Extreme Yama System

Chapter 951: wait for fermentation

The faster the domestic launch of railgun components, the tighter the foreign nerves will be. And this level of tension cannot last long, because it is related to "life and death", who can be calm in the face of life and death? There are some who are not afraid of death, but very few, let alone those politicians who are pampered.

Therefore, no matter how long the domestic diplomacy takes, these foreign politicians still broke the nerve and decided to make an unprecedented struggle to the death.

Among the means of long-range strikes is a subject called "saturation attack", the source is a measure between attack and defense. For example, if the highest defense capability of a fleet is that it can intercept 100 long-range missiles at the same time, then the attack will be increased to more than 100, that is, the highest saturation defense capability of the defending party will be surpassed, thereby reaching the defense limit of the defending party. Ability to attack.

The saturation attack is actually a stupid method, but it is also a very practical method. Even before, it was the only method that could break the dense defense network of a large fleet cluster like the United States.

Now, it is this approach that foreign politicians have finally chosen after thorough research by their respective military and aides. Not only that, these countries, which used to be filthy with each other, cooperated sincerely for the first time, and united together to form an alliance under the table. The unified attack time, method, and location to launch the attack were agreed upon.

Is it a global attack? Several continents, oceans, are all starting points for each attack. At the same time, thousands of specially modified missiles were made for those hovering swords in Earth orbit.

Don't think that missiles can't threaten places so high in Earth's orbit. The concept of "space warfare" is not new, it was proposed more than ten years ago. The rail gun cannot be freed up, but it is barely possible to free up a weapon that can directly attack the height of the orbit. Not only the United States, but many countries have this ability.

So, at a time that may be a coincidence or a deliberate time, on October 1st, this under-the-table alliance, which is hidden in the dark but well-known, launched its own attack. They want to put an end to all this before the eastern giant is still engaged in "peaceful coexistence" and does not move their satellite.

"It's really good to be bullied by others."

How could Xue Wusuan, whose spiritual sense has been covering the entire earth, not know the dangers of the secret stirring outside? But he wasn't going to say anything. Even the railguns were given, and now there are eight railgun splicing parts floating on the track, what does it matter if he goes to remind?

The centuries-old technological generation gap is like a bow and arrow compared to a cannon. How can the number and intrigue between the two be equalized?

Therefore, the situation outside is tense, but the domestic institutions that have confidence in their hearts have not made any more first-level combat readiness.

It happened like this, and then it ended in less than ten minutes. The people around the world who are left behind always see something like fireworks "blooming" in the sky and then slowly falling.

Thousands of special missiles, the extra cost is still second, the important thing is that this action has been given the last hope, but it has not received even the slightest effect, and it is regarded as an abnormal world-wide " Fireworks show". The chill in my heart made the so-called great powers of the world silent.

Next is the economic offensive calculated by Xue Wu's abacus. Longshan companies all over the world have started a new round of monopoly with medical technology, communication technology, and electronic technology that have eroded all civilized countries at a virus-like infection speed. Of course, those bigwigs from all over the world who have long been a member of the Zombie Clan, as well as the business giants, have contributed to the fire, making it impossible for the authorities to control the situation at all.

There are many details, but they are only the details. With railguns that crush everything, there is no room for conspiracy and tricks. Not only Longshan Company, but also some large state-owned enterprises in China have also joined these series of economic means, and they have not lost their momentum at all.

Xue Wusuan kept watching what happened next, and thought it was pretty good. First suppress it, so that other countries are unable and unable to rebound, and then use high-tech products to corrode or control the other party's economic nodes, and then infect the information belonging to culture, so that the undercurrent can be slowly reduced little by little. Smoothly, in the end, he didn't need a single soldier to completely realize the great fusion situation he envisioned. And once it's done, it's pretty perfect for this aspect and for himself.

Only an integrated plane has the possibility to provide power and resources to the unruly underworld. Only an integrated plane can increase the speed of development to the limit. Because there is no internal friction.

Of course this takes time. Three or ten years are possible, but this time is not very important to Xue Wusuan and the current situation of the original world.

The long vacation is what Xue Wusuan left for himself to relax and end after a war. He needs time to get his heart out of the slaughter, to be a good gangster who eats and waits to die, and at the same time allows himself to have a stable environment without turbulence and implication The benefits from the plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tathagata and Taishang Laojun are dead, but their foundation is still there, and the good things inside are countless. Although adding a piece is not as good as the methods and methods in the souls of Tathagata and Taishang Laojun, it is also extraordinary. This is a great gain for the entire Wudao Underworld. Even Xue Wusuan asked the system to do a calculation for him, and found that although the cost of entering and exiting this battle was huge, it was a huge profit. Not only that, but this profit can still be rolled over continuously.

And what was useful to Xue Wusuan were some jade slips and instruments taken from the Tusita Palace of the Taishang Laojun and the Leiyin Temple of the Tathagata. All of these things contain the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun's understanding of the Dao of Heaven, as well as some of the understandings that came from their own cultivation. This is the best baby. But unfortunately, it's just a few words, and can't see the whole picture.

"The way of heaven is ruthless and meaningless?" This cognition is still pertinent, and it is true that a robot-like existence cannot be expected to understand what it means to be affectionate. This is the cognition that Tathagata and Taishang Laojun have integrated into their own magic tools, which were picked out bit by bit by Xue Wusuan.

At the same time, there is another one: the root of the cycle of numerology.

This sentence seems to be a bit too hasty, not to mention that it came from the hands of two powerful practitioners. It seems that this is the bridge that those wandering warlocks use to coax people between the mortals. At least Xue Wusuan always thinks that way.

But now the phrase seems to have a new meaning. Because the Almighty of the Harmony Realm also transformed this seemingly deceiving and annoying language into his own cognition and integrated it into the jade slips of the magical instruments and recording methods...

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