Extreme Yama System

Chapter 945: The Iron Guard's True Mission

The fanatical and excited souls have added a lot of festive embellishments to the gloomy and unscrupulous underworld, and even the meaning of singing and dancing has become very peaceful. As for those losses, they don't fully understand, but they don't feel anything wrong. To fight a war is to pay a price, to be able to sacrifice one's life for the absurd underworld, to be able to engrave the name on the heroic monument forever is a supreme honor, what is there to sigh?

I have to say that when it comes to price, the souls of the dead in the underworld are much more open to Xue Wusuan. The idea is simple, the mind is unique.

And Xue Wusuan is not hypocritical, and the melancholy in his heart was quickly cleared up. Being Yan Luo is actually not suitable for this kind of emotion, especially in the current period when the environment has not really become peaceful, what he needs Still cold-blooded and calm. Perhaps there are still some points of human nature that need to be flashed, but this has to wait until the original world has a suitable opportunity to shine.

Now, it is the time for the great and invincible Yan Jun and the **** soldiers to enjoy the glory. This will be recorded in great detail by the secretaries and painters in Guiya, and kept together. As Yan Jun's secluded forest shines in all worlds, it becomes an immortal chapter of legend.

Yan Jun said that rewards and punishments are clear and military merit is the most direct way to enter the Yin class. Therefore, this time, the Yin soldiers who were fortunate enough to participate in this attack and survived at the end, as well as the logistics support and reserve militiamen, all received rewards. Many naturally got what they wanted and became a true Yin God, while the few did not enter the Yin class, but other material rewards were also extremely rich.

very excited. From Baihuya to Wang Tianyun, down to the ghost people organized by the Guiya, who are the most insignificant people who carry out security and transportation, everything is like this. The feeling that they were involved in the whole victory, this feeling of seeming to share in the glory, is extremely rare for their "resurrected" souls who can live on for eternity.

In the whole scene, Xue Wusuan would never laugh with these noisy and mad souls. The only place he stayed was his statue standing under the central square of the Ghost Country, holding a wine glass and looking at the front. The monument of heroes and martyrs with ten thousand names drank wine cup by cup, and stood behind Rong Ziju, who was slightly bent, holding the jug with a cold face.

Xue Wusuan sat here, and many people came up to toast, but he didn't dare to approach. He bowed from a distance and drank it and left, not even a big nerve like the Wang family's three sticks dared to walk past. They felt that the corners of Yan Jun's smiling mouth seemed to hide the ultimate coldness, and they didn't seem to be very satisfied with this victory.

"For the training of new recruits, you, the Soul Gatherer, should also be arrested. Don't always think that you are in charge of the Iron Guard, and you are still in charge of the Soul Gatherer." After a long silence, Xue Wusuan spoke softly. said a word.

"Returning to Yan Jun, the cultivation of new heroic spirits has already begun, and a group of soul envoys have gone to the new plane to find a suitable location. It will take some time for heroic spirits in other planes to mature. Lord Zheng has explained the situation to his subordinates several times, and I hope that this time the replenishment of ghost soldiers can absorb some from the ghost country, and the ghost people who want to enlist in the army are very emotional."

Xue Wusuan nodded, the wine glass in his hand was empty, and Rong Ziju hurriedly continued behind him. After another long silence, Xue Wusuan asked again, "How is your arrangement going?"

Hearing Xue Wusuan's words, Rong Ziju's waist bent lower, and his voice changed from direct soul vibration to sound transmission.

"Yan Jun, all the planes have been arranged according to your requirements. It is divided into three layers. The first layer is the control layer directly operated by Tiewei; the second layer is controlled by the souls we trained. , of course, it is carried out in secret, and it will not interfere in any affairs in the plane according to your requirements; the third layer is the spokesperson of the plane you are looking for, from the bottom to the middle and high level. The progress is very smooth at present, and the preset has been completed. Sixty percent of the plan."

Rong Ziju's answer was very slow, almost every word was transmitted to Xue Wusuan, and every word was carefully thought out. Hearing Xue Wusuan nodded slightly, he was silent for a while and then asked, "What about the situation in the underworld?"

"Of course, I want Yan Jun to know that this "Jingwei Operation" has not released the Wudao Underworld from the very beginning. At present, the layout of the first phase has been completed, and all institutions including Guiya have the least An Iron Guard spy was lurking inside, and there were no less than fifty spies in some important institutions such as Baihu Yamen and Gui Ya.

For concealment and temptation. The subordinates deliberately exposed the identities of several spies to the helm of these agencies. At present, it seems that the situation is relatively good, and no one in charge of the secret agent has announced the matter, nor has he deliberately avoided it. "

Xue Wusuan looked back at Rong Ziju, this guy seems to have grown a lot in his mind after the last punishment. We all know that the bright and the dark are advancing and retreating with both hands, which is very good.

"The Clean Guard operation needs to be continued for a long time. When selecting spies, there must be no shortcoming of ability and loyalty. For the institutions in the unscrupulous dungeon, it is monitoring rather than interference, and the balance must be well-balanced. It can't be because of your subordinates. It's important that those spies influence the operation of these agencies."

Rong Zimo should be. I secretly went through the details of the previous plan in my mind again, and decided to go back and adjust it carefully, so as not to make mistakes and be cleaned up at the time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The so-called Jingwei operation is Xue Wushen. It was decided after the last major purge that the Iron Guards in charge of Rong Ziju were responsible for the execution. The souls of the various planes that were secretly picked up from the reincarnation channel before are for this action. Their task is to return to their respective planes after the rigorous training of hell, and then act as the second plane that Rong Ziju just mentioned. manage. Collect intelligence for Tiewei, monitor the development of the entire plane, and report to Xue Wusuan in real time.

Moreover, in Xue Wusuan's description of Rong Ziju, the Iron Guard will not only need to monitor the institutions in the Wudao Underground and the planes that are under control, but also need to act as the vanguard of the battle, before the war begins. You need to go in and play the front station, and collect as much information as possible and bring it back for analysis and sorting.

Yes, Xue Wusuan was a little tired of the days of slowly grinding his teeth and calculating with different planes. At least it's not a thing to always do it yourself. Even if he really wants to enter in the future, Xue Wusuan is prepared to rely on himself to arrange everything, and he has to have a trusted helper. The Iron Guard was pulled by him to help him.

It's just that Xue Wusuan's plan was delayed a lot because of a major purge in order to give Tiewei a familiar process. Fortunately, this guy Rong Ziju is still very capable. Before the next attack, he should be able to meet the minimum requirements of Xue Wusuan.

"Maybe I'll be a lot easier in the future..."


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