have strength, how can you qualify for a site?

On the one hand, the reason why the Nether Race has been able to retain the last small group of people among the thousands of various ancient descendants is because they are indeed extremely tyrannical and have few rivals. It is also because of their special physique that they should not be discovered. But in the final analysis, the former point accounts for the decisive reason.

"Get out of the way!" Taishang Laojun kept speeding, and after a loud drink, another piece of Qimei Dan fire was thrown out. He hated that these twelve yin gods were immortal, and there was no time for nonsense.

Everything happened in an instant, and I saw the souls of the twelve yin gods flickering, and then they actually got together and became a giant-like soul body with twelve pairs of eyes. Gao's soul body, even if Xue Wusuan has some knowledge, this is the first time he has seen it.

And almost at the same time when this huge soul body appeared, the Qiming Dan Fire that Taishang Laojun called over immediately installed it. But the effect is not ideal. The terrifying flame did not burn the huge soul body like it was burning everything in the world, but was blocked by an arm of the soul body. At the same time, a very special formation appeared at the entrance of the entire underworld~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which completely wiped out the clear entrance just now.

"Space transfer formation? Twelve yin gods, did you really take refuge in the demonic disaster? Just think about it!" Dwelling Time's voice was full of killing intent, looking at the huge soul body that suddenly appeared and said.

And Taishang Laojun's reaction also showed a problem. Now that he wants to break into the underworld, he can't get in so easily. He seemed to know this strange formation, and he also understood that it would take some effort to break the formation and find the entrance to the underworld again.

The gigantic spirit body then opened his mouth and said, "Many years ago, Lao Jun, you and the Tathagata came together to the underworld to investigate my truth, and were very wary of my nether race, even with murderous intentions. In order to dispel your thoughts, give the underworld a peace of mind. , together with my eleven brothers, I was forced to pass on a secret method of my clan to you, and then you improved the method of the law body. With this new law body, you have earned yourself a lot of money at the same time. Practical time, this should be very helpful for you to join the way later, right?

Now I don't expect you to repay the favor of teaching the Dharma before, but at least the respect should be given to the underworld, right? Now that you are pushing hard, can Lao Jun still have face? "

"Face? You talk to me about face? Such as today's great changes, the world is in danger, you don't want to resist but instead take refuge in the devil, what qualifications do you have to talk to me about face? Get out of the way, don't think your Nether clan's methods are really amazing, When I can't break it?"


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