Extreme Yama System

Chapter 952: Xue Wusuan's troubles

Zhou Huiru has lived a really comfortable life these days. Her own man actually stayed for more than half a year when he came back this time. Is there anything more important than this?

The mood is good, the natural complexion is good, and everyone who sees them smiles and is very friendly. But she didn't know that the people around her were talking a lot about her in private.

Of course, with Zhou Huiru's character, even if she is a high-ranking person, it is impossible to offend anyone, so talking about her behind her back is naturally not a bad thing, but a curiosity. They are all curious that Zhou Huiru is already beautiful, but why is she getting more and more beautiful? The skin is getting smoother and rosier, as shiny as a baby, and the hair is black and shiny, and even if you get closer, you can smell a good smell emanating from her body.

Men are okay with this. After all, they know the origin of this person, and she is not a woman who can have unreasonable thoughts. Even if the charm of this woman is boundless, she does not dare to approach her. Even if she has contacts at work, she maintains a very far distance and never looks around. There are rumors about this. Vice President Zhou's man is not very careful. If there are rumors in other people's ears, he doesn't know how to die.

Women don't have that concern anymore. Curious about what cosmetics Zhou Huiru used or what beauty secrets? Isn't this person getting old slowly? Why is she becoming more and more bright, and even now she looks similar to those college students who have just left school? Envy the dead!

The women in the open and the secret are all asking what does Zhou Huiru usually use? But after inquiring, although the cosmetics used by Zhou Huiru are good, they are all available in the market, which is not unusual at all, and even the things that many women use are better and more expensive than Zhou Huiru's.

So, women don't understand even more. Even Zhou Huiru's three assistants were very curious, seeing that Mr. Zhou, who was obviously older than him, seemed to be younger than them now. But they wanted to ask, but they didn't ask, and even they knew a lot about Zhou Huiru's living conditions, and they didn't see any great beauty-enhancing things.

Could it be because other men are difficult to do? It is said that what a man does is a great supplement to a woman's spirit? Could it be that Mr. Zhou and his wife had more fun than anyone else in the nest? Bah, it's a bit embarrassing to think so. But it seems to be the only explanation.

And Zhou Huiru herself is the one who knows most about these things that others are curious about. She understands how she has changed over the past three years. Everything was caused by the medicinal wine that his men brought from nowhere. After drinking these medicinal wines, there is a series of rejuvenation performances such as complexion, skin color, temperament and so on. And these are only external things. Internally, for example, in the past few years, she has never been sick, nor has she ever caught a cold. Not only that, Zhou Huiru's spirit is getting better and better now, even if she is busy at work, she will rarely get tired, and she has never felt tired at all in the past six months.

The most intuitive manifestation of the increase in physical strength is that Zhou Huiru will no longer be tossed out when she rolls the bed with her man, but now she realizes how fierce her man is. Did not let go of tossing her.

So ah, physical changes are the most important improvement. And physique has another layer of extraordinary meaning to Zhou Huiru.

People in the world are all afraid of time. First, they are afraid of death, and second, they are actually afraid of the decline of life. The old saying is that the general Yi Lao has a red face and a white head. Isn't this the greatest sadness? And Zhou Huiru has a similar sadness deep in her heart.

She said that she was worried about her death, but it wasn't enough. She was only approaching 30 years old now, and the end of her lifespan was very early. What she was worried about was that she was getting old, but her man was still the same as she is now. It's scary to think about.

"When your body can withstand that kind of beauty-preserving pill, it will be taken for you naturally, don't worry." This is what her man said to her at the beginning, and Zhou Huiru always remembers it. So she, who didn't like drinking before, took drinking medicinal wine as a habit of rain or shine and persisted since then, and the result was really good. I just don't know how much worse my physical condition is now than what my man said.

While Xue Wusuan was lighting a cigarette, Zhou Huiru immediately ran over to protect Xue Wusuan's arm, and asked with a smile, "Wusuan, how much worse do you think I am now? When can I take the medicine you mentioned? ?" As for whether it is possible for her man to lie to her, there is no such thing as a beauty-preserving medicine in this world, Zhou Huiru never thought about such a thing. How has her man ever lied to her?

But Zhou Huiru didn't know that Xue Wusuan was most annoyed by this matter. It's not that Xue Wusuan was lying to her. He already had something in his hand that could make ordinary people look eternal and immortal. It was the Long Yuan that he got from the Wind and Cloud Plane, and he had already decided to give it to him. Zhou Huiru prepared it. But the problem is that once Zhou Huiru eats Long Yuan, the next thing is a bit tricky. Like having a baby with him.

This is a question that seems to be deadlocked. As a result, even with Xue Wusuan's cultivation base and the level of Yama's body, he still cannot regain the ability to reproduce. This is a rare drawback of Wudao Yama~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sometimes Xue Wusuan even wonders if this is simply the means of the system to hijack each generation of Wudao Yama?

But in the face of Xue Wusuan's questioning system, he always denied it, saying that this is the chasm between life and death, how can it be so easy to cross. So now, Xue Wusuan doesn't even know when he will be able to regain his fertility, and he can't even talk about giving Zhou Huiru a child.

When he was a gangster, Xue Wusuan might not have understood too much what a child meant to a woman, but now that he has come to realize these simple truths in the life course of the trillions of beings in the book of life and death, he also has a deep understanding of these simple truths. So there is some hesitation.

"It's still a little bit worse. I guess if you continue to supplement supplements as I said, you should be fine in half a year or two years later." Xue Wusuan doesn't like to lie to his women, and now he can only be ambiguous. Take a relatively near time.

"Ah? How long will it take?"

"Of course. You are just an ordinary person. The worst body to bear this medicine also needs the physical fitness of a perfected martial artist. People may not be able to reach this standard after decades of hard work. You can just drink some wine. Are you still too slow?" Xue Wusuan wasn't talking nonsense. Long Yuan is not phoenix blood, the effect is better but also more violent, ordinary people can't bear it.

"Oh, oh, I see! I'm just a little anxious." Zhou Huiru stuck out her tongue, rolled her eyes, and continued, "It doesn't matter, you said that if I stay in my face in the future, my physical fitness will be better, let's Should I have a baby?"

Xue Wusuan sighed inwardly: Sure enough...

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