Extreme Yama System

Chapter 946: meteorological satellite?

Cheng Zhanghua is an expert in applied physics. His educational background, work experience, qualifications, academic background, etc. are second to none in China, and he is even well-known internationally. From time to time, some impressive academic papers are published in authoritative academic journals. superior. Be regarded as a very successful academic young generation leader. The thirty-nine-year-old academician of the Academy of Sciences is also shocking.

In life, Cheng Zhanghua has both sons and daughters, and his wife is also an intellectual. He teaches advanced physics at a university, and his family is harmonious and beautiful. He is considered a winner in life.

But just two years ago, Cheng Zhanghua received a research order, asking him to participate in a top-secret national project, which instantly broke Cheng Zhanghua's ordinary life and made him feel like he was in a dream until now.

As the youngest and top scientist in China, Cheng Zhanghua has also participated in secret research projects, even quite a few. But definitely not like this time. When Cheng Zhanghua agreed to participate in this project, he knew that everything that followed was the highest level of secrecy, and the level of martial law was far beyond his imagination.

Almost as soon as Cheng Zhanghua agreed to participate, his contact with his family was basically cut off. Can't meet, can't make phone calls, can only write letters and can only write one letter a month at most, the content of the letter still needs to be reviewed layer by layer, and sometimes it will even be returned, saying that the word is inappropriate, and it is too harsh. People go crazy.

quit? Cheng Zhanghua had no such thoughts even when he was the most angry. First, because he has already participated in the project, even if he just read the outline of the content of a project, he has already participated in it. Want to get out? How could it be allowed? Second, Cheng Zhanghua is indeed full of yearning for this project.

Humans are such strange creatures. As long as you get used to the harsh conditions, you won't feel any problem, especially when the outcome and process of this matter are very important to you.

Of course, as a top scientist in China, Cheng Zhanghua's living conditions are excellent. Except that he can only stay in a limited area and cannot go out or communicate with the outside world normally, in other aspects, he only needs to open his mouth and someone will quickly help him do it properly. However, things that violate the principle are still not acceptable.

And like Cheng Zhanghua, there are nearly a thousand top scientists in this scientific research base that doesn't even have a name. Not even just one subject. There are physicists like Cheng Zhanghua, top scholars and researchers in dynamics, materials science, biology, applied chemistry, etc., and even many famous domestic weapons experts and sergeant analysts, etc. ....

What a huge project this is. Every time Cheng Zhanghua comes out of the dormitory, he will see the slogan on the aisle: We are here, changing the whole world!

Yes, what I want to do is to change the world, and it is a huge change!

Cheng Zhanghua uses such an inner monologue every day to motivate himself, lift his spirits, and meet new challenges.

The name of the project is that Cheng Zhanghua had the right to know about it after he became the research team leader of a sub-project in his fifth month here. It is called: Surrounding.

At the very beginning, Cheng Zhanghua did not understand why he chose such an inexplicable name. Because he couldn't associate this part of his research with the name of this project at all, he felt that the name was nonsensical. But after entering the research base in the second year, Cheng Zhanghuacai gradually understood why this project, which seemed to gather all the backbone of domestic research, was called this name. I even thought the name was appropriate.


Cheng Zhanghua still remembered that after he understood the framework of the whole project for the first time, he couldn't close his mouth, but he was laughed at by the commander-in-chief for a long time. This is the outline of the project he was told when he was individually praised by the commander-in-chief after the small project he was in charge of made a big breakthrough.

Science fiction? Very sci-fi, even if I think about it today. But this kind of science fiction is slowly taking shape under the hands of Cheng Zhanghua and other scientists.

The first ones that were launched as weather satellites were all structural components that had the function of meteorological observation, but they were not the main function. The main function is "structure", which serves as the basis for subsequent splicing. So there will be a second and third...

The technology is practically off-the-shelf. The reason why so many scientists are needed to gather together, Cheng Zhanghua reckons, is because even if it is scripted, ordinary people cannot understand these technical materials. Even Cheng Zhanghua himself spent a lot of time absorbing and verifying to understand the small part of the information that belonged to the project team he led.

Now is the second year and five months of this great secret mission. Cheng Zhanghua has begun to lead his group to accept the second research task...

China has launched a total of twelve "weather satellites" or "communication satellites" within two years. This is not a trivial matter that can be concealed. The pressure from the outside world was not small, but they were all blocked back. After all, what is Lao Tzu willing to do to take care of your business? Do you think that what Lao Tzu launched is not a communication and weather satellite, so you can show Lao Tzu the evidence?

This is also a tough attitude at home, plus a strong international strength, otherwise, it is estimated that any other small country will be directly beaten into the house.

However, paper cannot contain fire. What should come will always come. Because the meteorological and communication satellites can be launched in China~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But after the launch, can the satellites be combined with each other? Especially when the twelve satellites actually form four huge ring-orbiting objects with each other, it is even more unlikely to be any **** communication or weather satellites.

"This is a new type of large-scale satellite that integrates meteorology and communication. It is a newly developed satellite in my country. It saves orbital space more than previous satellites, and it can call back old satellites and reduce the impact of space junk on humans. potential threat..."

After the perfunctory meal, the outside world really had a period of public opinion stagnation. But everyone knows that this is not at all because other countries believe this rhetoric, but they are secretly trying their best to exert real substantive pressure.

But it doesn't take so long to store energy, right? In a short ten days, if it is more than a month, it is time to make moves one after another, but it took three months to delay, and some countries and great powers such as "economic coercion" began one after another. class tricks. But these are useless, and now the country suffers a bit of a loss, and it will take a long time to get them all back at one time.

So, taking advantage of these three months, four more "weather satellites" were launched, and they immediately combined into the fifth huge "unknown object" orbiting the earth.

Just like in chess, layout is very important. The five chess pieces have been arranged according to the preset positions, so how to play next is up to no one else...


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