Extreme Yama System

Chapter 947: kidnapping

As the saying goes, you have Zhang Liangji and I have a wall ladder. No matter how well the security measures are done, there will always be intervals when water drops through the stone and take advantage of it.

On an otherwise dull day, Cheng Zhanghua finally took a rest. He just finished writing his home letter in the dormitory, dressed in casual clothes, and was going to run in the small park of the base to vent his excessive internal fire. He bumped into it.

A group of five people, covered with masks, moved quickly and ghostly, before Cheng Zhanghua could react, he felt a chill on the back of his neck, followed by two tearing sounds, and then turned around in horror, his two guards had fallen to the ground, A big puddle of blood. Then Cheng Zhanghua lost consciousness.

"Find it out! Within three days, Academician Cheng must be found out!"

The supreme order, with its fury between the lines, made all the heads of the defense agency red-eyed. Here, it is the highest-level security area in the country, even higher than the security level of the capital center, but I didn't expect such a big accident at this juncture.

A group of foreign enemies not only entered the hinterland of the base unknowingly, but also killed two guards and kidnapped Cheng Zhanghua. This is literally hitting all the security guards in the face, big mouths one after another!

Cheng Zhanghua would be fine if he were an ordinary researcher, but he is a project leader who knows most of the project structure. There are too many problems involved, and it is too critical. Once the situation in the outside world, which is already extremely tense, breaks out for this reason, it may suddenly complicate the situation that was already under control.

It takes three days to find Cheng Zhanghua, and to ensure that the secrets of the project are not leaked. There are two points here. First, the first layer of meaning outside the words actually means "whether Cheng Zhanghua is dead or alive, we will find it". Second, even if Cheng Zhanghua failed to bite and revealed what he knew to the enemy, the information must be intercepted in the country and not allowed to spread.

It can be seen that in the face of such an extreme accident, Cheng Zhanghua can only be Cheng Zhanghua, and his weight is almost ignored. This is not a question of affection or injustice. To put it in a more objective way: if the surrounding project is successful, then the history of our country will be divided into two sections from the day of success. For this goal, Cheng Zhanghua is not alone. Not only the thousands of people in the secret base, but hundreds of thousands! Compared with this great goal, let alone one Cheng Zhanghua, one hundred is not enough.

But after only half a day, the security department immediately felt troubled.

There were 15 intruding enemies in total, 10 were on the stairs outside the base, and 5 sneaked in. They avoided all the guards and hidden stakes, quickly attacked, and then evacuated. The whole time took less than a minute. If it weren't for the dense surveillance equipment, it would be impossible for security personnel to detect them.

Here comes the problem. These enemies are obviously aimed at Cheng Zhanghua, otherwise the time would not be so precise. Then who revealed Cheng Zhanghua's whereabouts and habits? There must be enemies in the base! In addition, these people can so easily avoid and travel into the base, this ability has exceeded the limit of ordinary people's thinking.

Not to brag, the security personnel have already done a thorough verification, and even the top operatives can never infiltrate the main area of ​​the base. This is indeed a fact. But in the same way, it is also a fact that this strict defense was breached by the enemy.

"It's not for ordinary people. Coordinate the special case immediately to assist in the investigation!"

The Special Case Investigation Section is a new department that has been established in China for a little more than a year. Among the members, the cultivators of Yishui'er, have high and low cultivation bases, and the changes in personnel are also somewhat large, with some rotation mechanisms. This is a derivative product of the "deal" between Xue Wusuan and China, and it is also an experimental functional organization.

The monks in the investigation department are all from the Demon Sect, and they also bring some meaning to the world to experience. It's just that the country is relatively peaceful now, and the number of evil ghosts is extremely rare. Usually, there are not many things, and the monks are free. Most of the time, they practice in their respective places, and rarely go out. There are only a handful of people who know that they exist.

However, this sudden accident at the secret base made this idle institution become the focus of attention.

"These people are not ordinary people, they seem to be proficient in the five elements of escape. But there are only a handful of people who are proficient in the escape technique in the magic door, and they are all seniors and seniors. What is the escapism practice method?" A 50-year-old monk from the Demon Sect said, looking at a video that was only left behind.

There were three other people who came with this cultivator, the older one was about sixty years old, and the younger one was less than thirty years old. It's all the monks in the special investigation section of this issue. It is rare to encounter a major event, and it is necessary to come to gain insight.

As soon as he finished speaking, the eldest white-bearded cultivator shook his head and said, "It's not an escape technique. Although it looks very similar, it doesn't have the essence of "escape". If you don’t open even the most basic spiritual sense, this thing is just a piece of shit. It is impossible for monks in the Demon Sect to practice this kind of thing.”

"Ah? Uncle Yang, isn't this an escape technique?! In your opinion, what is the origin of these people?"

"The Dongying side is the most likely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I remember hearing the old man in the door say that in the war, various mountain gates sent their disciples down the mountain to walk. It seems that some methods were lost and were taken by the Dongying people. There seems to be a few words about escapism in it. Don't they have some ninjutsu over there? That's how it came."

Eastern Ying people?

Whether or not the judgement of the monk monk is correct, at least it gave the whole accident a breakthrough direction. For a while, all the passages that may enter and exit the border have been strictly investigated, but until the first day has passed, there is still no gain. Not only did they not find any suspicious Dongying people entering or leaving the country, but also did not see the shadow of Cheng Zhanghua. Did it evaporate?

It seems that the security department's means can't be counted on within three days, so when they add up, they still have to leave it to professionals to take care of it. So just one year after the establishment of the Special Investigation Section, the first official work finally came to them.

With such a big country and such a long border, it is almost impossible to stop a dozen enemies from going out. The only way is to catch these enemies before they leave. And the sooner the better!

The situation is urgent, and this is the first time the Special Investigation Division has received a major case, so no matter what, it cannot be looked down upon. After making a few calls in a row, Momen, who was the backing of the investigation department, naturally sent support, and the people who came were Ma Weicheng and old man Jian Chen, who were the first to step into the Wudao system.


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