Extreme Yama System

Chapter 954: Who will take care of it?

"Yan Jun, the newly added 32,000 Yin soldiers have been put in place, and are now undergoing training. Among them, 8,000 heroic spirits, and the rest are all screened out from the ghost country. They are very strong and have a good foundation. In addition. …”

Listening to Rong Ziju's report, Xue Wusuan didn't say anything, just nodded, and then he knew. In fact, he doesn't need anyone to report to him what happened in the unreasonable underworld when he went to the original world. His stand-in has always been there, and Divine Sense has always shrouded the entire underworld. This is the transformation he started after the previous great purge.

But even so, Xue Wusuan still listens to his iron guard in charge of the report every time he comes back. On the one hand, it is to let Rong Ziju understand the use of Tie Guard's daily time, and on the other hand, he is also testing Rong Ziju to see how sensitive this Tie Guard is to the troubles of the unruly underworld.

"What about the three clubs?"

"The three Lord Wangs have been very peaceful recently, but they often visit the palaces of the two gods for advice. It seems that they have reached the critical point of breakthrough." Rong Ziju replied.

"Well, okay, got it. How's your advance team getting ready recently?"

"If you return to Jun Yan, you are ready. There are a total of 2,000 dead souls. You can go anywhere and complete the task under any circumstances according to Jun Yan's instructions!"

Tie Guard's ability to act is really good. In Xue Wusuan's comparison, only Tie Guard can compare the efficiency with the Yin Bing Camp in the entire Wudao Underworld. And seeing Rong Ziju's words so full, it seems that he is very confident.

"Then wait for the news. Whether it's a mule or a horse has to be taken out for a walk."

"My subordinate understands."

"Okay, step back and let everyone outside the hall come in."

"It's Jun Yan."

After Rong Ziju responded, the gate of Yanluo Temple opened, and the divine beast Mo Yun, who was guarding outside, let in all the big men from the unscrupulous underworld.

Another big meeting. The three brothers of the Wang family, Bao Zheng, Wang Tianyun, Wang Yuyan, Zhong Mei, and Ding Chunqiu, gathered together, each with their own thoughts, and it is estimated that there are a lot of things to report to Xue Wusuan. But Xue Wusuan was a little strange, why did Wang Yuyan come here?

"What's the matter, let's talk."

Xue Wusuan's voice just fell, and Wang Tianyun was the first to be listed. This boss is now the top yin **** in the Wudao Underworld, and the strength of the yin soldiers array also makes other yin gods respect him, Wang Tianyun, even if the Wang family's three sticks are the same. Of course, this has to exclude Rong Ziju, the disgusting thing in the yin god.

Look at the attitude of these unscrupulous underworld bosses ignoring the attitude of Rong Ziju, who is standing bent over behind Xue Wusuan since entering the hall, and you can see how much they have an opinion on this iron guard. It is estimated that it is like seeing dog shit, and it will feel hot to look at.

The negative emotions of these bosses towards Rong Ziju are completely understandable. Anyone who has been indiscriminately placed eyeliner under his own eyelids and blatantly gave hints, for fear that these big guys don't know, will have a feeling of being deeply insulted.

"Yan Jun, the 100,000 benchmark soldiers of the Yin Soldier Array are already in place and are undergoing adaptive training. However, in order to cope with the higher-intensity future battles, the subordinates think that they can add another 20,000 Yin Soldiers to keep the total number at 12. Thousands."

As for the military, it has been like this since ancient times. The amount of power in their hands depends on how powerful the enemy they need to face. The last battle was won, but it was a tragic victory. It was the largest downsizing of the Yin Soldier Array since its establishment. This also made the ambitious Wang Tianyun understand that the Yin Soldiers array is nothing now. It is necessary to continue to improve the strength, and this increase in the number is part of the strength improvement.

But this is really not so easy for Xue Wusuan. He didn't want the number of shadow soldiers to be too large. This is a burden to the unscrupulous underworld. Maybe it doesn't matter now, but the cultivation of the Yin soldiers is getting higher and higher, and the resources they need are more and more huge. The consumption of these 100,000 Yin Soldiers is now a reasonable maximum value that can be endured by the unethical underworld. No matter how much resources are accumulated, it will stop growing or even negatively grow.

"Increasing troops? Are you going to raise them or I will raise them?" Xue Wusuan asked with a smile as he looked at Wang Tianyun, who was standing under his seat with his hands over his shoulder.

"This, this..." Wang Tianyun didn't know how to answer again.

"Raising a 100,000 Yin soldiers is already the limit for the current ruthless underworld. As a general of the White Tiger Fang, you are the first Yin God to follow this monarch. You should understand that the formation of the Yin soldiers is the most important. At the beginning, what was the number of geometric cultivation bases. And now? How many times the resources they need at the beginning? More than a hundred times? And you look at the reincarnation passages outside the main hall, but they are more than the most. A hundredfold increase in the beginning?"

"Yes, no. My subordinate, you are reckless, please punish Yan Jun." Wang Tianyun knelt down and kowtowed to plead guilty. He only now understands why Yan Jun has always restricted the number of Yin soldiers so strictly.

Soldiers are easy to recruit, but hard to raise! Think about it too, the cultivation resources needed by an ordinary monk in the realm of gods can basically be supported by a large country in the mortal world, not to mention 100,000 ghost cultivators similar to the realm of gods? Wang Tianyun really didn't calculate the consumption here carefully. He always felt that Yan Jun was omnipotent, and now he knew that he was a bit stupid. No wonder the strategists said that it is impossible to increase troops now, and I guess they guessed this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What strategists are! Can't you correct the problem of showing off mysteries? I really want to understand, why don't you say it directly, I have to guess, now I'm embarrassed in front of Yan Jun? Just go back and give them a good lesson, I'm the head coach! "Wang Tianyun thought in his heart.

"You don't need to punish. Don't you want to increase your troops? There is a chance. You see, the more reincarnation channels, the stronger the ability of the underworld to bear, and the stronger the power under your hands. So, in the end can How many soldiers to bring, in fact, the problem is not with me, but with you."

"My subordinates understand!" Wang Tianyun naturally understood. Yan Jun is asking them to kill and rob! Otherwise, where did the resources come from to support soldiers? Even if it stops at the current total amount of resources, let alone the increase in the Yin Soldier array, the ability to improve the strength is limited by the ceiling. However, Wang Tianyun is not afraid. If he can grab a few planes, he can grab a few more, or even hundreds. Thousands of planes, not all of them are as powerful as the planes of Westward Journey to conquer demons and subdue demons, right?

Then, the big bosses such as Wang's Sanbangzhui and others began to report other matters to Xue Wusuan. The last one is Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan saw that the other yin gods had withdrawn from the Yan Luo Temple, and only Rong Ziju was left behind Xue Wusuan, and said, "I have something to report to Yan Jun, I wonder if Rong can avoid it?"

Xue Wusuan smiled and waved his hand. Rong Ziju bowed and saluted, and also left the hall.

"What's the matter, let's talk." Xue Wusuan lighted the cigar and took a sip. He was very curious as to what secrets this Hall Master Naihe had to report to him alone.

"Jun Yan, the reincarnation of the young lady and his wife is almost here..."

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