Extreme Yama System

Chapter 943: war

"How are you doing?" When Xue Wusuan asked this sentence, his mind moved, but he didn't stop for a second. If you want to take a look at this, does Tathagata have something to say?

The Tathagata's face has turned pale. Compared with Taishang Laojun, his consumption will be much larger from the beginning. Moreover, the methods of Buddhist cultivation are not good at protracted warfare, and the current situation does not have much room for him to maneuver.

"Demon Lord, stay here so we can meet you in the future, can you?"

Stay on the line? Is this asking for peace? Don't Tathagata know that doing so would be very embarrassing? Of course the Tathagata knew it, and even thought about it very clearly. As a powerful person in the realm of the Dao, and one of the two masters of this aspect, he is not lacking in the courage he should have, and his mind is also clear. After thinking about the current situation, the Tathagata did not see the dawn of even a little reversal.

I am consuming myself, and it is huge. The opponent does not seem to be afraid of consumption at all, and replenishes quickly, and the method is strange. There is no way to destroy the enemy with one blow, and the enemy is constantly growing, and the vitality between this and the other will only become less and less.

To fight to the death, begging for the opportunity that still exists in theory? Yes, but dead or alive is totally unpredictable. And even if you desperately break out, so what? A strong crisis in the great changes of the world can herald a great disaster, and the results are unpredictable.

So the Tathagata's idea actually came from the alien beast almighty who killed his three dharma bodies in the upper realm. This alien beast almighty person is different from the violent beasts and demons who ravaged in the Buddha world. Completely different, absolutely two different races, and even the planes of existence must be different.

Why is the Tathagata so sure? That's because the aura of the huge number of violent demon cultivators is simply an existence that lives by killing. This kind of creature must be an absolute mortal enemy to all creatures on the plane, and there is no chance of relaxation. Gu Tathagata estimates that only the Lord of Demonic Disasters can handle this world-destroying creature.

Since the Lord of Demonic Disasters can accommodate a world-destroying creature, a powerful demon cultivator can also accommodate such a world-destroying creature, why can't he accommodate his Tathagata? Look at the twelve yin gods, although the tricks have not changed when they are fighting with Taishang Laojun, but the power that has been swayed has actually left the ranks of the cultivators.

The Tathagata's plans are more than these, but from the current point of view, it is not worthwhile to fight again, leaving the green hills so that they are not afraid of running out of firewood. First, keep your own existence possible, and then take a step in the future.

The more advanced the cultivator is, the more unwilling he is to be wiped out, and the more he cherishes his life.

"When you do something, you either don't do it or you must do it. This gentleman has always been like this, so there is no such thing as leaving a line." Xue Wusuan directly blocked the "furuan" handed over by the Tathagata.

It's not that Xue Wusuan doesn't want to take in two powerful people who are in the Dao Realm, but it's because he can't take them.

The plane attack this time is fundamentally different from the previous White Snake. The first difference is that when the White Snake passes the plane, the harvest is completed by the Wudao and the underworld alone, while the plane of the Westward Journey to Subduing Demons and Demons has the direct participation of the Heavenly Dao of this plane. Second, the Jade Emperor, Amitabha Buddha and Xue Ji in the White Snake Plane are just powerful people, and they have not stepped into the realm of the Tao like the Tathagata and the Taishang Laojun in terms of cultivation. And this second reason is more important.

Before the start of the attack, Xue Wusuan and Tiandao reached a tacit understanding of comprehensive cooperation. This is extremely important to both parties. Even now, when the balance of victory seems to have fallen to Xue Wudao, Tiandao's help is still useless. Negligible and extremely important. It is extremely important to block the barriers of the plane and prevent the news from spreading to the outer domain.

In this way, the existence of the Dao of Heaven in the camp of the Wu Dao Underworld does not need to be said more to Xue Wusuan, it is inseparable from it. Therefore, the benefits that should be distributed to the Dao of Heaven must be realized: to return the Dao of Heaven to a complete "body".

This is where there is some helplessness. To tell the truth, Xue Wushou really wanted to accept Tathagata and Taishang Laojun. These two are powerful people in the Dao realm. Such strong people can be said to be top figures among thousands of planes. It is very rare to accept it as a thug, or to obtain that extraordinary method and experience. But you can only think about it. There can only be one choice between the "dividing profit" of Heavenly Dao and the Supreme Being of the Dao Realm. Because unless the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun are completely destroyed, the part of the "body" that has been eroded and fused by the Heavenly Dao cannot be returned to the hands of the Heavenly Dao.

Either don't do it, or do it absolutely. This sentence made the Tathagata's pale face suddenly have a tinge of blue, and his eyes gradually began to be filled with determination. Because the Tathagata understands that Xue Wusuan's words represent four words: Endless death. There is no room for manoeuvre at all.

Taishang Laojun, who had been watching during the fight, also sneered in his heart. On the one hand, he joked that the Tathagata was greedy for life and feared death, and on the other hand, he laughed at himself, laughing at himself that he came down too early. , take back the Heavenly Gate first and then confront the Demon Lord, otherwise, you won't be trapped in a Jedi as isolated and helpless as you are now.

But it's too late to say that, Taishang Laojun immediately let go of the fight with the twelve yin gods, because it's pointless, and if he fights like this, he won't be able to break through the space transfer formation in front of him. There is still life in the theory, so there is only one more chance to join forces with the Tathagata to kill this abominable Demon Lord.

The two powerful people in the Dao Realm were determined to live to the death, and then it would be a little more troublesome for Xue Wusuan.

Actually, for Xue Wusuan, the biggest problem is still heartache. The unexpected time point at the beginning has passed. Whether it is by luck or solid preliminary preparation, the oppression brought by the current Tathagata and Taishang Laojun cannot be more oppressive than before. strong. What hurts him is the point of death.

The substitute suffered heavy losses, and was knocked out by the Tathagata, and Xue Wusuan was almost smashed hundreds of times by the Tathagata~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, he kept restoring mana for the substitute and himself. And the state, the expenses here are simply horrible. Fortunately, there are several planes to help with the bottom line, and the savings are quite solid, otherwise Xue Wusuan feels that he really can't use up these two Daoist realm powerful people.

The time continued to move forward minute by minute, and the time to start the plane attack reached the sixtieth hour. In less than three days, the thousands of miles around the entrance to the underworld became a huge pothole, and even the soil was turned into fly ash early, only the hard rock below thousands of meters was compressed by mana and appeared like steel. Hardened bottom.

"Okay, let's come down." Xue Wusuan hovered in mid-air, and when he released his spiritual thoughts, the three almighty people from the upper realm moved out. They don't need their guards anymore in the battles in the upper realm. Whether the formation of the shadow soldiers or the blood ghosts, now they have an absolute advantage.

Xue Jia was very excited. Even the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun, who are about to run out of oil, are a serious powerhouse for her. It is meaningful to be able to fight against such powerhouses, or even kill each other with her own hands. Too big: for self-confidence, for the perfect display of one's own strength and self-clarity, etc.

Withdrawing, Xue Wusuan did not go to see the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun struggling to the death. It is impossible for them to explode themselves now, who made them integrate the will of Heaven? They can interfere with the way of heaven, and the way of heaven can interfere with them, so wait for death.

"This is the seventh plane..."


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