Extreme Yama System

Chapter 953: time to go back

How to say it? Xue Wusuan felt that he had to make a decision now, a little tangled but not too difficult.

"The matter of the child is not far from the time. My body has not yet reached the stage where it can be fertile. Well, you should be able to feel it." Xue Wusuan was silent for a while before speaking bluntly. This kind of thing has to be made clear so that there is no misunderstanding. Besides, if his Xue Wusuan's woman couldn't handle this, it would be almost meaningless.

Obviously, Zhou Huiru felt a little depressed when she heard Xue Wusuan's words, but it wasn't so much annoyance. He pouted and leaned in Xue Wusuan's arms with an unhappy face.

Xue Wusuan said with a smile: "Take your time, you need to repair your body now, and you won't know what it means to "come to Japan for a long time" after you take the medicine to keep your face. We will have children in the future, don't say One, ten hundred are not a problem."

Ten hundred? Zhou Huiru hummed at Xue Wushou, and felt very ridiculed at this somewhat exaggerated statement.

I still have to live a small life. Besides, the international situation is now stabilizing. The most dangerous moment has passed. The country is very relaxed from top to bottom, and at the same time, it is unprecedentedly full of energy. Why don't we take advantage of this great opportunity to quickly expand our economic business?

However, there are still many events in the news. The public opinion attracted is also one wave after another. For example, after the international situation stabilized, a certain international student continued to study in the school where he studied abroad, but he was beaten by his classmates, and he was even scorned and ridiculed wherever he went. Even the teachers couldn't understand him. In the end, it was unbearable to have a quarrel and then it turned into a physical conflict. As a result, he was seriously injured by many foreigners.

This is not very good. Coupled with the favoritism of foreign case-handling agencies, this news is a big uproar in China. After all, the spirit of this nation is on fire now. Whoever pours such a bowl of oil on it will be a prairie fire. the fire.

Actually, not only in China, there are Chinatowns in foreign countries, there are many Chinese people, and I have a good feeling about my homeland, so when such an incident occurs, it means that there is some public outrage.

Since then, a mighty foreign war of words began. It also made some foreigners who killed the eastern giant more and more excited, followed by a series of tyrannical acts.

In China, which has never liked to take care of the outside world, this time, it has changed its normal attitude and has a tough attitude. It has a direct social rhetoric to all countries where violent attacks have occurred. The interests and safety of the diaspora". This is where things really got to the hottest moment.

"There are too many people talking nonsense, and there are too many people with bad thoughts. If you have nothing to do all day, you will know that you are holding the door frame horizontally. It is all scum. Clean it up." Xue Wusuan naturally knew everything. Something is hiding behind. Also quite disgusted with those bug-like provocateurs. A good situation, it only needs to slowly erode to be a stable result, and now these bed bugs have stirred up the situation to make the situation a bit chaotic. He didn't like chaos, so a divine sense message was passed into the head of the Zombie Clan Patriarch Dakan.

"My subordinates understand, please don't worry, sir." Dakan responded directly, and immediately began to gather the group of "think tanks" he recruited to prepare a plan.

For the rest, it doesn't matter whether the zombies use **** slaughter to settle these messes or use more gentle means to resolve them. Xue Wusuan only looked at the results, the process was not important.

After nearly a year of rest, Xue Wusuan had almost done everything he wanted to smooth out. What satisfies him most at present is that his own cognition has made great progress. In particular, the understanding of the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun's cognition of "the foundation of the cycle of numerology" made him discover some extremely important nodes.

This cognition was repeatedly scrutinized and verified by Xue Wusuan. Finally, after combining the comprehensive factors of Tathagata and Taishang Laojun's cultivation, he even asked about the way of heaven, and finally came to the conclusion: what is in this cognition? The cycle of astronomy and numerology mentioned are not the numerology and arrangement of celestial law at all, but a more far-reaching field.

What is above the heavens? Isn't it the road? This avenue rules the way of heaven and is the master of the way of heaven. How do ordinary creatures get in touch with it? Therefore, the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun's cognition is not actually understood by them by their own abilities, but by external forces. For example, taking advantage of the opportunity of joining the Dao to erode part of the body and will of the Heavenly Dao, and gain a new understanding from these wills.

"Enlightenment, re-entering the Dao, and then joining the Dao, the process here seems to be full of helplessness now. Hey, I don't know what the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun were in when they stepped into the realm of no Dao. Are you mad enough to be stupid? Hahaha"

Xue Wusuan laughed happily every time he thought of this. Not malicious, but really thought it was extremely comedic. At the beginning, for the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun, the meaning of this alignment was to care about being able to get rid of all shackles and get great liberation. But who would have thought that after this reunion, he found out that there is still a great road on his head, and the avenue still controls his own destiny, and even if the final reunion is perfect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ successfully replaces the way of heaven, that also means It completely entered the control of the road.

After such a tragic encounter, the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun will have a clear understanding of "the root of the cycle of numerology". It also allowed Xue Wusuan to have another understanding of the Dao, an existence he had not been in direct contact with, out of curiosity.

Perhaps in the future, when his cultivation reaches a higher realm, what he needs to face is no longer just the way of heaven.

In addition, Xue Wusuan has been struggling to analyze the more than a dozen foreign words from his biological parents, and now there are new discoveries.

There were a dozen characters written in the special swaddling clothes before, and Xue Wusuan concluded that it was the words left to him by his biological parents, or an exhortation, or something else. Three words have been solved, which are "death", "no" and "heart", and now Xue Wusuan has solved three words again: Huanggu, you.

Xue Wusuan felt heartbroken for no reason. It seemed that the meaning of these two words was extraordinary to him.

But it still hasn't been able to fully parse out a meaning. Still in no hurry.

He exhaled a cigarette and leaned his head on the sofa. Xue Wusuan now felt more and more that his life experience seemed to be very important to his future, and his biological parents seemed to be involved. But he is a ruthless Yama, and the monks in the outside world regard him as a hater and hate him for immortality, and there will be a war in the future, but how does this involve his parents and his life experience? This doesn't seem to make sense.

Xue Wusuan is also a cultivator, in the golden fairyland, he is very concerned about the feeling in the dark, so it is rare to be a little irritable.

"It seems that it's time to regroup and continue running."

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