Extreme Yama System

Chapter 940: Fighting Road (4)

Twelve great immortals of Luo Tian, ​​who have not yet broken through to the realm of almighty people, can actually block the dignified and dignified Taoist realm Taishang Laojun after using some kind of unique method that can be integrated into one. The hit doesn't even seem to take much damage. In this way, the strength and means of these twelve people are indeed extremely impressive, and at the same time, from the previous words, I understand the effect of this combination method.

The Dharma body of this aspect is also improved through the secret techniques of these Nether tribes. I also understand why these twelve Yin Gods can actually resist the premise of being a powerful person in the Dao Realm after they have merged into a huge soul body.

After all, for Xue Wusuan, all this is really luck.

Although the strength of the Daoist realm has been estimated to be very high before, it is still a lot underestimated when I know it in person. Just the trick of the Great Sun Tathagata True Sutra just now caught Xue Wusuan by surprise. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the twelve yin gods, Taishang Laojun would have rushed into the underworld now, and the entire plane attack would have failed.

Is luck helping again? probably is.

The Taishang Laojun, who was stopped, was still fighting with the Nether tribesmen who had skyrocketed in strength after they merged, staring at twelve pairs of eyes. On the side, Xue Wusuan's injuries were also recovered by the system in the blink of an eye. . Then came the lingering fears and a series of emergency responses.

Xue Wusuan has become very cautious about the word "trust" since he went through the great purge in the Wudao Underworld, especially when it comes to such a big thing as a plane attack. The twelve yin gods can block Taishang Laojun once, but they may not be able to block the second time. It all depends on him in the end. At least Xue Wusuan is more willing to believe in himself than in others.

Well, the two six-way roulettes can't stop it, and the suction force emitted by a million doubles can't stop it, and even with Yan Luoyin, it's still almost meaningless. With the feeling of one enemy and two, Xue Wusuan was on fire for the first time when he was facing the enemy. It's like planning for a long time and thinking that everything is under control, but in the end, I find that I have miscalculated the last link.

Indeed, he underestimated the power of the Harmony Realm.

Fortunately, Xue Wusuan had a lot of trump cards. After so long, the resources obtained from the shuttle between the six planes and the mystery and power of the Wudao Underworld itself, he does not feel that he is really at a loss for the situation in front of him now. After all, the procedure of the plane attack is not to slaughter the entire plane of resistance, but to occupy the underworld for 72 hours. Just procrastinate.

Thoughts flew through my mind, and the anger ignited together, and the scene changed again. The most intuitive is the avatars that are everywhere. The biggest use of the stand-in is actually to help Xue Wusuan make a move. All of them are in the realm of Jinxian. There is no problem in killing thousands of Luotian Daxian by millions. Xue Wusuan didn't want to take out all the means at once. Well, you can't be in a hurry, I can't be in a hurry, whoever is in a hurry and uses all his means is basically the first to lose half.

In addition, it is still these stand-ins. The cultivation base followed Xue Wusuan's step-by-step upward movement, and the corresponding means given to him were also continuously strengthened. Compared with the time when he was on the plane of the White Snake, there is no magic method, but the natural suction force has also risen with the tide, and it was not fully used before.


The next change in the scene is that the dark sword energy in the sky is coming in an instant, each one contains the rules of the no-dao system, and it also has a mana application structure different from this aspect. It seems that ignoring the existence of space, it directly arrives at Taishang Laojun. and the Tathagata's body. And the suction force that has been working since the beginning has suddenly increased by as much as 60%.

As far as the stand-in is concerned, Xue Wusuan has already done his best.

Taishang Laojun and Tathagata are not vegetarian, and their goals are also very clear: the devil is so important that they do not allow them to step into the underworld, and it must be the key to everything. Taishang Laojun's Qiming Pill Fire was defeated by the six-path roulette, so he mainly attacked the twelve yin gods and the space transfer formation arranged by them. As for the Tathagata, he started to shoot continuously with one palm and one palm, resisting the surrogate attack of the sky and the power of Xue Wu's algorithm.

Now, right now, facing the Tathagata under one million doubles and Xue Wusuan's series of means, just one person just gritted his teeth and held on. It gave Taishang Laojun a relatively relaxed environment to walk under the attack of the giant soul body after the integration of the twelve yin and gods to find an opportunity to break through the outer formation of the underworld.

"If it goes on like this, the magic formations of the nether race will not be able to hold it for too long."

But Xue Wusuan's eyes are a little red now, so why don't Taishang Laojun and Tathagata have the same red eyes?

Stress is never one-sided. Xue Wusuan gritted his teeth and tried to hold off or even kill the two Daoist masters, Tathagata and Taishang Laojun, but encountered unexpected strong resistance or even a deadlock or disadvantage. But the pressure that Taishang Laojun and Tathagata are bearing now is not less than that of Xue Wusuan.

The surrogate cultivation base that is everywhere is not even a fart for the realm of the Dao, but there are too many, and the mana seems to be tireless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every blow It is full of power, but it can still maintain the frequency of attacks without any confusion. This is simply unreasonable.

Not only that, but these avatars can also be immune to most of the blows from the physical level, as well as a method that can completely disappear before the crisis comes, and this method does not seem to consume mana?

The individual cultivation of the stand-in is just a piece of shit, but it is completely different under the huge accumulation of numbers. Just like a grain of sand, a million grains are a huge pile. Quantitative change leads to qualitative change that is not a joke. It is not true that the Almighty of the Harmony Realm can ignore all power, and it is equally difficult to face the various means of Xue Wusuan's substitutes.

Killing, it is not easy to kill, those stand-ins can hide in the void to avoid the bombardment of the huge Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, and their resilience is almost endless. And the attack of the substitute is also quite sharp, and he is very good at the technique of combined strikes. Whether it is the superposition of power or the coordination of attacks in orientation and space, it is seamless. Coupled with that strange and terrifying suction force, the Tathagata is in a very bad condition, and the consumption is beyond imagination.

On the other side, Taishang Laojun was also extremely anxious. Although he doesn't need to face the attack of the sky substitutes, the power of sucking and pulling is all-pervasive. He can only carry the giant soul body that fits with the twelve yin gods to deal with it, while breaking the formation, the mental and brain power consumption is equally huge. .

This seems to have become a stalemate. And only twelve hours have passed.


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