Extreme Yama System

Chapter 944: really changed colors

The Tathagata and Taishang Laojun were not killed by Xueji or Jade Emperor and Amitabha in the end, but were sucked to death by the substitutes because of too much consumption. This may be their last dignity: if you want to die, the Laozi also died in the hands of the devil, and you guys want to kill the Laozi too? There are no doors!

Although Xue Qian and other three great powers in the underworld were annoyed, they were not vented. The gap was already felt, and at the same time, they also roughly understood their current level, which was a very important sign for their future cultivation. effect. And mentally the same. It's a rare experience to fight against the powerful people in the realm of Dao.

Just like when ordinary monks died, Tathagata and Taishang Laojun were silent, and there were no earth-shattering scenes. If there is any difference, it is only after their death that those wills that belong to the heavenly way return to the heavenly way "body".

The three instruments and the two mustard seeds were the spoils left by the two Daoist masters. Naturally, they were in the hands of Xue Wusuan.

The immortals and Buddhas of the upper realms saw the fall of the Tathagata and the Taishang Laojun with their own means. Where is the will to resist? Raising hands and surrendering is not enough, but no one has jumped out and dared to go near the Tianmen. They are all waiting for the final result.

And the lower bound is similar. After the situation stabilized, the blood ghosts left behind hundreds of thousands to continue guarding the Heavenly Gate of the Buddha Realm, which was no longer necessary to guard, and then went to the lower realm to start their entertainment time. Except for the magic cultivator, all the rest of the creatures are in their "entertainment" range and so on. By the way, he helped the six major factions to eat the last few mountain gates that they resisted into Jedi.

This is really frightening the lower world cultivator who has never seen such a creature as a blood ghost. Even if the demon cultivator saw the first reaction of the blood ghost, he would not dare to act rashly, and even the less timid ones saw that they were still in their mouths. It is not uncommon for the blood ghost chewing on his arm or head to sniff from his side and then reluctantly walk away.

What if these world-destroying creatures don't leave? A panic suddenly made the magic cultivators quite uneasy. Because these blood ghosts don't seem to be full at all, and they seem to be able to eat and eat all the time, so can there still be living creatures in this world?

Of course, the vampires are "vacation" or "rewards", and they cannot be left alone in this world. Xue Wusuan is very clear about this. So the vampire came down and had fun for ten days before being sent back to the abyss. The next devastation is that these sects of practice have come to clean up.

When they were cleaning up, the demon cultivators in the lower realms discovered that only the wild beasts and cultivators in the mountains were swallowed by the blood ghosts. Instead, the densely populated mortal towns were not affected at all, and they didn't even know there was such a terrible tyranny. The creatures once roamed around them.

In this way, even if the lower realm is completely calmed down, the rest of the work is naturally to popularize the magic cultivation, and at the same time pull away the remaining cultivators in this plane, and turn this plane into a place that is like other ruthless underworlds. The plane of **** has completely become the world of magic cultivators.

The rectification of the lower realm will take a lot of time. After all, this is the foundation. The number of living beings is very large and complex. Only mortal monks are practicing the popularization, and the progress cannot be too fast. And Xue Wusuan didn't want to be too violent. After all, the cultivation of beliefs should not be rushed. After the sweetness of beliefs can be fed back to the living beings, it will naturally produce large-scale breeding.

The upper bound is much simpler. The upper realm are all monks at the level of immortals, and the number is many times less than that of the monks in the lower realm, and it is impossible not to know the huge impact brought by the previous attack. Now that both the Taishang Laojun and the Tathagata have died, the situation is very clear. It is a joke to hide and avoid the place where there is no way. Only take the initiative to take it, do not resist, and wait for the end.

So just after Xue Wusuan announced the successful occupation of the plane with a tick in his mind, the first thing Xue Wusuan did was to connect the reincarnation of this plane with the Wudao Underworld, so that the number of reincarnation channels would rise again. I got one, and I also gained a new round of six-way roulette, and the name of a whole plane of beings was loaded into the book of life and death again.

The upper bounds are very realistic. As long as you don't have any feud with me, then I don't care who is the boss here, and there are not many common concepts of honor and disgrace. This is the estrangement between individuals brought about by the unenlightened cultivation system. Therefore, when Xueyu, Jade Emperor and Amitabha Buddha took the immortal marks distributed by Xue Wusuan one by one and said that they could become magic cultivators by eating them, they hardly heard any objections.

There is a lesson from the past. The Ye family, the Moonwind Wonderland, and the Buddhist cultivators in the Buddhist realm become magic cultivators, right? The cultivation base is even faster, why can't I?

Only after stepping into the Wudao system did I realize how surprising the benefits are. Those "lighthouses" that are endlessly bright in the dark are the joint paths of cultivation, and they are also the shortcuts that a monk has realized and explored. Such selfless sharing brings about a harmonious sense of mutual recognition most directly.

Of course, "loyalty", something that is hard to find in the world, cannot be germinated by a sense of identity. It requires precipitation and the test of wind and rain, as well as the slow erosion of the power of belief. This is all for the future. With the book of life and death and the immoral system, it is impossible for the immortals and Buddhas of this upper realm to rebel. At the price, Xue Wusuan stood in this newly acquired empty plane, looking at the reincarnation passage that crossed the void and entered the abyss, hearing the prayers and humble prayers of the noisy dead souls, My heart suddenly felt a little melancholy.

The result of the attack was good, and it was also the result that Xue Wusuan hoped to obtain when he planned. But the price is not small. It is precisely because of these costs that the joy in his heart only lasted for a short moment, and he didn't even take a look at the scene where Tathagata and Taishang Laojun were consumed to death.

Of the 100,000 Yin soldiers, there are less than 70,000 left now. Three million blood ghosts are currently less than two million, including nearly one million disabled. The spent soul points should be calculated in units of tens of millions. It can be said that Xue Wusuan has cost the most since he started the attack.

"Life and death are really so easy. The road ahead is slow, where is my stable place? Hey, System, you said that if one day I can really rule thousands of faces, will you take everything down from me? Take them all at once?"

"Di, the host is worrying too much. I'm just an auxiliary system and won't do this."

Xue Wusuan didn't say any more, shook his head, dodged and left this plane, leaving the three powerful men of the White Snake Plane to guard temporarily, but he returned to the Yama Hall in the Wudao Underworld... ...


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